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Posts posted by LadyK

  1. Was hoping it wouldn't happen to me...but the scale has not moved this week, time to step up the excersise and be diligent in getting a gym membership. I did notice a little more slack in my clothes though, I'm hoping while the scale did not move, my skin is catching up. In the meantime, I will pretend like I'm on the Biggest Loser and that Jillian is on my heels LOL, time to sweat. :)

  2. I cut all mine off a year and a half ago, because my hair was overly processed and falling out by the handfuls. It took some getting used to, but I rocked the fro for a while LOL. It's almost shoulder length now. Since my surgery, I haven't noticed any more hair than normal falling out, so yes go ahead cut it, short hair is cute. You could also wear a wig, I wear wigs all Winter to protect my hair and give it a rest.

  3. Hmm, the only thing I can think of is maybe a Vitamin your taking? My urine was a florecent yellow color, but I only noticed it after I took my b complex vitamin, the rest of the time it was almost clear or very light yellow. If my urine gets concentrated that is a cause for concern. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I'm sure someone knows :)

  4. Tallysfunny, I know exactly what you mean, I hope I don't hit a 10 lbs gain...I'm just going to avoid the scale when I know that is happening because even though you know what's going on, that gain messes with you mind LOL.

    From 390 to 386 :D 4lb loss and my new clothes are awesome *happy dance*

  5. Still at 390 today, but I am not panicking, I had went up to 395 during the week because of "horomonal fluctuations" and almost had a heart attack, but It went back to 390 yesterday and this morning. I knew not to get on the scale while that was happening but I couldn't help myself, lesson learned. :rolleyes:

  6. I am elated and in awe that I am at 390, while I was heavier it seemed impossible to get below 400, but I am grateful I'm below 400. My next goal is below 300, then 200, then I want to stop somewhere between 150 and 169lbs. Any hoo, on to the NSV:

    1. My Christmas present was new clothes because all of my 7x, 6x, 5x shirts and 42 and 44 pants are way too big, I can now fit a 22/24 sweater comfortably and 26 jeans, before I couldn't get one leg into the avenue's largest pair of jeans a 30/32 :)

    2. I actually ran up the flight of stairs into my apartment and didn't feel like my heart was going to explode LOL

    3. I jogged through the parking lot with my daughters, (because of the cold) to the store entrance and one of my daughters said, "Mommy you can run now? Wow!! Before I would slowly lumber through the parking lot and feel like passing out, and one day my daughter 5 at the time told my husband, I don't want to walk with mommy, she walks too slow, I wanted to cry. Now I can keep up and most times I'm a few feet ahead and waiting on everyone else.

    4. All of the heels in my closet are now too big! I wanted to start wearing them but now they flop off my feet when I walk in them.

    5. My next goal also is the notorious booth :ph34r: It's been a long time and I want to see if I can fit without turning sideways.

    6. Turnstiles are no longer scary.

    7. I can do a few laps at the mall without having to find a bench to sit on or a motorized cart, same for the grocery store.

  7. That is wonderful! I been with my husband for 11 years too, it will be 12 this August(minus the 2 and 1/2 year we dated) I have always weighed more than him, and even though I felt horrible about it, he loved me anyway at 480lbs. I'm so happy now that I'm losing and on my way to being lighter than him. I am now at 394, I'm lighter now than I was when I met him :) Congrats on your loss!!

  8. Hey all! Hope your week was awesome! I will not tell how many times I looked at the scale this week LOL, but I am so excited to say I'm down from 407 to 396.6! I'm finally under 400 lbs, I haven't seen 300's since high school and college! :wub: This is surreal to me!! :lol: So that is a 10lb loss and 84lbs so far, I'm so surprised because I've been able to eat more and was afraid I gained, but my clothes tell a different story, time to go shopping!!

  9. I've heard it's really hard to digest, and have been told the same, no beef or read meat until so many months out, I can't remember if it was 6 or 8 months. I would love to have a steak, but I don't mess with it, Red meat has always been hard on my digestive system.

  10. I try so hard not to touch the scale but only once, but it always ends up twice, the first time to see if I've lost any. and another time to make sure my eyes haven't decieved me LOL ANYhoo, I weighed Thursday and today and I am down 4lbs this week! I'll try again next week to make it to next Saturday :rolleyes: It's just so hard, I'm just so happy to see the scale moving down. From 411 to 407!

  11. Your sweet..I have a ten year old..that loves them ..ill find alternatvies for her.

    Oh wow, your facing the same delimma I have then, kids that love snacks! I have a 6 and a 8 year old, They love Cookies, and brownies and that gets tough for me to have those in the house too, because I'm the one that has to cook them. It's so tempting to pick off the cookie dough and eat it. I've been trying to replace those things with fruits and other healthy Snacks, we will still have cookies, just not as often as before. My girls like cuties, (those tiny tangerines), grapes, string cheese, and bananas. I'm still working on veggies with them, if they see them they won't eat it so I puree them and hide them in spaghetti sauce. :)

    Hope everything works out for you and your aunt.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that :( will keep you and your family in my prayers, but in the meantime take a deep breath...take a step back and just keep going from here. I am also an emotional eater and what helps me daily is to think of how I'm feeling before I put anything in my mouth, and the nutritonal value of what I'm eating. I still think it's ok to have a treat every so often, but daily 5 or 6 times a day is a problem. Don't sweat it, we are all human, and are definitely not perfect! Keep your chin up and don't sweat this, just remember to think of how you feel, and what you've eaten already before you eat any meal. *hugs* AND get those donuts out of the house! I can't keep chocolate here it's too much of a temptation. When you have a treat buy the minimal amount so there are no leftovers to snack on for a few days.

  13. I'm going to Disney World!! LOL seriously, I want to take my children. I was so ashamed of planning a trip like that and not being able to enjoy myself on the rides or something as simple as walking through the park(which is several acres big) would have been too much for me, not any more. Also a Disney cruise, before I would look at the pictures of the boat and get teary, thinking will I be comfortable in a stateroom that small? NOT any more! I have so much more energy now, I will teach my girls to rollerblade/rollerskate, jump rope, hula hoop, dive of a diving board, all things I used to do before I packed on so much weight, I've lost some weight so far and I'm finally starting to feel like me again. One last thing is to wear all of the heels in my closet :)

  14. Awesome thread! Those are wonderful achievements :) Things that have happened so far for me at 2 1/2 months out are:

    1. I can park at the back of the grocery store lot and not feel like I'm going to pass out when I walk to the door, and I'm walking 10x's faster now!

    2. ALL of my clothes and underclothes are too big!! I'm down about 2 or 3 sizes and down 69 lbs :lol:

    3. My heel spurs stopped hurting.

    4. I'm off of 1 of my BP medicines.

    5. The dimples in my hands are disappearing and I found an extra dimple in my face that wasn't there before I lost weight LOL, I can actually see the change finally, after so long. I'm so grateful to not continue to let life pass me by, I feel I've wasted 20 years being overweight, and it's finally turning around :wub: ^_^

    want2live, you won't fail! This WILL work for you, be encouraged, you'll start to notice changes, for every one it's different. I'm still having this same conversation with my cousin, she thinks the same sometimes, all of us do, but keep your head up and don't worry, you will succeed at this! Keeping you in my prayers :)

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