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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LadyK

  1. Aww, I'm sorry you feel bad :( I had my crying days in the hospital too, You'll feel better soon! I had my surgery 5 days ago as well! I was just thinking I'm sick of the feeling something is in my throat too! To ease the hunger and which I'm starting to think it's a horrible gas bubble I move, even if it is in the middle of the night, my poor dog thinks I'm crazy cause I'm constantly moving. To ease the throat annoyance I keep sipping on liquids, If I can just get rid of this gas bubble I will be alright. It seems to shift from lodged behind my ribs, to my shoulder, then back through my intestines, It's like the gas is playing ring around the Rosie in my belly LOL. I have had a small headache but I think it was my sinuses Oh and the heparin shots, numb your belly with ice first then clean with the alchohol, then the sticking isn't so bad,Feel better, just know each day will be a victory :)

  2. Hello there...congrats on your surgery, I'm having mine at the same hospital and but the same Dr on October 9th....how are things going for you?

    You really have an AWESOME doc, he is caring and compassionate and keeps in contact with you to make sure everything is going well. I'm doing well, just very gassy, and more so now that I've started drinking my protein...all I can say is walk, walk, walk, and GAS X, LOL I'm doing great was down because the doc wanted me to stay an extra day, but he let me go home and I am a little sore but I am so happy about the road ahead, :-D you have an awesome doc!

  3. You can do it, I had the same struggle with my hubby during my pre op diet, I wanted to scream! LOL but I just said this I'm doing for me, and no matter what people eat around me, I have to do this, I want to be able to have a snowball fight with my children this winter. Let nothing deter you, what I did, was get mad with the food and say you know what I refuse to eat it, the more of the food I eat the farther I am away from my goal, I also nagged my husband about it constantly, It will work out! :)

  4. Hi everyone, I finally had my surgery on September the 27th and everything was fine with the sleeve, except for my BP and my surgeon was concerned that I would get dehydrated because I was unable to consume enough liquids to keep me hydrated. Now I have a pic line in my arm and I'm at home, was discharged yesterday, and the place where the pi line is inserted is still bleeding. I told my surgeon and he told me to take the dressing off and put a new one on there. I told him OK, but now I'm afraid to touch it, because I don't want to infect anything because when the nurse did it she had on blue scrubs and a mask and blue drapes on my arm....and I think the nurse told me to have a pic nurse to change the dressing for me, but in 1 week not the next day, I really am sick of it in my arm, but I understand why it was put there. now I am drinking my liquid diet with no problem, and urinating normally What do I do!? I'm scared to touch it :(

    *edit* OK phew, just spoke to my surgeon and it is gone as of tomorrow, Woot!! :lol:

  5. Hey! I was sleeved on the 27th and I feel pretty good! I had some issues with my BP, but they increased my meds and I also had to come home with a pic line. The Protein was making me nauseous, but I figured I would try again today and my protien is making me feel a whole lot better! I had a few emotional moments where I was like Lord why did I do this, and he always made sure there was someone there in the hospital who had the surgery too to remind me why. I am pressing toward the mark, each day I notice I feel better. I have a couple of milestones, I was 480 at my pre-surgical testing appointment and then 453 on the day of surgery, then I was 458 yesterday, but I know that's because of all the fluids. Then because I had been so heavy and there was a lot of Fluid on my legs, they were very painful to touch, the pain is gone, and my legs actually look like legs now :D

  6. I totally agree with you. I don't really care what people think of me, never have. I am just in shock that people have such strong feeling about this surgery. It seems like boob and nose jobs are no big deal but you let someone do something that will save their life then you better watch out. Things like this will not discourage me, I'll still do what I need to do for me. I was interested to see if this was a common thing that people deal with, glad to see you guys haven't experienced things like this.

    I haven't experienced it yet, my surgery is tomorrow, but I got a feelin' somebody will say something real stupid eventually. I've had mixed reactions to me telling people before hand, my cousin is the one who I have shared everything with though, she's trying to get her sleeve as well.

  7. In this situation, I think I would just roll with the punches, because it's like your darned if you do, and your darned if you don't. If you had weight loss surgery folks got something negative to say about it, and if you are still overweight, it's, "hey you need to lose weight" What nerve anybody has to tell me what to do with MY body. At this point, and after all I have been through with weight issues, and random people pointing and laughing at me, I could care less what folks think of me. I double dog dare some one, :angry: friend or foe, to get upset with me because I had weight loss surgery to make a healthier life for myself, and To be able to run with my children will be priceless....I already know I'm going to get some negative feed back from people because of it, so I said a prayer and asked God to shut my mouth if it needs to be shut, and if something needs to be said, give me what to say.

  8. I have the unfortunate luck of not being able to tolerate the whey... Any Protein liquids thus far have gone right through me.. they released me to pureed today just so I can start getting my protein via food at least... My blood pressure and energy levels were bottoming out due to the lack of protein...I stopped at Sonic on the way home and ordered a Sunshine Smoothie.. it isn't on their menu but they will still make it for you...Very high in protein and tasty... http://calorielab.co...moothie/14/2046

    I came home and made the BEST egg salad I have ever eaten lol... I feel so much better...

    I can't tolerate it either...I remember the first time I tried my Protein Shake, I'm like, cool, it's lactose free...yeah I might as well had been drinking a full glass of milk. My mom had to tell me that whey is from milk too. So every protien shake thus far runs through me and bloats my tummy unless I take 2-3 chewable lactaid tablets. Glad you feel better! :)

  9. I was just thinking the same thing this morning, because I almost passed out in the shower, I was only washing my hair and I felt so exhausted. I thought how will I do this after and my surgery is tomorrow at 1pm....I notice that if I just carefully calculate my movements, and move slower I don't feel so bad. Just keep reminding yourself that there is a prize at the end of this wobbly tunnel :P:D LOL Your weight loss goal, You can do it!! Thanks for posting this!

  10. What is your pre op diet and how long have you been on it? When is your surgery? I have to be on a diet for six months and I am struggling too. I keep thinking if I could follow this diet I wouldn't need the surgery!

    Thank you for your encouaging words Slenderella :)

    Kristikay I was supposed to lose 30lbs before surgery but I gained 10...I think the same thing, 6 months is a long time, my doctor only requested a week of yougurt, unsweetend applesauce, sugar free pudding, popsicles, skim milk, Protein Shakes and raw veggies, Jello, but It's hard to do this when I've contantly got people around me eating McDonald's, Taco Bell, and 7-11....once I made up in my mind hey I'm going to do this regardless of what's being eaten around me, I felt a lot better, still a little PO'd but I'll get over it. Time to start losing this weight, we both will! My surgery is September the 27th, only 1 more day, and this day I can only consume liquids, nothing red and no yogurt or veggies, just broth and Protein shakes and nothing after midnight Wednesday.

  11. Hi sleevers, I need a little help on today, I know everyone's pre-op diet is different in regaurds to requiremnts. I am on my two day before surgery mark and I constantly feel as if I am going to pass out. I am anemic but I didn't have to take any extra Iron latetly because I was eating enough Protein. This all changed when I started my diet on Thurs. I feel very sluggish and then I'm having leg cramps, and not just in my calves in my thighs. I had this before dieting as well, but was able to stave it off by eating bananas just before bed. I just got of the phone with a nutritionist and she said if I need to eat a banana or potato then eat one, because it won't affect the surgery. Before I go and eat a banana or potato, please let me know what you guys think...I can deal with the sluggishness but the cramping is not cool. Is there another supplement I could buy that has potassium in it?

  12. Yes I don't understand why they would push you toward the bypass, I feel that's what they are doing. My BMI is 70 and I heard nothing like that from my surgeon. When I went in, I told him why I didn't want the RNY, and my reasons are because I am lactose intolerant and anemic. I didn't want to risk messing around with my intestines, I've got enough going on with them LOL. I am scheduled for this Thursday as well. I hope that everything works out for you! :)

  13. We have had a Wii, and the Wii Sports was fun! I have had a good workout with it. We also have an Xbox and I have Kinect Sports 1 and 2. With the Kinect Sports 2, I have played tennis and boxing. Tennis is moderate, but that boxing, woo! I am drenched with sweat, that one really works me out, or my kids like the track and field. I just purchased another fitness game called Your Shape Evolved, it's supposed to be the best fitness game, so I heard, but I haven't tried it yet. There is also zumba on the xbox too.

  14. Glad to find this forum for AA sleevers. I heart everyone too but delighted to find another support system. I'm getting sleeved this upcoming Thur Sep 27 and am so excited about what lies ahead for me!

    Hey! Thats awesome, mine is this Thursday as well! I'm excited and ready to go get it! Praying for your quick recovery :-)

  15. Hello everyone, I am going in for surgery on the 27th and I started my pre-op diet...again on the 20th. Since then I have been feeling dizzy if I get up to quickly and like my mind is in a fog. I have fought through my family consuming McDonalds, taquitos and other tasty items. I just keep telling my self, I refuse to eat anything that will delay my surgery. I'm so hungry, the chicken strips and tater tots in my fridge have been calling my name since Thursday LOL. This is truly a battle. I have a question though, How do you all deal with getting everyone on board with eating healthy in your family when you have children that are picky eaters and a husband that needs a little more pushing? I wanted to cry yesterday when everyone ate McDonald's in front of me. I'm trying to keep cool, because I had issues with my BP when I went for pre-surgical testing. I think part of that was too much sodium, but the other part was one of my favorite things eaten in front of me, another day of fast food, so I was very angry. Another thing is I'm in school and I am trying to do course work for 2 classes, and my mind will not focus enough to write what I need to write. I have 2 online classes and usually, under normal circumstances, I am an excellent writer, but now I'm struggling to make one sentence. Should I drop these clases until winter semester because, I am REAL crazy about my GPA, I don't want to fall below a 3.5. Sorry for my novel, I'm just mentally exhausted right now... :(

  16. Hi! I hope you feel better. I have not had my surgery yet, but I'm going in this Thursday, and my nutritionist gave me alist of things to use for fiber, metamucil was one of them. I have always had problems with Constipation and on top of that I am lactose intolerant. I know what you mean about the metamucil, I can drink it now, so I know I won't be able to drink it after my sleeve. The other supplements on the list were: Benefiber, sugar free Citrucel, and Fiber Choice Sugar free chewables. Citrucel in my opinion taste just like Metamucil, gross, so I have tried the Fiber Choice Sugar free chewables, and I am pleasantly surprised, they taste pretty good, also make sure your drinking enough Water, because I notice with me, no matter how much fiber I have eaten, if there is not enough water in there to move things along your still uncomfortable. Hope this helps and that you feel better :)

  17. My surgeon didn't give me a specific weight goal, but he did tell me to try and lose 30 lbs before surgery, I don't know if I did or not, but my jeans felt a little looser, I could barely button them. I haven't been sleeved yet, but I'm to go in next week on the 27 :) I am compiling a master list of things I need to do buy, and I was wondering what to do for my hair as well, I haven't had a relaxer or texturizer for almost a year and a half. I'm completely natural now, what should I do to my hair? I thought about getting a sew-in or doing some cornrows, losing hair really bothers me and I'm hoping with my texture, if any major thinning happens, I'll be able to camo it with a fro, or if all else fails, I'm always shopping for a another lace front LOL Winter is coming anyway! :lol:

  18. What would you say if I wanted to start just an all white sleeves group. Wouldn't that be racist. Why can you guys make groups clubs colleges etc just for blacks and it's not racist but an all white college etc would be racist. Just a question?

    Well this is a free country so I wouldn't say a word, but FYI In reference to your question the reason there are institutions such as colleges, groups, clubs for people of African ancestry is because at the time black people wanted an education; they were unable to attain this by just walking into any college, they risked being hung, shot at, sprayed with Water hoses, you name it, you could also google the University of Alabama where several students were jeered and called things I dare not mention, James Hood and Vivian Malone in 1963 were apart of this group, the first group of African Americans allowed to enroll at the University of Alabama, which was an all white institution at the time.... Most black colleges were established after the civil war, there were also some established before. These colleges are called HBCU's or Historically Black Colleges and Universities. There is racial diversity at HBCU's here is a quote from wikipedia:

    Racial diversity at HBCUs

    As colleges work harder to maintain enrollment levels and because of increased racial harmony and the low cost of tuition, the percentage of non-African American enrollment has tended to climb.The following table highlights HBCUs with high non-African American enrollments: there was a chart here that showed European American enrollment you can google HBCU's to see the chart on wikipedia.

    and there's:

    Other HBCUs with relatively high non-African American student populations

    The following list illustrates the percentage of white(Caucasian) student populations currently attending historically black colleges and universities according to statistical profiles compiled by the US News and World Report Best Colleges 2011 edition: Langston University 12%; Shaw University 12%; Tennessee State University 12%; University of Maryland Eastern Shore 12%; North Carolina University 10%. The U.S. News and World Reports statistical profiles indicate that several other HBCUs have relatively significant percentages of non-African American student populations consisting of Asian, Hispanic, International and white American

    I do not feel this group was started with the intent to be racist, nor any college. I am sorry you are offended by this, and hope you will research this more. :unsure:

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