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Posts posted by LadyK

  1. I have a Quest chocolate brownie Protein bar...every evening at 8pm. I love them, they're filling, very chocolatey, only 170 calories, AND pack 20 grams of protein! Best treat I can imagine...tasty, AND a good protein choice!! :)

    Where do you buy those? I still have chocolate cravings and a mean sweet tooth during this time, The best one I had so far was a Mud Slide Atkins Bar, good ,but makes me a bit gassy. It's only 15 grams of protein, 20 grams would be awesome for me, anything to avoid shakes.< /p>

  2. Thank you everyone, thanks so much for the encouraging words :)

    Thank you lolly, I dread this time...I can't wait to feel normal again, :D

    ladydeen, I'm so sorry for your loss, thank you for encouraging me, but you be encouraged too, praying for you and your family's strength. I don't think one day will hurt you, the problem comes when we continue and say well I ate bad today, so I might as well wait till Monday to start again(that's what I did LOL) every Monday I would restart my diet and by Monday night completely FAIL! Before the surgery I would have eaten what you ate(minus the good n plenty I don't like licorice :lol: ) and ate and ate until what ever it was was completely gone. I think you should have a treat once a week, so you won't feel deprived and only because that's what you want and not because of how you are feeling. My treat days before surgery were from Sunday to Sunday and it took a toll on my health. Now we are sleeved and we can do this. Don't feel bad about one day, even two, what's important is that when you feel that you have fallen, get back up, dust yourself off and keep at it! :) Thanks again everyone!!

  3. Today, I did awesomely well with my eating, I made it to 1,086 calories, and got all of my Protein in through just eating, no gross shakes. That amount will off set once I get in my cardio/weights before bed. I logged in my meals for today in a food journal and I looked at the list and got scared...scared of regaining weight. All of my choices were healthy and I don't understand why I'm nervous and on the verge of tears(it could be the period hormones acting up this month) My greatest fear is failing this journey. I can't understand why I feel this way, I've done well so far :unsure: I just have this picture in my mind(and on my phone) of how fat my face looked and how tired I was of dealing with being like that.....just thinking about going back to that state, makes me panic. Some months are better than others, but this month, 9 days before my period starts, I feel like a weepy mess...I don't like PMS....I just feel really sad right now. :(

  4. That's awesome! I want some cashews so bad, but I was told no nuts or popcorn either until 6 months out, maybe I'll experiment with my Ninja and try to make some cashew butter, cause I can eat Peanut Butter. The same thing over and over gets boring :)

    *edit* Why no shellfish? Also what is considered shellfish, lobster and crab? I think my nutritional book says the same thing no shellfish, but then it also says I can eat lobster and crab.

  5. I messed up and bought a scale the other day...and now am obsessed with looking at the scale too much. Glad I saw this thread! I'll start with when I went to the surgeon's office on 11/15/12, I was 421lbs, I weighed my self Thursday, yesterday and today(LOL :rolleyes:) and I am 414lbs. So from here on out, I'll try to resist and wait until next Saturday....I hope :ph34r: :D So that is a 7lb loss.

  6. Hi everyone! I am 5'9, I started out at 480 lbs, I wore a 44 in jeans and 6x tops. Some tops I had were 30/32 and fit me like a tight piece of rubber...and right before surgery on 9/27/2012 all of my 44 and 42 jeans were getting to the point where I couldn't zip them. Now I am 8 weeks and I honestly don't know what size I wear. I can say that all of my clothes are almost falling off of me and the 44 and 42 jeans I can't wear anymore because I can pull them on and off with them zipped and buttoned my 30/32 tops are getting looser as well, I am currently 414 :) my goal is to be 150, but for now I'm just aiming for under 200 lbs because I want a son, and did NOT want to endure another pregnancy in the 400's.

    I forgot I did try on a 4x skirt in my closet and it FIT, so now I think I wear a 4x, I can't wait to go shopping, but I'm going to give it a little while longer, maybe when I get into the 300s :)

  7. Yes, I would let him alone, but my children see me not eating much, and see him not eating many veggies, and bringing home too many sweets, it's conflicting for them they are only 9 and 7. I want us both to set the path together for healthy and normal eating habits. I can't just not say anything because it's always in the back of my mind what if he never stops, and we could have spent 50 more years together, but only got 20. I can't bear the thought of doing this alone, and l couldn't imagine him trying to raise two girls by himself either. :( I could never forgive myself if I never said anything, but I have said to him what was needed to be said and I agree with you, I will continue, and let my actions influence him, I've lost 59lbs already, I hope that he will listen soon. Thank you :)

  8. Thanks for your responses, I really appreciate it :) I feel a little, better, not angry, but I still want to cry, this is so hard because he asked me to cook the cookies....I'm trying not to be the nagging wife, but it just scares me. Especially when he told me the other day when he woke up he couldn't see out of one of his eyes, that used to happen to me when my bp was too high.

  9. tjloser, yes I thought about this too, but my girls are very young, and my husband I love him and don't want him to have a stroke eating like he does, I need him here, we have to raise our girls together. Yes I did make this decision, but before I decided this we both discussed him changing his habits too. I don't want to force him but I want him to see what this could possibly do to himself and our children, I want them to learn now about how to eat properly, my 9 yr old already inhales her food and it scares me.

    Jennie LOL yes that's a good idea, I'll ask for flowers :)

  10. BUT, I shall remain a lady and be calm...I am absolutely livid at the fact that I am EXACTLY 8 weeks tomorrow and I know it's Thanksgiving, but this has been going on for 9 weeks now (1 week pre-op) I have discussed this several times with my husband about us changing our eating habits together. Pre-op was hell week for me because I had to fight my own self with cravings and still had to watch my husband eat whatever he wanted. I am so hurt and sad right now I want to cry, but I won't cause I just don't feel like talking about it again, when I feel so angry as well. He just came in with 2 bags of chips, 2 packs of Cookies, and a pecan pie. I didn't say anything, but he said well I figure it's Thanksgiving tomorrow, and your going to eat dessert over your mom's anyway, you might as well eat some tonight. At that point I kept my cool, but I am so ready to take all of that stuff and throw it off the nearest cliff...How do I get my family on board with eating portions and in moderation, I don't have a problem with a treats ,but that much all at once is getting old. I used to be able to put most of that away in a matter of minutes, but not anymore I refuse to go back to 480 lbs....as I sit here calmly with my Protein Shake please give me some suggestions to change the eating habits here. We are raising 2 girls and it would hurt my heart to see them look in the mirror at themselves and see what I used to see...I also love my husband dearly, he has high bp too, I want him to get healthy too. It's been 8 weeks and I think it's getting to be ridiculous with the portions. I'm trying to remain calm, over the weeks I've cried, screamed and not said anything, what else do I do?.... :(

  11. That's right, girl Keep your chin up and keep it moving. I truly believe when we receive backlash because of our choice to have the surgery, the other person feels threatened and jealous, don't know why because you are doing this for your health, God is a povider and protector, you'll be fine and healthy! :)

  12. The smaller pills they made me swallow in the hospital, the bigger ones I broke in half. I was able to swallow the larger pills at about 4-5 weeks, I'm 7 weeks almost 8 now. They told me also not to swallow any pill larger than the size of an M&M at first. It varies for everyone, ask your surgeon and then test it, if it doesn't go down try breaking them in half, that's better than crushing. I had one nurse crush my pills in the hospital for her shift, and I was sick the entire time she was there :) , I'm glad the other nurses make me take the meds they brought whole or broke in half.

  13. I have hip pain on one side, but I think my hip pain is attributed to them being misaligned. This started after I had my first daughter and it progressively got worse with the second baby. I also have pain in my tailbone too now, I'm currently looking for a chiropractor. A bad mattress can hurt your hips as well. Maybe the excess skin on your tummy is pulling your lower back so your walking differently? Call your surgeon or PCP or even try to find a chiropractor. I hope this helps :) and I hope your hip pain goes away.

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