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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LadyK

  1. LadyK

    Sleeve Vs Csection

    I had a hiatal hernia repair too, and I still wasn't in a lot of pain, Maybe it's just everyone's threshold of pain level, because I think the c section was the worse, and then a contracting uterus while breastfeeding with the c-section OMG I thought it hurt so bad, but I've seen others I know have c-sections and vaginal births like it was a breeze.
  2. You've been drinking liquid protein too long when you smell the shake and gag... I'm SICK of shakes now even though I can eat a little, I still can't eat enough to stop drinking them.
  3. LadyK

    Compression Garments?

    I wear one currently, but I had to wait until things were not so inflamed on the inside, because every time I put one on it gave me indigestion LOL I think it was because it was pressing in on everything, now it doesn't bother me I'm 7 weeks now. Just make sure your incisions are completely healed on the outside before you try one.
  4. LadyK

    Funky Tastes!

    My sense of smell is just like I'm pregnant LOL My husband had some sardines he was eating and he threw the can in the garbage I smelled it and instantly gagged. My taste buds seem to have changed a little, but I think when you stop eating, sugar, salt, and fat, when you taste those things again it tastes funny.Holly5.3 I don't drink all the additives any more in my water, now I just put a slice of fresh lemon or lime in it and squeeze a little of the juice in there to give it a little flavor. I never have been able to drink plain water.
  5. I was an emotional eater too, and what I found helpful was to think about why I'm eating. Am I happy, mad, sad? Sometimes I would go to the cabinet and fridge over and over again just to look in there to eat when I had just ate. Now I still think about how I am feeling but a lot of it has gone away, I just don't have the same motivation for food. I feel like eating is a chore now, I actually don't feel like eating. The only reason I eat now is because I know if I don't have some sort of sustenance It could be a detriment to me. So now I'm eating to live. Another thing that helps is I finally see the weight coming off, my clothes are too big for me now, smaller clothes is a motivator. The main reason I got the sleeve was to make my children's lives more enjoyable, now I can finally stop saying Mama knows how to Rollerblade, roller skate, jump rope, ride a bike, dive off a diving board, and hula hoop...but I can't right now. Now I can say hey let's go have fun and teach them in the process about eating normal and eating a proper portion size. I'm still working on my husband's eating, but that's another story...I have noticed that I am more outspoken about how I feel now. Your NOT broken and you can do this, but you should really think about why are you eating when you eat, think about your emotional state and how long has it been since you last ate then eat. No regrets so far, but there was a period while I was in the hospital where I thought, Why did I do this to myself, but looking back it was because I could not eat like I used to. Now that I see progress I'm all good!
  6. LadyK


    Sorry I just saw this, I pray you are doing well and believe that this will work for you, God Bless
  7. I am so grateful for my life, my health, and the ability just to say THANK YOU to the Lord for this year is finally turning around. I've lost 59lbs so far and I don't feel tired anymore, my energy is coming back! I am going to my mom's house for Thanksgiving my mom asked what I could eat and she is making the menu based on my stage of food she has been so supportive in this. I don't know if she is making stuffing this time if so, I'm having a tiny spoon of it, but I'll make sure to eat my turkey first
  8. Thanks everyone!! :wub: SML1997 cool! I hope everything is well so far with your journey I'm so happy, I can't wait to start shopping again
  9. LadyK

    Anyone Use The Wii?

    Wow, I didn't know it said that I was always afraid to get the board. I thought I would break it because I weighed so much.
  10. Hey ladies, I was just wondering what is the strongest OTC medicine you can find for menstrual cramping...this is my second period since surgery, and this one is a doozy complete with nausea, joint ache, back ache, and painful cramps. If I didn't know any better I would seriously think I was in labor...I was hoping my periods would be a bit more manageable with out pain meds after the surgery, but reality has quickly kicked me in the lower abdomen and reminded me that, this is the norm for me. Even at smaller sizes, I've always had horrible cramps and the nausea was an added perk after I had children. This bad cramping varies from month to month, some months I barely have cramps and others I swear my uterus is trying to twist itself inside out. I have been tempted to take the left over liquid Tylenol 3 in the cabinet, but I'm concerned about the alcohol content, there is also vicodin up there, but I don't want to make my self sicker, vicodin always makes me sick. The extra strength Tylenol is NOT working....warm tea helps a bit, and I am sitting here with a heating pad under my stomach, it's not working either...
  11. LadyK

    Under The 400's!

    That is wonderful, Keep up the awesome work!!!
  12. LadyK

    Sleeve Vs Csection

    My first C-section I was in a great deal of pain, I healed really well and quickly, the second one I was surprised because although it was painful, but not as much as the first and I wondered if it was because those nerves in that area were severed, I don't think they ever came back cause it's still numb today, and that was 6 years ago. I healed well after that one too. With the sleeve the only pain I felt was when I was coming out of anesthesia, and I could feel my stomach hurting, but I'm not sure if they had started my pain pump yet, or I could have been just out of it. It hurt, but no where near c-section pain, the incisions healed well too, and I honestly don't remember my incisions hurting at all, just a little pulling when I moved, and a little itchy. I wish my c-sections could have been like the sleeve.
  13. LadyK

    Two New "cupcakes"

    OMG...I just went to Emily Bites and found a cupcake called Hawaiian Barbecue, the ingredients remind me of a barbecue chicken pizza, yumm! I think I'd better stock up on wonton wrappers, I think I'll be making a lot of these in the future. I can even see my picky children liking these.
  14. Your mom is just being mom. She sees you as her baby, and still remembers the day you were born, feeding, changing you, comforting you when you were ill, and seeing you grow into a woman. She can't bear the thought of losing her baby in her eyes because of this type of surgery. Keep talking to her and reassuring her that everything will be alright, and stand your ground, ultimately this is your decision to make. She'll feel better when she sees you are happier and healthy. My mom was very supportive and encouraged me to do what ever I had to do to lose the weight because my weight was so high, I think she was more fearful of my weight and blood pressure than the surgery.
  15. LadyK

    Anyone Use The Wii?

    There's a new Nike Training game coming out for the Kinect, it looks like it may give a good work out, I tried the Your Fitness Evolved and I like it, it makes you sweat. I want to try Zumba on the Kinect too.
  16. I made the ricotta bake the other night and added Ms. Dash Italian seasoning, and eggs to the ricotta mm mm good I can eat ground turkey I'm in the soft stage now, so I just browned the ground turkey, and added that to my spaghetti sauce and poured it over the ricotta and baked it.
  17. LadyK

    It Feels Amazing!

    I can't wait to go to VIctoria's Secret to get a bra too,nighties and panties! AND a whole arsenal of of new stilettos to match
  18. LadyK

    Skinny Women Are Evil

    I used to wonder why folks get into fights and this is exactly why, she needed a swift punch in her size 4 throat :ph34r: ...smh No no, no throat punches, but I would have made her aware that her face looked like the bottom of a shoe ...no then you would be as bad as she was, so I probably would have just ignored her.
  19. LadyK

    Where's My Miracle?

    I so needed to hear these comments, I was feeling down about my body not transforming fast enough, I know it's coming off, but I am ready to go shopping for a new size, I'm not there yet, my clothes are baggy now, but I'm ready for them to be so big that I can't wear them any more LOL. We just have to be patient, waiting is so hard... Thanks for posting this
  20. I was there for 2 nights, 3 days, and anesthesia made me so tired and sleepy, I didn't care what they did the first day. Now, the second day because I sleep pretty light, every time the nurses came in I opened my eyes, I think I scared them a few times LOL. Depends on how you feel after and how fast the anesthesia wears off. Be careful with your IPad though, make for certain someone is there with you to keep it when you are out of your room.
  21. Aww, don't feel bad girlie I've had this same conversation with my cousin about "friends" that have told her the same thing you heard. What I told her was that her "friend" is jealous. Why would you discourage someone from something that will save their life? I believe because the friend is afraid, in their mind that after surgery, you'll get more attention than they will...sad, because this is a self-esteem issue in the other person. Keep your head up and keep it moving, I have children as well and I told a few people and heard a few negative responses along the way, but I do not give a rat's behind about what they think, because it will be priceless around this time next year Lord willing that I'll be able to run, jump rope, roller skate, and play with my girls with out saying, Mommy can't, I'm tired. Your doing this for your health, and if she doesn't understand this at some point, baby let her drop just like the weight your about to lose. Sometimes you have to love people from a distance. Cheer up now and smile, you are going to get through this
  22. LadyK

    Lasagna Cupcakes!

    I am so trying these! I am running out of options for my super picky children, this sounds very tasty!
  23. LadyK

    Gurgling Noises?:-P

    LOL, I am 6 weeks out and notice it whether I eat or drink and my dog is usually around when I pull out food and looks at my stomach then looks at me like, what the heck was that LOL.
  24. I wouldn't take offense to what she said, don't feel bad Pay her no mind. You are doing it and know that your clothes are fitting different and the scale is reflecting that too, so just keep on moving towards your goal, soon she'll be like WOW. In my case I'm losing all over and my husband says he sees it coming off all over, and I just noticed my self that my face and neck look smaller, I'm 6 weeks out too. As long as you feel and see the difference and are happy with what you see and feel, ignore her. There will always be people that say off the wall stuff whether we are overweight, underweight, or anything in-between, as long as you are getting healthy is all that matters

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