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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LadyK

  1. LadyK

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    I try so hard not to touch the scale but only once, but it always ends up twice, the first time to see if I've lost any. and another time to make sure my eyes haven't decieved me LOL ANYhoo, I weighed Thursday and today and I am down 4lbs this week! I'll try again next week to make it to next Saturday It's just so hard, I'm just so happy to see the scale moving down. From 411 to 407!
  2. Oh wow, your facing the same delimma I have then, kids that love snacks! I have a 6 and a 8 year old, They love cookies, and brownies and that gets tough for me to have those in the house too, because I'm the one that has to cook them. It's so tempting to pick off the cookie dough and eat it. I've been trying to replace those things with fruits and other healthy snacks, we will still have cookies, just not as often as before. My girls like cuties, (those tiny tangerines), grapes, string cheese, and bananas. I'm still working on veggies with them, if they see them they won't eat it so I puree them and hide them in spaghetti sauce. Hope everything works out for you and your aunt.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear that will keep you and your family in my prayers, but in the meantime take a deep breath...take a step back and just keep going from here. I am also an emotional eater and what helps me daily is to think of how I'm feeling before I put anything in my mouth, and the nutritonal value of what I'm eating. I still think it's ok to have a treat every so often, but daily 5 or 6 times a day is a problem. Don't sweat it, we are all human, and are definitely not perfect! Keep your chin up and don't sweat this, just remember to think of how you feel, and what you've eaten already before you eat any meal. *hugs* AND get those donuts out of the house! I can't keep chocolate here it's too much of a temptation. When you have a treat buy the minimal amount so there are no leftovers to snack on for a few days.
  4. Hello all! Mine is Yekisha add me too.
  5. I'm going to Disney World!! LOL seriously, I want to take my children. I was so ashamed of planning a trip like that and not being able to enjoy myself on the rides or something as simple as walking through the park(which is several acres big) would have been too much for me, not any more. Also a Disney cruise, before I would look at the pictures of the boat and get teary, thinking will I be comfortable in a stateroom that small? NOT any more! I have so much more energy now, I will teach my girls to rollerblade/rollerskate, jump rope, hula hoop, dive of a diving board, all things I used to do before I packed on so much weight, I've lost some weight so far and I'm finally starting to feel like me again. One last thing is to wear all of the heels in my closet
  6. Awesome thread! Those are wonderful achievements Things that have happened so far for me at 2 1/2 months out are: 1. I can park at the back of the grocery store lot and not feel like I'm going to pass out when I walk to the door, and I'm walking 10x's faster now! 2. ALL of my clothes and underclothes are too big!! I'm down about 2 or 3 sizes and down 69 lbs 3. My heel spurs stopped hurting. 4. I'm off of 1 of my BP medicines. 5. The dimples in my hands are disappearing and I found an extra dimple in my face that wasn't there before I lost weight LOL, I can actually see the change finally, after so long. I'm so grateful to not continue to let life pass me by, I feel I've wasted 20 years being overweight, and it's finally turning around :wub: want2live, you won't fail! This WILL work for you, be encouraged, you'll start to notice changes, for every one it's different. I'm still having this same conversation with my cousin, she thinks the same sometimes, all of us do, but keep your head up and don't worry, you will succeed at this! Keeping you in my prayers
  7. LadyK


    From the album: LadyK

    I'm so happy, the weight is finally coming off!!
  8. LadyK

    1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1 cups?

    I'm almost 3 months out, and it depends on what I'm eating. I go by ounces, I can eat between 4 and 6. 4oz if it's meat(depends on if it's chicken, fish, or shrimp), Denser meat like chicken or turkey is more like 2-3 oz. 6 oz if it's yogurt or soup. Vegetables fall somewhere in-between, depending on the amount of protein I have there too. I never go over 6 oz for fear of vomiting, I haven't vomited at all, only a bit of nausea very early on. I want to avoid it at all costs. I use a tea saucer to eat my meals on too. I put the saucer on the scale, tare out the weight of the plate, then put my food on. 1/4 cup is 2oz and 4oz is 1/2 cup and 3/4 cup is 6oz.
  9. LadyK

    Emotions make my sleeve tight?

    Same here, I thought it was just me, I would, before the sleeve comfort myself with food, but when I'm upset or cry, I don't have any desire to eat. It feels like it will come back up if I eat while I'm upset. Keep your chin up, it will get better
  10. That's wonderful! I am almost 3 months too, and have lost about the same amount as you! I have a longer road ahead though, It feels so great to FINALLY walk at a normal pace and not feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest LOL I'm so glad I got the sleeve :-) I can't wait to go shopping! I'm off of 1 of my BP meds too!
  11. LadyK

    3 months out what are u eating/break/lunch/dinner

    I'm almost 3 months out (9/27/12 was surgery date) I struggle daily to balance my fluids with my eating. Before I was so used to just drinking before or after my meals or all through it. I eat soups, homemade or canned, shrimp, tilapia, I'm tired of tilapia now, shrimp I'll never get tired of. Another thing that I have been eating is Lean Cuisine Salad Additions. It's just chicken and veggies with dressing, I add about a handful of lettuce(3 oz) and I've got a filling meal, those have been my favorite lately. Boiled eggs mixed with hummus but I make it like egg salad without the mayo, is good too. I plan on doing more homemade chili and soups for the winter.
  12. LadyK

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    I'm 411 now, I couldn't resist weighing on Thursday and today LOL. I'm down 3 lbs :-)
  13. LadyK

    Christmas help- you know you want to!

    Irresistible by Givenchy is my favorite, this is sold at Macy's too, but I got mine from Perfumania.
  14. Ouch! Was eating a little to fast today and bit down hard on my toungue...note to self: SLOW down!

  15. My hands are starting to lose their dimples LOL

  16. LadyK

    Me again :-)

    From the album: LadyK

    I'm so happy, the weight is finally coming off!!
  17. Girl, you find you another surgeon! I am so sorry you had to endure someone so ignorant. I can't stand when people who are in a position to deal with the public act like they don't have any tact whatsoever. In this state we are already fragile mentally and it sucks that this surgeon was apparently having a bad PMS day that she had to take it out on you. You came there for her to help and support you. I'm sorry for the rant, it is just unnerving to hear doctors be so insensitive, I've ran into my fair share when I was going through a miscarriage, you wouldn't believe the crap I've heard...Keep your head up, there are surgeons that will operate on you. My surgeon told me to lose 30lbs mainly for the purpose of my liver, but he also said it wasn't a big deal if I didn't lose the 30, if I had lost 10 lbs, then that would have shrunk it some. You don't want to deal with that attitude after surgery. I would have cried too, but let her know her customer service skills were lacking and she needed to find a new profession if she didn't like to deal with the public....Sorry, there I go again LOL keep searching hun, you'll find a great surgeon, that is supportive and professional.
  18. Hi all, I am finally in my puree stage, I've been doing well on it, so far I've eaten, hummus, pureed white chicken chili, pureed peaches, and fat- free re-fried beans with fat-free cheese since the 12th of October plus my protein shakes. I average about 75 grams of protein with my shakes alone, but I have been just eating a tablespoon or less of pureed food each time I want to know how much should I eat? Because to day I did about 15 to 20 minutes of low impact exercise, twice today, where I was sweating, but afterward I felt hungry? Is this normal? Am I eating enough?
  19. LadyK


    I'm using Mederma too, it is working! :-)
  20. My anesthesiologists were very nice and told me I would be asleep for the placement of the breathing tube, but may feel it coming out if I was awake. I was extremely scared, about the breathing tube, and about being put to sleep. I said a prayer, and was very calm before going into the OR. No meds had been put into my IV yet. I was pushed in there, then they asked me to scoot onto the operating table, and place my feet against whatever thing was at the bottom of the table, then I had to stretch my arms out. Then they put a breathing mask over my face and told me to take some deep breaths. Then one of the anesthesiologist started to talk to me and told me everything was going to be fine and that they were beginning to put the medicine into my IV, at that second, all I remember thinking was "gee his eyes are such a pretty blue" and the room started to look weird, the next thing I know I heard them calling my name and saying they were wheeling me to my room. I don't remember the tube going in or coming out. Don't be afraid, I will keep you in my prayers, for a quick recovery, you'll do fine
  21. I had Coldstone ice cream quite a few times as my last hurrah, pizza, ribs. I didn't think of it as necessarily leaving it behind, because I will feel deprived and want it more, I just think of it as eating in moderation. I will still eat those things every now and then, just MUCH less and a lot less often. My main problem before surgery was portion control and wanting a "treat" every single day with every meal, and in between meals, now I can put a handle on it. Like for Thanksgiving I had a tiny spoon of everything and was OK with what I had, I even had a tiny tiny tiny piece of pecan pie and a little piece of the crust. Last year I would have eaten half the pie and so much food, and would have praying for my food to digest so I wouldn't have to throw it up...smh. Now that the scale is moving it feels so awesome
  22. I was sleeved on 9/27/12 and my total weight loss from my presurgical testing appointment (9/20/12) to now is 67 lbs. All of my clothes are too big, I was a 6 or 7X in tops and a 42-44 bottoms,and those were getting tight before surgery. Now I can see my hourglass coming back and I am a 4x in bottoms, and a 4x in tops, the waist of everything is too big. I am eating about 1000-1200 calories a day, and I use my fitness pal to balance the calories according to exercise for the day, I feel great!! *edit* Forgot to say, I tried on one of my husband's 3X t shirts and it fit normal and wasn't tight! WooT!
  23. Try liquid Tylenol, or call the surgeon office to make certain. Cramps are horrible, I get them really bad too.
  24. Food lasts a lot longer now, you will definitely notice a difference!
  25. My surgery was on 9/27/12 and mine is back like clock work and did not skip a beat. I started a few days after surgery, right on time, on October 4th, it was quite a bit lighter, but the next month....my gracious everything was back in full swing and back with a vengeance. I WISH mine was lighter and less crampy. I felt like the surgery made no difference in that aspect. I still get salty and sweet cravings too. This month was weird though, I was actually craving meat, even though I had plenty of protein LOL

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