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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevie.wonder

  1. sleevie.wonder

    Having second thoughts...

    This is for you and not anyone else. But if you feel this is not right for you for other reasons then you can always postpone or cancel. But I for one decided that this was my year to stop pleasing everyone else and to take care of myself for a change. No regrets at all since surgery and I am so excited to start my new life. Let the naysayers be naysayers. You can flaunt your new body at them later on and ask again why they thought it was a bad idea.
  2. Thanks for this. It's nice to get the non sugar coated stories once in a while. Best of luck to you on your continued journey.
  3. I feel the same way you do as far as wanting to keep it private. Why is it so freaking hard to understand "don't tell anyone"? Makes me wish I hadn't told anyone at all. My boyfriend has already told his friends who I specifically told him NOT to tell. Now its only a matter of time before everyone else knows. It's not his damn business to tell. He says he had to tell them to explain why he was sluggish at work. Really?! Helping with your daughter for a week is effecting work? Sorry, using this to vent lol.
  4. sleevie.wonder

    Anyone ever have second thoughts?

    Oh yes we all go through it. The morning of surgery I kept asking myself "you're really going to do this? Are you sure? It's not too late to back out" but then I remembered the past couple years and all the months of waiting and prepping and I quickly shushed those thoughts. I was very calm and happy going into surgery. Best decision ever. Good luck!
  5. sleevie.wonder

    Any Regrets?

    None. In fact I'm a little sad that it's over! But I am so excited about my new life. My 2nd chance to do it right. You will do great. Good luck!
  6. sleevie.wonder

    Yesterday I went rogue....

    The other day I got a venti ice water from Starbucks. It wasn't until it was about 1/3 gone before I realized I had been drinking from the straw! I was freaking out. But I lived. I'm only two weeks out. No gas or anything afterward. But I agree, it's so much easier to get water in when you use a straw.
  7. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Yay good luck to today's sleevers! Update as soon as you're up to it! Had my two week follow up with my surgeon today. He was super happy with my weight loss (20 lbs in 13 days) and my incisions look good. I get to start puréed on Thursday. Had some blood work done too. I have him a big hug because I knew that was probably the last time I'll see him and I am just sooo thankful for such an amazing surgeon. Probably not something he's used to but hey I have no shame.
  8. sleevie.wonder

    Pre-op freak out! Help!

    Yep we all go through the pre-op "freak-out". Just try and find peace in the fact that you will be starting a whole new lifestyle for the better. Just because complications CAN happen doesn't mean they WILL happen. It's no walk in the park but after a couple weeks you will be feeling back to normal. Just think about all the positives instead of the negatives. Good luck!
  9. Congrats! It's great to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. I was going crazy not knowing when my surgery was. This will allow you all the time you need to better prepare yourself mentally and physically. Keep losing weight as you will want to have your liver shrink, even if only a little, before surgery. Keep reading these boards and educate yourself as much as possible. But best of all, think of all the things you will get to do and how you will feel after dropping your weight! No negative thoughts! So exciting! Congrats!
  10. I didn't get a chocolate with mines that I recall. I received banana,strawberry, orange cream, and vanilla. I wonder if I should have received a chocolate one?? I shake mines in plain Water and love it. I find that I enjoy the flavor far greater over blending it which to me altered the taste some. By chance did u blend it or shake it? Sorry it wasn't tasty for u. I didn't order a sample pack from their website, but rather ordered individual samples from Nashuanutrition.com. I mixed it with water and shake it in my shaker bottle. It's all good! I've always been very sensitive to artificial sweeteners so it is really going to take a miracle to find a Protein that doesn't have that taste to me lol.
  11. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Very cool . Just reading "cold feet" is what prompted my response.
  12. sleevie.wonder

    Can you pick up KFC? ...Um what?

    My boyfriend has brought fast food home and eaten it in front of me a few times now, even when I've asked him not to. I told him it was the equivalent of smoking crack in front of a newly clean ex-crack addict. Just because he can doesn't mean he should. Makes it super hard!
  13. I ordered samples of the chocolate and the strawberry. Didn't like the strawberry, there was very much an aftertaste. Chocolate wasn't bad.
  14. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    For everyone who is worrying: I'm afraid it doesn't go away until you wake up in recovery lol. I was so relieved when I woke up to "wake up hun your surgery went great". I've never once worried about a leak. I was only afraid of blood clots, so I am still getting up and walking often to this day. Truth is, worrying doesn't help anything and only made my blood pressure and heart rate go up before I went into the OR, which I would've rather not had. Just relax, everything will be fine
  15. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Don't go through with it with doubts, because this is irreversible. The last thing you want is to have regrets. But to stop losing is as simple as eating more calories. Just think of all the positive reasons you want this surgery and go with your gut. Surgeries can always be postponed if you need more time. Good luck
  16. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    I was given one and told to do the same. I never used it... :x
  17. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Hi guys I am 11 days post-op and I feel about 99% as far as soreness. It's pretty much gone. Haven't been getting my protein in but plenty of water. I am definitely more tired and little things such as a shower takes a lot out of me. Hoping this passes soon. But otherwise I am just sooo happy I did this for myself. I was 308 the day of surgery 11 days ago and I am down to 287 as of this morning. 21 lbs how the heck?? But I'm just happily going along with it! My first post-op appt with my surgeon is on Tuesday. Then I get to start puréed woohoo! Just miss the feeling of "eating" sometimes.
  18. sleevie.wonder

    What to bring?!?!

    You'll be in a hospital gown the entire time you're there. I personally wore home what I wore there, so only one outfit (make sure it's comfy). Bring something to entertain you (books, tablet, etc). Cell phone, Chapstick I hear is a big one (I never used it). Toothbrush, toothpaste, shower bar (although all these things are available at the hospital). Hair ties, hair brush.
  19. sleevie.wonder

    Weight lose

    There are plenty of us on here who have been sleeved this year. We are here to help and answer any questions you may have
  20. sleevie.wonder

    4days post surgery questions

    Yes, completely normal. Just part of the healing process!
  21. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Glad to hear you're doing well! And I agree about people who haven't had surgery yet doing well. This was my very first surgery and I've been having a textbook recovery.
  22. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    I hear ya. I didn't fart until a couple of days after surgery and it made me feel 100% better. I hope the gas starts moving south for you soon.
  23. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Yep the nerves suck! Instead of thinking about things that could go wrong, think about everything positive that will come out of doing this. Helped my nerves a lot pre-op. You will be fine!
  24. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    I am on full liquids until next Wednesday. I can't wait to start puréed foods!
  25. sleevie.wonder

    Offically Post-Opt

    That's great congrats! I was worried about the 2nd day being bad, since my 1st day went very well, but it only got better each day. 9 days out now and no pain whatsoever. My tummy gives me a little reminder if I attempt to bend over to grab something or if I cough/sneeze too hard though

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