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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevie.wonder

  1. Well the biggest difference is that bypass creates a pouch roughly the size of an egg, and the whole 1st portion of your intestines gets bypassed so most of the weight loss is from malabsorption (and yadda yadda I'm sure you know all of this!). With the sleeve, the surgeon REMOVES around 80% of your stomach (sometimes more). They then staple it closed and you are left with a little banana stomach (I've heard hot dog stomach too). Since there is no re-routing, there usually isn't malabsorption. I don't think there is an answer to which is "better". You lose faster with bypass, but the weight loss averages to about the same as the sleeve in the long run. You can still swallow pills after the sleeve, whereas you won't be able to do that with bypass. Most importantly, as with any bariatric surgery, the sleeve is a tool, not a solution. While the physical hunger might not be there, the head hunger will always linger. It's still up to you as to what ends up on your fork and down the hatch. As long as you follow all guidelines and make this a lifestyle change, you will succeed. Best of luck to you!
  2. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Thanks for the suggestion I will have to look for that. Where did you find it?
  3. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    What were your symptoms of dehydration? I am not getting much fluids down still but feel fine...
  4. I told my immediate family. But two of them have already told other people. I got so frustrated and mad when I found out. I mean, now people I don't even KNOW now know about my surgery. That is so weird to me. It's none of their damn business. And it's not my family's business to be telling other people. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, idk. Just wish I knew why it is so hard to keep it to themselves.
  5. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    For me it's milk. Even lactose free milk. Now I'm finding it's even soy milk. WTH!!! Guess I'm meant to never drink any type of milk again.
  6. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    I am 4 weeks and 2 days after surgery. I am only 4 lbs away from 50 lbs lost from my highest weigh that I was at in January. I am in disbelief! I can't help but still feel like this is unreal since I still have soo much left to go. I have only gone down one pant size too which is weird for almost 50 lbs lol. It's probably since I am tall (5'9.5"). I am on soft foods, and since there is more variety, I am eating more. Which has seemed to boost my weight loss. Guess my body appreciates the extra calories rather than being in starvation mode! I made a turkey meatloaf last night and it was very good. Here's the recipe in case anyone would like to try: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2009/02/turkey-meatloaf-45.html. Could only finish an oz or so but hey it's something! edit: fixed link
  7. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    I am in week 5 and have started eating a little egg salad. I just put a few hard-boiled eggs in my food processor and then mixed with a little mayo and mustard. Since I can have toast I put a little on about 1/4 of a piece of toast. It's good but seems to give me a little heartburn. Also very filling. Congrats on your loss! It was probably like 3 weeks before my glue finally came off. My surgeon said at my 2 week appt that I can start "helping" them peel off in the shower. But only as much as it lifts. Don't pull. I don't think I've experienced actual hunger, but definitely something very similar. I get the burning feeling and a little grumbling. I just ride it off as gas. It is not even close to the hunger I would feel before surgery, which was always a "OMG FEED MEEEEE IM GOING TO DIEEE" type of deal.
  8. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Usually depends on what I am eating. I was allowed scrambled eggs on pureed and I could only stand a couple bites. But then if I was eating, say, tomato soup, I could definitely get in 3oz or so. For me, I eat until I am full, and that's it. Even if it is only two bites. I'm not going to force down 3oz and be uncomfortable just because a piece of paper says so .
  9. sleevie.wonder

    How's your new life?

    Hi all, I'm 25 and having surgery next month and had a few questions: Your "new" life: Better or worse than expected? The same? How long was your recovery? What does a typical day look like for you?
  10. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    @@lisi287 i didn't even think of it expanding thank you can't wait for fri! My dr allows TOAST during the soft stage. Toasting out the moisture reduces the amount it will expand in your stomach. But like I said wait until the soft stage. I know you are craving different things but just keep to your guidelines during this crucial stage after surgery. It will only be a couple months before you can start eating normal foods again. What stage are you in? I'll be more than happy to make some suggestions.
  11. I lost about 10 lbs. But everyone is different. You might even gain weight after surgery because of all the IV fluids you go through while there.
  12. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Had an appt this morning with my surgeon'a PA to check out my yucky incision. She said all looks good. Just so weird having a small hole in my stomach! Gotta keep it covered with gauze and antibiotic ointment for the next couple weeks though.
  13. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    Getting liquids and protein in is hard at first. But you'll get there. The pulling on your incision that you are feeling is a stitch. I hear about them all the time, usually means it was stitches a little too tight. One day it should "pop" and the pain should disappear then. For constipation, the nurse told me it's normal to even go 9 days without pooping. If you feel you need relief, milk magnesia worked well for me. Or if your drugstore has it, liquid colace. Hang in there
  14. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Good to hear!!
  15. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    This is Kaiser's timeline: I'm still not getting all my protein in which probably explains my low calories. I still eat 3 "meals" a day and make sure they have protein. Can't wait til my unflavored protein comes in the mail so I can start making my own shakes.
  16. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    Wow we are very similar! Except no regrets here. My head hunger is terrible but then I remember that my stomach barely likes water and food is a whole 'nother story. Even though I'd love to eat the old foods, I know it would make me feel terrible. Plus, I left those foods at the door when I went in for surgery, so to speak. I start soft foods Thursday. I already have so many recipes saved and I can't wait to actually have a tiny meal to eat lol.
  17. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Yikes, good luck Metro. Let us know how it goes.
  18. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    I don't have nightmares but I am dreaming a lot more. I wake up like 10 times a night now. Sucks.
  19. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    You'll do great! Be sure to update! I was kind of surprised I didn't have a sore throat. Just a very dry mouth.
  20. sleevie.wonder

    What did you tell people at work?

    I told my boss since he's the one who had to give me the time off. There's only 7 of us that work there, and there are two that know I had surgery in general. One assumed the 3 weeks I took off was because I was on vacation LOL. Don't I wish? His face was hilarious when I told him I had surgery. I had to reassure him it was for the best and wasn't a bad thing. It will become obvious in the coming months what type of surgery I had. And if they ask, I'll tell them. No biggie
  21. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Crazy how different everyone's guidelines are. I'm not even supposed to be up to 800 calories until a few months out. Then by a year out we will be at 1200 calories. Right now I am at 300-400. Which I wish I could say I am reaching but I'm not even sure. The number one issue I am having is figuring out food choices. And then when I do, I can only eat an oz and I am too full and sick of it that the leftovers never get eaten. I hate Soups. Let's just say I'm happy to be starting soft foods this Wednesday.
  22. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    1. I sleep on my side a lot and I am 3.5 weeks out. I couldn't until maybe week 2. I was in a recliner the first week. I slowly transitioned to my bed and I did wake up a lot with some pain.2. It hurts to sip because your stomach just had some very intrusive surgery on it. There is a very long staple line that could still be sensitive. Try avoiding hot and cold liquids and stick to room temp. 3. Yes. Well, it's very normal at least. 4. I hear it can take a few hours to a few weeks. Walking helps a ton. 5. Burping could be hurting because of the soreness in your stomach. Just wait until you start sneezing or coughing. Those are doozies! Good luck and remember it's tough in the beginning and it's NORMAL! Things will get better just take it one day at a time.
  23. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    I understand how you feel. It is sooo hard to see the foods we once enjoyed so much. Pizza was something I had at least once every other week. My boyfriend brought some home for him and my daughter and I ate my little scrambled egg. Just keep telling yourself that one day you will be able to enjoy a slice of pizza again. It's not out of your life forever. And look at the positive, you got though it! You're still alive! Just remember your tummy is healing and this time is crucial. Hang in there!
  24. sleevie.wonder

    March 2014 Sleevers

    Yes, it does get better. You will notice every day will be a little better. Your body just underwent a major surgery and is still recovering, not to mention the lack of calories. Give it time to adjust and you will be back to yourself in no time.
  25. sleevie.wonder

    Who is in March?

    Are you okay??? Oozing sounds bad. I emailed my surgeon but have not heard back. He had told me last week if any of them start to drain to keep them dry and clean. I managed to bump the scab so now it is worse. The "drainage" is a yellowish brown. So hopefully he gets back to me soon, maybe it needs to be cleaned and stitched again.

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