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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mom_24

  1. Okay, txjina1, hope you are doing well after your surgery today. Please update us when you can.


    slenderella-Dr. Scott Stowers

    icle1234-Dr barker dallas tx

    MsDallasSleever Dr Wade Barker

    ugot2laff Dr Myur Srikanth WA

    EcuaTrucho dr richard Nguyen

    BarbH Dr. Medvetz Middletown PA

    irainb aug 1 dr david martin

    Nina88-Dr Casillas west LA

    shrinkydinkme- Dr Philip Chin

    I will be in prayer for all of you, that everything goes smoothly, with no complications, and a beautiful recovery. Please update us when you are able.

    Blessings all!

  2. I had a mini-meltdown putting my son down tonight. :-(

    I'm just so scared to leaving him behind! He is my inspiration. I want to be healthy to enjoy life with him. I'm just so scared. In 48 hours my surgery will be over and I'll be recovering!! I can't believe it.

    I am struggling to stay positive tonight. Please pray for me ladies.

    Perfectly normal for a Momma to be going through this. You love your son and that is why you feel this way. I KNOW I will be going through the same thing when I am in your place. It is going to be okay. <<<HUGS>>>

  3. I was so busy at work today all I had time for was a quick trip around the corner to Taco Bell. And of course one item wasn't enough, I had to add a few more things, and when I asked for a diet pepsi, I got a regular by accident. I didn't blink twice while devouring it all. An hour later, I feel like a giant fat failure. Lord knows I need to eat, but I hate how hungry I am, and how I'm a bottomless pit at times. The next 18 days could not go by fast enough. I'm tired of doing well in every other aspect of my life and feeling like a failure because of food!!!! :/

    My default mode when I fail with food is to beat myself up and throw in the towel, and it only leads further down the wrong path for me. Do you have a plan right now? Are you on pre-op yet? If so, just refocus and realize that the past is gone, and you have your future to look forward to. If you don't have a pre-op plan, maybe borrow one from one of the other folks here, just so you can have the confidence of knowing what food choices you are making each day.


  4. Welcome to everyone new. August has become a hot month for sleeves! Well, my date is two weeks from today. I can't believe it! I took measurements on Saturday, so I will be able to check on progress in that area. Since starting my pre-pre-op diet last Monday, I have been able to get into a couple pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear since last fall, so that was really nice. I just generally feel better. I think I lost about 7 pounds so far. I guess on someone who's only 5', 7 lbs. makes a big difference! ;) Since I don't have to start my pre-op diet until this Friday, I chose to eat a meal with my family yesterday before taking two of my kids to camp, since we won't be doing it again for several weeks from now. I planned it out ahead of time by using MFP to track everything ahead of time. I really tried to do a good job, but went way over my budget of calories, etc., BUT it was no where near as bad as it would've been prior to starting this journey. I didn't just say "to heck with it" and eat whatever I wanted. I made a couple of food choices, and then got right back to doing what I need to do. I also didn't do sugar or anything like that, so that is a HUGE victory for me. This morning, I did wake up feeling a little defeated, but instead of giving into that, I went right back to my plan and continued on. This is so different for me, that I almost feel like a different person, making a much better choice.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me share all of that.

  5. I would love to be added to the August Fb page. How does one do that? My surgery date is 8/13. I have a band that is getting removed and am converting to the sleeve all in the same surgery. I have about 130lb to lose and I am 33 yrs old!!


    Sent from my iPhone using VST

    Amy, we have the same sleeve date! I am really excited, two weeks from today!!!! Where are you having surgery? Blessings!

  6. We all have to go to Dr. As yearly reunion so we can all meet! This past year was in Houston, where I met Jenn and (where I live) hopefully its close this next time. Ok I'll stop babbling now, goodnight ladies.

    Susie, I am sorry you are feeling rotten, but glad to know it was unrelated to your sleeve, and that it will clear up with antibiotics. I don't know how I missed that you are in Houston. Me too! Maybe when you're feeling better, and I am back on my feet post-op, we could meet for tea or something? I live in Katy.

  7. Hi all, Just a quick update. I had a PET scan and the lung mass is suspicious for cancer.I will see and sugeon and oncologist on the 2nd... so no surgery... sleeve surgery that is... for me for a while. My best to you all. I'll be thinking about you all and wish you the best on your skinny adventure. :wub:


    Thanks for the update. Have been and will continue praying for you and your health. I will continue praying that the mass is benign and that you will be in for a quick and uncomplicated recovery. No matter when your VSG surgery ends up being, please continue updating us here, so we will know how things are going. Lots and lots of HUGS to you! :wub:

  8. Hey my lovies! Okay so ... I am going to be creating the new list shortly. But, in the mean time...if you have Facebook (which you should!) I have created a group for us on there.


    There is the link. Some of you i dont know by name but if you wish to be invited add me and I can invite you to the group. I figured that might be easier for some of us to communicate and we can have live chats there. I can also create events and give shout outs to the new sleevers as we go through the process. We can share photos and stuff as well. I have it set to "secret" so no one can see what you post or even that you joined the group. (In case anyones surgery is secret) Hopefully that link works.


    Since we are now a big 'ol (soon to be small) sleeve family----lets share some information about ourselves!!!


    Age- (if you wish)


    highest weight/current weight/ goal weight-

    Anything else you'd like to share?


    Name- Stacey

    Age- (if you wish) 43

    Location- Houston

    highest weight/current weight/ goal weight- 232/225/115 and I am 5'1 tall

    Anything else you'd like to share? I am in grad school (one year left), am a recent single mom, work in insurance on the side, and am ready to take control of this area of my life, so that I can enjoy doing things that I used to love, but my body just can't handle anymore. My mom is also my best friend. We share a house together, so she is a huge help with the kids, and she is my manager in my insurance job. Looking forward to this journey.

  9. Dang I am turning in to one of those happy people that make ya crazy cause there to happy, but I am right now, been so long since I felt this good and excited about something

    I'm telling you, I think it's the pre-op diet. Once the carbs get out of our systems, and the body begins to burn fat, it puts us in a state of ketosis, which always makes me feel giddy. Keep it up! :D

  10. Dr. Alvarez actually gives us injection of Heparin after we are under for surgery to help prevent any clots from forming.- just a precaution.

    Our days are really starting to move faster now. I am so sorry I dont get to meet you Allnewme but atleast I do get to meet Icandothis.

    I did not know that he does that. At least I am asleep and won't know it! Thankful for that as I HATE needles.

    I am so sad that I cannot meet you too. We both will hopefully get to meet ICandothis and that is great :D I am very ready for Wed. to arrive so I can begin my journey to MX. So glad that I am finally getting this done.

    I'm bummed that I won't get to meet any of you. I will however, get to meet mczoo, so I am stoked about that. Also, my sleeve buddy has made contact through email, so that is great as well. It's almost here!!!

  11. So I haven't been on the scale in 2 weeks. I started drinking water...alot of Water. cutting out diet cokes. haven't worried about my diet but definately not over eating. no entire bags of chips. no half pizzas. just not best choices. didn't want to look at any of it as my "last meal".

    Not going to fast food nearly as much because my usual stop is for a soda (which I'm avoiding) and then I grab a bite to eat.

    Did I say alot of Water? 1 1/2 times minimum on average day.

    Now...I get on the scale and I gained 5 lbs! WTF -- no matter which way i look at it in the last 2 weeks I'm eating and drinking better. I am not starving or shocking my body into starvation mode. nothing drastic..but to put on 5 lbs.

    this has me worried that despite the sleeve my body will revolt and do whatever it wants.

    Almost exact same story for me, so I went on my prep diet 11 days early so I would't gain any more (using myfitnesspal to track it) and I've already lost it back and then some. But, I know how you feel. It freaked me out!

  12. McZoo, they took me off my blood thinner (NSAID) 2 weeks before and my PCP told me to quit even sooner. I don't really understand the blood thinner shots since we are not immobile at all. I am not a medical person though. Seems like lots of people have to do them.

    ICandothis...I was just pointing out that our time is almost here!! Whoo-Hoo!!! 6 days for me :) 5 till we leave for TX

    Joyce, I can't believe it's almost here either! :D

  13. Hey guys! At the docs office and I have strep! I knew it was something bad. I'm waiting on my liquid meds now and can't wait to get better. Thank u all for being by my side ;)

    So glad to know you are on the mend Susie. Thanks for letting us know the scoop. I'm sure you will feel like a new woman once those antibiotics kick in. :)

  14. I split up with my husband over online "friendships" that became too friendly. I don't think you can ever be too cautious with regard to this kind of thing. I trusted my husband and never dreamed I should be checking up on him, and by the time I did, it was too late. I think you are wise to confront her on it, so that she can know your marriage is intact and will hopefully stop trying to pull anything (assuming those are her motives). If it is innocent, she will totally understand, since she is a good friend.

  15. I LOVE threading. I have my whole face done, including the blond ones that I never even noticed before, about once a month. I think the trick is to find someone experience, not someone just learning the skill. It is a bit uncomfortable, but to me it is way more comfortable than waxing. I tend to have sensitive skin.

  16. I went to my first exercise class yesterday and chose yoga. I have been exercising for almost 2 months on the treadmill and with weights. However, today after that yoga class yesterday morning, I am sooooo sore. My back, arms, shoulders, arm, and even lower abs are really sore! The weights have nothing on this! I will definitely be going again! Though probably not today.....

    Yoga is my favorite. It is so easy to modify for different body styles and types, and I always feel energized afterward. The key is to know your limitations with regard to stretching, and little by little you will become more flexible and stronger, but yes soreness is normal when starting out, or in my case returning. I agree that it is a great strengthening choice, and it is an amazing CARDIO workout too, but many people don't realize that, because it SEEMS so slow, and because it is gentle on the body. I tried Pilates and literally could not do any of the poses, because my core wasn't strong enough, but yoga is, as I said, modifiable. Keep up the good work!

  17. I had the CT scan and because I work in a hospital the Chief of Radiology called me right away. I have a 1-1/4" mass in my upper left lung. Lymph nodes are not affected. I have a PET Scan on Friday. My last surgeon visit on Friday was cancelled. This all feels unreal. I can speculate so many things but that is not healthy. I am still hoping surgery is next week, but I feel like it is slipping away. I know if it is, it will only be a temporary delay. I'll let you all know the results from Friday and soon as I can.

    Continual prayers going out for you. I trust that you are completely in His hands, and that He has only the best for you.


  18. Have not heard from Susie , I hope that she has not gotten sicker. I feel so bad for her!

    Me too! Susie, where are you? Please check in when you can...

    Also, friends, if you are pre-op'ing, have you tried SF Jello. I just felt like I wanted to "eat" something, with a SPOON. It really hit the spot. No calories, carbs, etc. (at least in the refrigerated little cups), just 45 mg sodium, so it made me kind of thirsty. FWIW.

  19. Hi my August Family!!. Well today started out as a good day, but then it somewhat went downhill. Alarm went off this morning, so I got hubby out of bed and ready for work. I lounged around a bit and watched my true blood that I missed this past Sunday.

    I suddenly realized that I promised my dad I would give him a haircut today, so I scrambled to get out of my pj's and into regular clothes and make the drive to his house. It was almost dinner by the time I made it. I did his haircut, visited with mom and dad for a bit longer and then made the journey home. I have to say they had lunch in front of me. My dad even slipped up and asked if I wanted some BBQ. I just gave him a sassy/sarcastic look and he was like Oh Shoot. I forgot. I did very well. I have to say food doesn't hold a pleasure with me at the moment.

    I came home, had me a shake for my lunch and started following up with emails. Watched some tv and talked with my kids who are out of town visiting with their grandparents. Then came 4 o'clock central time. The strong urge that I needed something. I was not hungry, don't feel hungry, but that urge was very strong. I kept ignoring it, would concentrate on something else, but then I caved. I went to the icebox and got exactly what my urge wanted. I piece of cheese. Oh the Al' Mighty Cheese. I have been doing this liquid pre-op diet for 8 days now. I even started sooner than was requested. I was doing so good, and now this? Why now? I have to say that one slice of cheese sufficed and my urge went away, But I strayed from my planned/required diet.

    Now I am almost certain that "One" slice of cheese would not interrupt my surgery on the 6th. But I have a severely wounded pride right about now. I have let myself down, and it feels like crap. Am I going to continue to beat myself up over it? NO! I made a mistake, I fought an urge, I lost, it's over and done with. Move forward and think positive. I;m just curious where the strong urge came from and why all of a sudden.

    I am down 8lbs since I started my liquid diet.< /p>

    Just had to share my frustration of the day, and to let those who are struggling that we are only human. We are not perfect, but we can overcome and prevail!! I had my mind set that I would not stray once from this diet, and I will follow things to the letter. But if something happens, dust yourself off, get back up and continue on.

    Jenn, <<<HUGS>>>

    I can't speak for your experience, obviously, but I know that when I am around my family, and especially if they were offering BBQ, I could easily be triggered and make a poor food decision. Just remember that this surgery is not going to be complicated by "one" piece of cheese, and you made a much better choice than BBQ! If it turned into a binge, then that could be a problem, but I think if you beat yourself up over this, it would be more harmful than this minor slip-up. Get back on that horse. We can do this. We are in this together!

  20. I did my pre-op last week and found out yesterday that I have a spot on my lung. Grrr. I am getting a CT scan this afternoon. I really think it is going to be nothing but I am not going to lie, I am a little unnerved but this. Surgery IS one week from tomorrow! :)

    Praying for you Carla. Please let us know how the CT scan goes.

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