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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jeepfreak

  1. Hey All Mexico Sleevers(Dr.Garcia) Is there a follow up schedule for you and your primary care physician to follow? I know a lot of ppl who are having surgery in the US goes to see the doctors at certain points after surgery. So I wonder if the is a guideline for my physician to follow and things for her to check for at certain points after surgery? That would be so great.

    All I did was go see my heart dr 2 weeks after surgery & did full blood work & then 3 months later. Am down to half a pill for blood pressure. I didn't have any issues from surgery & had high bp before surgery. I talk to my heart dr about the surgery & going to Mexico & he was so for it that he said he would do my follow-ups after surgery but I've been fortunate and haven't needed him.

  2. Definitely take extra bandages. I had to send my then boyfriend to the store to get extra. The broth at the hotel was horrible to me so yes bring something. There is an Applebees a block or 2 away by the Walmart & I went there & ate the broth out of the tortilla Soup. I was so starving by then & it was the best.

  3. ok' date=' here is another round of questions for those already sleeved with Garcia and Mi hospital. Sorry, I am trying to pack and getting nervous/excited, so all these things are coming to my mind!!

    In the hospital, for surgery you are wearing just a gown? At what point can you put on your own gown, robe, sports bra, etc. I dont want to be walking laps with "all that" hanging out :) I have soft fuzzy socks with skid proof backing for walking.

    I also got a pair of ear plugs and a eye mask. I heard the hospitals are a little noisy. Did you find that?

    Sorry for the questions, but when you know others have gone before you, you can't help but be curious. Any other tips or helpful info would be appreciated!!! :wub:[/quote']

    I wish I had known to take an eye mask because they kept the lights on & there is a glass "window" over the door so the hallway lights shone in. Also, the ear plugs weren't enough for me - the night nurses were extremely loud & cutting up, etc. That was the only part that really bothered me for some reason. I couldn't sleep & guess made me irritable. lol. Plus I sleep with a huge floor fan & I had forgotten to bring my little noise machine with me on the trip. I just brought a robe with me & had my sandals. Make sure you bring some Dial soap & Neosporin. They had us take a ahower everyday (thank goodness) & I used my own Dial & Neosporin & had no issues. A girl there with me didn't bring any of that & she had an infection in one of her incisions by the end of the week. She couldn't find a store that sold neosporin which I thought was odd. She is a nurse so you would think she would have been the first person to bring that with her.

  4. Jeeofreak and Fagenberry' date=' thanks so much this is exactly what I expectes, thanks for your confirmation....I am so excited, thanks again and congrats to you...I look forward to joining,and I am so confident in my decision to be sleeved bu dr. Garvie.[/quote']

    I promise you will have no regrets! Good luck! :)

  5. Amytug' date=' I have noticed that too.. there is on Dr. I have researched on here where it seems like all of his patients lose faster than others. Plus I dont see a lot of weightloss checkins from Dr. Garcia's patients, you know like 6months later, now I am going with him, because I have researched and researched, watched youtube and spoken with Alma and the whole nine. I just want to know, what a few patients progress is down the line.[/quote']

    My surgery with Dr Garcia was 6/18/12 & am down 63 lbs. Absolutely no complications whatsoever & have no regrets! Loved Dr Garcia!

  6. My boyfriend of 17 yr paid for the surgery in Mexico including the airfare - the week before we left he started up a cyber affair with a married nasty chick & while I was in the hospital he was at the Marriott sending nude pics of himself. Needless to say we are no longer together & I got this great new body & she is draining him of his money - divorce, apartment, furniture, etc. Is so funny cause it's his loss & now she's way bigger than me. lol.

  7. So are you sleeping better yet? And is it a restful type of sleep? I'm worried about my sleeping patterns too. There is only so much good tv to record... Lol. I hope things are better for you!

    I still haven't slept yet. My luck I'll start sleeping when I have to go back to work & can't sleep in. Good luck with your surgery. The day after my surgery I felt great but after they made us drink the blue dye Tuesday night, it went down hill. That is some nasty stuff!

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