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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    allnewme got a reaction from MrsM in When Will The Gurgling Stop?   
    I am six weeks out and my stomach makes really loud gurgles and other crazy sounds after I eat or even just drink a lot. We call it "Chewie" because it truly sounds like Chewbacca sometimes.
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    allnewme got a reaction from TheCurvyJones in Dr. Alvarez   
    So very excited for all you new (and soon to be) sleevers! While the first few days are tough, the days get better quickly. I am four months out today and I feel GREAT! Dr. A is an amazing surgeon and he will truly take good care of you!
    Tennis, you will be sleeved before you know it!
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    allnewme reacted to doxieville in Chopped Off.....   
    My hair!!

    (Weight loss is 50 pounds in this photo.)

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    allnewme got a reaction from Ambermo30 in First Day Of "soft" Food... Already Not Going Well...   
    Good advice on the egg issue, Iggychic!
    Do try a poached egg and smoosh it like crazy with a fork. You might get half of it down. That is how I are my eggs, but you have to like runny yolks. If you don't then soft scramble them. No meats for awhile, I am over 3 months out and still approach meat with caution!
  5. Like
    allnewme got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Water   
    I have never been a big Water drinker either. I was told to find something that I like, that my sleeve likes and have it with me all the time. It was an experiment every day at first. Now, at two months out, I know what my sleeve likes. I carry a Tervis cup ( invest in one) with water mixed with propel water on ice. I drink it all day, except when waiting to eat and digesting. Do I get in all my water each day? No. But I still try to. It is getting easier to drink more at one time, not baby sipping any longer. I never got dehydrated but I concentrated on drinking from the start. You have to do it, it is not easy or fun right after surgery. You have to work to find out what tastes good and it is a pain in the rear!
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    allnewme got a reaction from rxkid2384 in Would You Get The Sleeve Again? If So, Why? If No, Why? Would You Change Anything?   
    I would most definitely do it again. Easy surgery but some of the days after are a challenge. Three months out and doing very well now.
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    allnewme got a reaction from @DomLorenVSG in Dr. Alvarez   
    I got to meet live tennis and talk to her about my surgery experience. She is a great gal. So glad she is going to Dr. A for her surgery!
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    allnewme got a reaction from TheCurvyJones in Dr. Alvarez   
    I am new here and scheduled for surgery with Dr. Alvarez on Aug,2, 2012. I have talked to several of his former patients and they have nothing but good things to say about him and hs staff. I wish the time could fly so my surgery date woud get here!
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    allnewme reacted to funinthesun00 in Dr Alvarez   
    I just booked my date with him -- January 18th!
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    allnewme reacted to iggychic in First Day Of "soft" Food... Already Not Going Well...   
    Sausage is not soft food. It's for near the end stages of your restrictions. Did you also use cheese? I'd watch the type of cheese in the early soft food stage.
    Soft food is eggs, SOFTLY scrambled. Was your omelet cooked through? That alone could be an issue. When I was on softs I had scrambled eggs, with which I used Water to mix them, not milk (you get a fluffier and softer egg that way...milk with egg makes custard). I also had either ketchup or salsa with it to keep it moist. Adding meats and cheese (which cooks up hard if you did use it) equates to "hard" food, not soft.
    Stick to the cottage cheese and if you want an egg, make it just one, and skip the fillings for now.
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    allnewme got a reaction from mandyMO in Is There Any Southwest Missouri People Out There Or Even Missouri People :d   
    That is not too far from Pleasant Hill. I actually went to Dr. Alvarez in Piedras Negras, MX for my surgery, I was self pay. Have ins. but they do not cover WLS. Best thing I have ever done for myself. We have sleever group meetings (a small group of us), you should try to come sometime.
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    allnewme got a reaction from slimagainsoon in Family Time   
    Glad to hear things are looking up for you and your wife. I am sure it is hard on the children. They just want their life to be normal again too, more than likely.
    Best wishes for all of you!
  13. Like
    allnewme reacted to TheNewSusie in Any Good (Trusted) Dr. In Mexico For Sleeve   
    Dr. Alvarez is amazing!
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    allnewme reacted to becksnky in Mexico   
    Thanks Cheri for a well written and thoughtful response. I have read all the replies to this post. I wish if individuals had information, statistics, etc. that could help us make informed decisions about choosing to go to Mexico for surgery, they would share it. That would be the compassionate and caring thing to do.
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    allnewme got a reaction from Lisa's Hope in This Is What Losing 82 Pounds Looks Like! :d   
    You look Great! Congrats!
  16. Like
    allnewme reacted to mgrn13 in December Sleevers - Line Up   
    I am having my VSG on 12/12/12 with
    Dr. Alvaverz!
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    allnewme reacted to Lisa's Hope in This Is What Losing 82 Pounds Looks Like! :d   
    I still have a ways to go but I'm really happy with my progress!!! Seem the stall broke this week. I've lost 4 pounds this week. This was the absolute best decision of my life. I wish I had been able to do it sooner. I prayed God would release me from the bondage of obesity and he did!! God is good!

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    allnewme reacted to ReduceReuseRecycle-Me! in Where are the 50s ???   
    jillb5, I know what you mean about not sure if you have gone through it or not. The question docs usually ask is, when was your last period and if it has been a year or more, you are through with menopause. Some women think once you start menopause you are never through with it but that is not so. Menopause is literally, the pausing (end) of menses. Once no period for a year, you're done. Good and bad news, because after menopause, no more hormones, so now your body has to change in ways you are not used to, but those tales are for another time.
    I had a partial hysterectomy in 2007 due to massive blood loss (fibroids). I kept my ovaries which meant I still had to go through menopause, but without the monthly curse, I had no way of knowing if I had finished with menopause or not. Just not bleeding to death each month was the greatest thing ever. It was weird that I also stopped experiencing the other usual symptoms, as well, such as, breast tenderness, irratability, food cravings, etc. Small blessings.
    Yup, your metabolism is supposed to go down in menopause, but instead of no carbs, choose good carbs and no refined anything (sugar, flour, rice).
  19. Like
    allnewme got a reaction from senickisncis in Mexico Octosleevers! Add Your Name, Date And Surgeon!   
    You will love him! He is an awesome surgeon and he will take really great care of you. I was sleeved by him on 8/02. Good luck to you!
  20. Like
    allnewme got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Where are the 50s ???   
    I am 6 weeks out of my sleeve surgery today and doing great. had a visit with my Dr here at home and he thinks I am doing well too. Had to get back on metformin for diabetes but he thinks it will help me to lose weight without stalling every few days. We will see. I am doing 25 pounds, wearing clothes that I could not get on 6 weeks ago and really starting to notice the difference in my body. I too, wish I had done this many years ago but I am thankful that I finally did this for ME. I am learning to eat regular food now and that is going OK. Patience is the key Good luck to all of you that are on this journey! It is never too late to put yourself first!
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    allnewme got a reaction from Dooter in What Are Your Favorite Right After Surgery Liquids?   
    Wow...who gets Tomato Soup right after surgery? I was not allowed to have anything but CLEAR for a full week....tomato Soup was not in the diet plan for 3-4 weeks. It amazes me that diet plans are so different. I have read on here about people eating eggs and oatmeal in the hospital. I was doing good to swallow a clear liquid !
    I love unjury chicken soup, I still use it even at 3 months out. I put the powder in Soups & grits and drink it by the cupful in the evening. It really helps me to get in my Protein.
  22. Like
    allnewme reacted to CrisB83 in Starting Fertility Treatments   
    Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you about the update, Trumpet Tinklers!
    A lot has been going on, and much of it not good. My wonderful mother passed away unexpectedly in her sleep during the early hours of the 31st. I am heartbroken, and my family is just overwhelmed with grief. She was truly special- not perfect by any stretch, but lovely and caring.
    She had been so excited about this baby. She came with me 2 weeks ago (today) for my 10-week ultrasound, and told everyone she came across how happy she was for her 7th grandchild to be on its way (embarrassing me to death at the time, lol). At that appointment, they diagnosed me with hyperemesis gravidarum (very mild) and sent nurses to my house to set up an overnight Fluid IV. She came over to be with me again that next day, just in case I needed anything while tethered to the IV pole.
    So, last week I spent all day Wednesday and Thursday with family making arrangements for the funeral and getting started on cleaning up her stuff. She was a hoarder, big time. But at least her hoard was basically clean. She didn't keep rotten food or anything weird like that. Just newspapers, magazines, clothing, etc. It's a lot of work, and my four siblings and I have been taking it one step at a time. I am so, so glad I am not an only child.
    I haven't felt like eating hardly anything since it happened. I've lost 6 pounds in the last week. When I found out I was pregnant, I was right around 230 (still a far way from goal, but much better than where I started...). Two weeks ago I was at 220, and today I weighed in at 214. I am pretty okay with losing weight still, but I just wish it was coming off a little slower. Eating has been a real challenge, though, as I was saying. I have been dedicated about drinking lemon Water and juice so I don't get dehydrated again, but eating is a whole other matter. I can usually only get down about 3 bites at each meal, and then I am done. The idea of eating anymore makes me feel grossed out and sick, and I start getting the pukey feelings. So, I just stop with my three bites in the interest of at least keeping them down. One more bite is not worth throwing all of it back up.
    On top of the grief, my in-laws came into town for the funeral. The relationship there is not good, and it's complicated. It's based on nothing more than the fact that we do not go to a church within their denomination. Because of that, they treat us very coldly, refuse to visit us, and send flaming letters of condemnation once or twice a year. Add to this the fact that less than two weeks my husband's brother and his wife split up and are getting a divorce. All of this is to set the scene:
    The day after my mother died, my siblings and I gathered at my sister's house to discuss the order and content of the funeral service. None of us were dealing well. There were lots of tears. And at that point I was pretty much a zombie- completely shell-shocked, and trying to stay calm because I was terrified of the stress causing a miscarriage. The in-laws came over as well "to be supportive", and my mother-in-law proceeded to find a moment to corner me and grill me for 30 minutes over what I knew about the situation with my brother-in-law and his wife. (The wife and I are good friends, and I do know a lot about what's going on that I am not at liberty to share with the MIL- more stress). By the end of the conversation, I was shaking and shivering, a stress reaction, and I could. not. stop. I started freaking out even more because I felt my abdomen get tight and start aching, and my back started hurting. I didn't stop shaking off and on for the rest of the night.
    The good things, though, that have been happening: lots of time with my siblings, and their families. I'm the youngest. I love my family so much, and we generally have a great time together. We have spent a lot of time looking at old pictures, watching movies, eating, and laughing. Some crying, but not too bad.
    Also, I went to the doctor today and the baby is looking good. My mom was going to come again, but my oldest sister came with me instead, and we had a good day together.
    SO, lots of ups and downs, but baby is doing great, and I am hanging in there. Sorry for such a long post- I really should update more often so stuff doesn't build up so much, lol.
  23. Like
    allnewme got a reaction from Tstorm1070 in Just Found Out My Insurance Changes 2013   
    Take it when you can get it. Next year you will look back and say it was the best Christmas gift you could give yourself! Glad it is working out for you!
  24. Like
    allnewme reacted to TennisGirl in August Sleevers..what Is The Progress   
    Sleeved aug. 13. Lost 44 pounds pre-surgery. Weight on day of surgery was 223. Weigh 184 now. Energy has been low. Still waiting for the high energy everyone talks about.....
  25. Like
    allnewme got a reaction from marie110 in 4 Month ! My Update   
    Congrats on your success! I am 3 months out today and feeling great! Best of luck to you to get to your goal.

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