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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by erp

  1. erp


    Proton pump inhibitor- fancy name for a type of antacid.
  2. erp


  3. erp


    Sarah not sure why you think someone can't be hungry 3 weeks out. I'm on a PPI and I get hungry. I agree that eating every few hours keeps hunger at bay. To the OP, follow your Drs orders but right now I enjoy cheese sticks, Greek yogurt, meatballs, and really soft veggies.
  4. I had the worst mucus! Coughing right after surgery was so painful but I had to expell it. Lots of clutching a pillow to my side while I coughed. The incentive spirometer is also important to help clear your lungs, frequent walking helps too. Keep your Dr. informed if it becomes chronic.
  5. Only 3 weeks out but wanted you to know that it is a process. Everyday I discover more that I can eat. Yesterday it was pulled bbq chicken (I'm on mushies) today it was pepper jack cheese. So far no problems with anything I've tried. I think you will feel 'normal' sooner than you think. Good luck!
  6. erp


    I love my Vitamix! Had it for several years. Not using it right now- I'm three weeks out because it puts to much air in my protein smoothies. I love green smoothies and look forward to then when I can tolerate more. Blendtec are also amazing as well. Either one will last you for many years. They make perfect margaritas too (or so I've heard :-P ).
  7. erp

    Pureed foods stage

    Yes you can have those as long as you purée them. I also ate sugar free pudding with protein powder mixed in and apple sauce with protein powder stirred in. Check out the recipe thread, people have posted about puréed already
  8. This was my first surgery and anesthesia. You can even read my post about being awake for my EGD. I'm almost three weeks out. I found the recovery room the most painful moment and that only lasted a few hours. Yes, it hurt initially to get in and out of bed and to cough or laugh but as everyone ever on here has said-- it does get better! I was off the drugs within 3 days of coming home, I didn't need them. It's normal to be nervous, I mean when I really think about the fact that I volunteered to have 80% of my stomach cut out-- it does seem crazy but even at 18 days, I already wish I did this sooner. My advice is to read everything you can so you feel knowledgable and confident in your decision. I knew what to expect. I am still a little worried about complications but I made it past the first two weeks and have had so many great milestones already. Here's what keeps exciting me, I hope it motivates you: -I found out on Monday I officially weight less than my honey! -I have had a least three people ask me if I've lost weight in the last 5 days! -I did my first double take in the mirror yesterday. I am finally losing my double chin! -I updated ticker this morning because I am down another half pound! Good luck in your journey.
  9. Sarah, thank you for your words of wisdom. I agree that stress is detrimental to the process. We all see post after post of phenominal loses including yours. Great job, you look gorgeous! I hope to get down to your size and to do that I have to trust the process. Again, great job and I can't wait to see when you reach your new goal.
  10. erp

    Paleo bread

    I have checked it out and the ingredients sound ok but I haven't tried it- still on softs.
  11. Mine started about four days ago. I think ot may be from the dissolvable sutures my Dr. uses there. I think part of it is dissolving- creating a change in the tension at my incision and thus renewed pain. If it gets worse, I'll call but since incision pain is normal I'm mostly waiting it out.
  12. erp


    I had the same problem. I trimmed the lifted areas that were no longer sticking. To quell the itch, I swabbed a little rubbing alcohol on the red areas. It felt cooling and removed the tape residue that was making me red and itchy.
  13. erp

    Advice please?!

    Follow your doctor's instructions. Get up and walking as soon as you can after surgery. Focus on your milestones not your set backs. Good luck, you'll do great!
  14. Sleeved 2 weeks ago, I see it in my face and thighs. My double chin is almost gone!
  15. Good luck. wishing you all the best and congratulations on your accomplishments so far!
  16. My goal is to lose 25 pounds and be in Onderland by June 7 (3 month post appt). I plan to join a gym when I am cleared for exercise in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I am walking 1-3 times a day. I go back to work full time on Monday and my goal is to walk at least once a day. I will walk during lunch time on days in the office and in the hotel gym or at the mall when traveling.
  17. erp

    is it gonna work?

    I agree with the poster who said to find the NSVs. The scale hasn't moved in days for me. It sucks. However, I've had 3 NSV this past week! Today, I went back to work and had two people ask me if I had lost weight, which is related to my second NSV. When I looked in the mirror today, I did a double take! My double chin is rapidly disappearing, it's the reason everyone is noticing my weight loss, it's all in my face (yeah, I wish it was my butt and gut but I'll take it!). Finally, hubby got on the scale on Monday and I weight less than him!! Yeah me! Find your NSVs, they are there!
  18. erp


    It's pretty common and normal. Kind of like the air in my stomach and the food are fighting for space.
  19. Congratulations, sound like you are taking control of your health. I wish I had done my sleeve sooner! Read as much as you can on here and even if your Dr. is not close look for support groups in your local area. Be a sponge right now. I lurked on VST for many months before posting and felt very prepared going into sugery. Still getting the hang of everything since I'm still only two weeks out but again being prepared had made my recovery pretty easy. Use the search field at the top to explore your questions. Best of luck.
  20. erp

    Spouse dought!

    Mine was very opposed but mostly out of fear and concern for me. He was unsupportive until we had a very frank conversation a few days before my surgery. I told him what an asshat he was being and so while he didn't agree with my decision, he drove me to the hospital and took time off to be with me afterward. Two things that he wasn't going to do prior to my confronting him. Now that I'm on the other side, he sees that I am ok and hasn't continued with the negativity. He still doesn't really understand it all and wants to know when I'm going to eat a sandwich and some chips but that's ok. Lol!
  21. erp

    Telling work

    I went through HR so I could qualify for FMLA should I have any post-op problems. I used 5 days of vacation, then switched over to disability. I figured I spent all these years paying into the system, that I should get some $ out of it! I took two and a half weeks off. Could have gone back sooner but my Dr does a two week follow up appt vs. a one week. I was happy for the time off and to not have used up all my vacation time. i told everyone I was having surgery and if someone asked what for I said hiatal hernia because I was diagnosed with one during my EGD.
  22. I was sleeved 2/20 and am on purees/mushies. Here is my problem. I have spent my entire life cleaning my plate and having second helpings. I was sleeved because I overeat and binge eat. Even now, with a tiny swollen sleeve, I'm having a hard time finding when I'm full and stopping. I always have to finish. I do weigh and portion my food but I can eat anywhere from 2-5 oz in one sitting. For example, my nonfat greek yogurt comes in a 5 oz container with fruit on the bottom and I always finish it (except I leave the fruit syrup, don't want the carbs). How do I break this bad habit and learn when I am full? I hear everyone talk about knowing when to not take one more bite. Besides one really uncomfortable meal earlier this week where I knew I over ate, I have never thrown up and I don't get nauseous. I am worried because if I don't deploy some strategies now I fear my ability to regain when I am way further out. Some info if it is helpful: Currently, I eat 4-5 times a day, get in about 60-70 grams of protein, still working on my water averaging 6-7 cups. I do drink 30 minutes before I eat to make sure I'm not thirsty vs. hungry, averaging about 500-600 calories. I am following the rules (totally I'm scared of a leak) and I'm a fairly compliant person when it comes to medical stuff. However I know myself, when I can eat more, I probably will. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
  23. erp

    Best pureed foods

    Similar to Jon's recipe above. Favorite recipe from my nut: High Protein pudding: 16 oz. cottage cheese 1 package sf pudding mix 1 scoop Protein powder 4 tbsp ff milk 8 oz. ff or sf cool whip Mix first 4 ingredients in food processor until smooth, then fold in whipped topping. Chill and serve. 20-25 grams of protein per 1/2 c serving.
  24. erp

    Vegetarians unite

    Love Kale chips! I will be so excited when I am allowed to eat them again. I got a second dehydrator so double batches are in my future!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
