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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by erp

  1. I was fitted for an abdominal binder at my surgeon's office before surgery. Woke up in recovery with it on. Had to take it off though it didn't fit well. Going to start trying my Spanx again next week. I do at times feel like my incisions would feel better if they were supported.
  2. Two suggestions: get an Excalibur. Best dehydrator around and you can buy used on craigslist / eBay. Second, be sure to stay hydrated when eating dehydrated foods. The lack of water content means you will need to drink extra water.
  3. The first surgeon I went to was a big plication fan. I decided against it because I realized it wouldn't help with hunger. I get hungry but not like pre- op days. Plus I thought the possible complications with plication sounded worse- necrotic stomach, no thank you. I have been blessed with a relatively smooth recovery since my VSG.
  4. Actually it is the opposite. Bypass patients can stretch their pouch. Initially there may be a difference in how quickly weight is lost with the sleeve vs. RnY. However the gap between percentage of excess weight lost between the two procedures is narrowing.
  5. My biggest fear was that this would not work for me and I still fear that. Even with major weight loss in the past, I have never been under 200 lbs as an adult. So I hold my breath as the lbs come off to see if my body is just going to stop soon. It is a big decision and like everyone I dieted and lost 10 or 15 lbs but I was starving and miserable. So far I've lost a fair amount of weight and while it hasn't been easy, I never lost this fast on ANY diet plus (head hung low) I am not exercising. I did hit bottom last summer and when I did, I made up my mind. Yes, I had doubts and fears and still do but I knew I had to make a major change if I wanted to see major results. Good luck in whatever you decide. Keep posting, we are here for you whatever you decide.
  6. That is really good. I am post op but had very stressful event this weekend and found the same to be true for me as well. Even though I'm post-op, I can eat and we had chips in the house this weekend! LOL. Now I am trying to get back on track to find balance amid the stress. I think this journey, whether you are pre orpost op makes you do something that many of us haven't done in a long time, try to do better and tack care of ourselves. I hope you mom gets better soon.
  7. Have you been checked for a stricture? I can eat and drink ok. I do take small bites now and keep my food moist. But at six weeks a few things should go down ok for you. Are soft or mushy foods giving you trouble? It may just be excessive swelling but you're far enough out that it should get checked.
  8. erp

    This is hard for me

    I have some pictures that make me feel the same way. I hope to have the courage to keep a few before photos on my fridge once I become an after to remind me of what I was in denial about for a long time. Thank you for sharing with us. You have accomplished a lot.
  9. Betty, sorry you feel that way. I really haven't picked up on that tone here. I have read other posters questioning people's decision to get VSG at any weight with the idea that people need to know that this is a drastic surgery- to make sure people are ready for it. There are lots of "light weight" posters here and several subforums like 50 lbs to lose, etc specifically for low BMI. All posters provide invaluable insight regarding success and failure with VSG. Low BMIers like Iggychick come to mind, we all apperciate her willingness to talk openly about her experience. I was what my DH called a squeaker, I was under 40 bmi and stopped my last diet in order to qualify for ins. You haven't posted much since joining VST but hopefully by participating more you will find the support you are looking for. Please feel free to PM me any time with questions or whatever. Good luck in your journey.
  10. I weigh daily and enter changes in MFP. I count Wednesdays as my official weight for the week since that was my surgery date.
  11. erp


    You may have low blood sugar. You might want to try a little diluted apple juice. I get that way when my blood sugar is too low. Keep us posted
  12. Thank you, the pain is subsiding. :-)
  13. Holy moly! TMI warning ahead. The pain in my chest and back this morning was the most frightening thing I have every gone through. Apparently, forgetting to take my birth control pill last night and slugging it down first thing this morning caused my sleeve to wage a full scale attack! About a hour later I had vise-grip pain below my breastbone through my back. I got dizzy/weak and wasn't sure if I should sit, lay down or just pray for sudden death. I literally had the phone in my hand to call 911. I was sure I was having a heart attack. And then it came. The dry heaves like I see the cat perform before delivering a hair ball. More TMI alert- feel free to stop here. Then, I puked and pooped at the same time. It was horrible!!! I call my sleeve, Sleevie and now know she is a girl because she is a complete, effing bi-otch! I kind of hate her right now. Oh and my Dr says I need to go back to clears and then full liquids until she calms down. Damn you Sleevie!
  14. PS for every sleever that had nausea and vomitting in the days, weeks, or months after surgery: I apologize for every post I made these past 5 weeks about my uneventful recovery experience, having never vomitted, tolerating everything I eat, etc because now I know the misery!
  15. erp

    Suggest pls!

    Anything in moderation is fine. Nutritionally I believe almonds and pistachios are better for you but in small quantities any nut is fine.
  16. Carbs from healthy sources like veggies are a-ok. I couldn't stand most pureed foods so I ate instant mashed potatoes, yogurt, apple sauce etc. during that stage and I am down two clothing sizes five weeks out. I made my instant potatoes without butter and added powdered milk to the liquid milk to up the Protein. When I make mashed potatoes from scratch, I make them with cottage cheese, the hot potatoes melt the cheese into gooey cheesiness and I get more protein that way too. We eat so little at this stage that 2-4 oz of potatoes or another carb won't derail you as long as you get your Water and protein in first. Stalls are normal, don't worry, you're doing great.
  17. I understood grazing to mean eating small amounts of food all day. Never having defined meal times. I don't think Lexysdad is grazing. Generally it take 20 min for our brain to register satiety. If you eat a serving of food and wait awhile to see if you are satiated but find that your not, then it seems like eating a bit more to reach satiety should be ok. None of us want to eat only to then still be hungry.
  18. Pepper Paul I was able to eat and drink what seemed like a lot early on too. As time goes on, I do have restriction. I have been a bit fat and carb phobic because of all the low carb posts on this site but ideally if you are eating healthy, whole foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains your carbs should be fine. We need Fiber and the phytonutrients that only those types of foods can provide. I think the advice I've read to ensure you get in your Water and Protein is the most sensible at this stage in your recovery. Great job on your success do far! Keep it going!
  19. erp


    Best hijack in awhile. Well done Lara, well done. :-D
  20. Sleeve of Steel, thank you for posting a sample meal plan. I'd love to see anyone else's sample day that is over 900 calories as well. My Nut wants me to eat sugar free this and fat free that. I can barely get to 700 cals a day. I do usually buy lowfat dairy but I can't shake this "diet" mentality she's got me in.
  21. Breakfast: Protein shake in car on way to work Lunch: chicken meatballs Mid afternoon: yogurt with bran Cereal or cottage cheese and fruit Dinner: pulled chicken in BBQ sauce with melted cheese on top
  22. Hi Tammy, Feb 20 was my VSG. Most days I get all of my protein in. Water is more challenging, not b/c I can't drink it but b/c I never drank 64 oz a day before surgery. I have tolerated all the foods I've tried so far. Weight loss has been slow and steady and I eat 2-4 oz usually at meals. I have been working on eating slower, my challenge there is it has reduced my intake by about 150-200 cals. So my quandary is do I eat at my own pace and risk eating too fast or eat slow (2 min btwn bites) and get in around 500 cals vs. my previous average of 700 calories. I'd love to hear people's thoughts.

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