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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by erp

  1. erp

    Slimies. Foamies.

    Happens to me all the time. Any advice would be much appreciated. I travel a lot so I can't measure or weigh portions. When traveling, I dine with coworkers so I try to eat "normal." I order small items like just a piece of grilled chicken but I still eat too it fast and get past the comfortably full stage and then bam hiccups and foam. Eww
  2. I did not cheat but dammit if I didn't dream about it! I even asked on VST about taking diet pills during my pre-op, I was desperate to tame the hunger and carb withdrawls. I stuck with it though and didn't cheat and now am so happy with my new sleeved lifestyle. I hope the same for you. I get hungry now but it is NOTHING like before. I can ignore it where as before it was an angry beast. I'm telling you what everyone told me when I asked about the pre-op diet: Don't do it, it's not worth it. God forbid you end up with a problem during or after surgery and then have to wonder, was it that Big Mac I ate the day before surgery?! Not worth having any doubts. Last thing, Laura is totally right, pre-packaged broth is disgusting. I thought I was being healthy and got organic read flavorless broth. Homemade or even unjury broth is better that the packaged crap. You are over the halfway mark and can do it!!
  3. I struggle with water too. I do best with room temp flavored water. I also drink herbal tea and occasionally steamed milk with sf syrup in it (so good!). I have to schedule my beverages. I try to drink one 24oz bottle in the morning, one in the mid afternoon, and one in the evening before bed.
  4. Eating only a few bites is normal. Remember to take small bites and eat slow. Everything is extremely swollen. As the swelling goes does, it should get better. Make sure to drink your shakes as well so that you get enough Protein.
  5. DOS 2/20- 233 lbs Current- 206 lbs Total 27 lbs lost I eat about 800 cals a day and walk/jog for exercise. If I was super strict, low carbs and worked out harder I would be down more but I average about 2.5 -3 lbs a week. Only had one stall for one week. Very happy so far, looking forward to onederland within the next few weeks!
  6. It is a scope they put down your throat to see inside your stomach before surgery.
  7. There are people who the sleeve does not work for. I have read about on gal on here that is converting to bypass or DS. It's rare but it happens. Nothing is 100%.
  8. Nothing to be scared of. I was a awake for mine. You can search my old posts for a play by play. My point is, it is painless and over in a about 5-10 minutes and that is only if the doctor is going slowly. You will be just fine. :-)
  9. erp

    Cost post sleeve

    I have not had any costs since surgery. Prior to surgery, I had to pay a co-pay which was $1,000 to the hospital.
  10. erp

    having trouble..adapting

    I ate low sugar yogurt (pick flavors without small fruit seeds), cottage cheese, refried beans with sour cream, pudding with protein powder mixed in, pureed bean soups, Eggface's ricotta bake (A-mazing!). Do a search on here, lots of ideas. Just eat small amounts slowly and see how it goes. Good luck!
  11. erp

    High heels?

    I was able to wear heels again at 4 weeks out. Before then I always had to travel with two pairs of shoes, a pair of flats to change into. Now I wear them all day with no issues.
  12. Canadianchick, I think the general advice from the responders of more Protein and Water, fewer simple carbs. That said I struggle too with my job and the whole no eating and drinking rules. I find that I have to pre pack high protein Snacks in my purse, car, and desk to make it all work. Making my snacks ahead of time helps me with my portions and making fewer bad choices. Here's my 'schedule' most days, maybe it will help you: Wake up- 8 oz flavored water In car on way to work- breakfast- Protein shake At work- a cup of herbal tea Mid morning snack- 1/4 c wasabi soy nuts, mini Babybel cheese, or 1 oz mixed nuts Lunch- 3 chicken meatballs 1 hour later- 16 oz Crystal light Mid afternoon snack- protein bar( e.g. Quest bar) no sugar added apple sauce and cottage cheese or 1 serving cheez its and Greek yogurt In car on way home 16 oz flavored water Dinner- 2 slices low salt deli meat with 1 slice of cheese in the middle cooked until melted plus a few spoonfuls of steamed veggies, and a few bites of potato After dinner/ before bed 8-16 oz water With this routine, I average about 70 grams or more protein, 50 grams or less of carbs and 50 oz or more of water. Planning is everything for example, I make my crystal light when I heat up my lunch otherwise who knows when I'll get a break or remember to get some later.
  13. Winning When you find that bra, can you let me know?!
  14. I feel you there. It sucks! Happens when I eat dense foods too fast.
  15. erp

    **Vegetarians Unite**

    Mock meats are like Boca burgers, Morning Star Farms breakfast sausage, tofu hot dogs, etc. Not all have TVP in them but they are processed. You already check labels so you'll do fine.
  16. erp

    **Vegetarians Unite**

    I eat lots of veggie protein; beans, hemp seeds, soybeans, dairy products, mock meats, etc.
  17. erp

    Any Sacramento area sleevers?

    I'm in Sacramento. I go to a support group put on by Methodist Hopsital in So. Sac. it is twice a month and open to all.
  18. 8 weeks post and I've had many small victories: I have five pairs of pants that are way too big and in the to be donated pile, I tried on a 14w pant yesterday and it was tight but they zipped up! I have collar bones and lost a chin! I can wear high heels again! I sleep pain free.
  19. I struggle to get all my water in. Pre sleeve I got much of my hydration from food as opposed to beverages. Changing the temp and flavor of water has helped but I also drink steamed milk (my fav is adding SF cinnamon flavor to it), unsweetened vanilla almond milk and really watered down apple juice. I try to keep a schedule for drinking: 1 cup Crystal light when I wake up, 1-2 cups of tea/ hot milk after breakfast, 2-4 cups after lunch, 1-2 cups after dinner. I'm not a nutritionist but I think overall hydration is more important since most beverages are mostly water anyway. Drink as much as you can of whatever low sugar drinks will keep you hydrated. Good luck.
  20. My pain in the recovery room was not managed at all. I had shoddy nurses there. I would have jumped up and ran out if I could felt like I was on fire. Hours later after the second shift floor nurse got my pain under control, I was fine the rest of the time. The good news is that the pain is acute and decreases significantly for many in a matter of days. I stopped taking narcotics in the hospital on the second day and only took Tylenol by IV. Same thing when I got home. Took the liquid narcotics for two days and then just switched to liquid Tylenol. So yeah, you will have pain, it will suck at first but most likely you will feel much better in a matter of days.
  21. erp

    Vegetarians unite

    I use Braggs in place of soy sauce. Good stuff.
  22. erp


    I think big boobs make many women look heavy vs. more feminine. I think a small C is flattering on most ladies. If you are broad shouldered, then a large chest will only make you appear larger. Most surgeon's offices have sample falsies you can wear to pick a size. See if you can borrow different sizes to try.
  23. erp

    10 week post op appointments

    To get my calories up, I added healthy fats like avocado and hemp seeds. I stopped buying low fat cheese (except string cheese and babybel- prefer lowfat there). I also added more fiber rich foods like carb balance tortillas, fruit and veggies. My carbs are up but they are healthy carbs. I did add one food that could be considered a slider but it is healthy, dry roasted edamame, 1/4c is 130 calories and 14 grams of protein. I can eat 1/2c of those buggers. I would try for 800 cals for a couple of weeks and then 1000 after that.
  24. I also take the Twin Labs Bariatric calcium citrate. They are chewable wafers that I break in half and take twice a day since our bodies can only absorb so much calcium at a time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
