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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by erp

  1. HW 263 SW 233 CW 163 Just started fitting into size 8s, wearing mostly 10s right now. Still 20-25 lbs to goal. Any Feb sleevers thinking about plastics? I love my new, smaller body but wonder what size I would be with out this hanging belly.
  2. There are lots of small or little things that have surprised me: doing a double take if I catch my reflection unexpectedly- sometimes I don't recognize myself. Worrying about buying small enough clothes because they will be too big in a few months. Being able to do things effortlessly. Regaining mobility makes all the difference. Seeing your knees stick up when you lay down because all the fat that was around them is gone. These are just a few of the small things that I didn't know about or have discovered along the way.
  3. How terrible to permanently alter a child's anatomy without the child being old enough to understand the consequences. If this child was permitted to get into this unhealthy state to begin with, what makes anyone think the parents will follow the postoperative rules or the child will for that matter? This kid will have deficiencies down the road at best.
  4. Down 1 lb from last week. Current 164.
  5. erp

    Don't lose too much - aaaargh!

    This week I have had a few people tell me that I do not need to lose anymore weight. The first was my mother. I find her comment bizzare, she knows the struggles I have gone through to get where I am now and now she is dissuading me from getting to goal? Huh? The others are coworkers. I keep stewing about it because, I am not thin. I still need to lose 20 lbs to be at normal BMI or more if I go off a medical height/weight chart. I just find the whole thing irritating.
  6. erp

    Oh my freaking God!

    When is right! :-)
  7. erp

    So hard letting go of old clothes

    I found packing up old clothes relatively easy since they were so big on me and looked terrible. I do however want to find a few consignement stores to take some of the nicer items to. More $ for buying new, smaller clothes!
  8. Chocolate fudge. Oooh so much sugar, tummyache!
  9. erp

    Why the sleeve?

    I choose the sleeve for a number of reasons. First, I know a few people who had GB and all had less than successful outcomes. One even died from complications. This is not to imply that GB doesn't work for some but I don't personally know of any long term success stories. I looked into the lap band but was uncomfortable with the idea of a port and frequent injections to adjust it. A few years later I read so much about how it is not a long-term/permanent solution. I have a girlfriend who was banded 2 months before I was sleeved. Not only have I lost twice as much but I didn't understand her logic about the band being removable or temporary (she only wants to be skinny temporarily?). When I researched all the choices, I found the sleeve to beast acceptable. It's not perfect- what if I need that 85% of my stomach someday- but it was ultimately the best choice for me. Follow your heart. Good luck whatever you decide.
  10. erp

    is it possible?

    It sucks but many leave the hospital weighing more because of IV fluids. You're doing great. It all sounds normal so far.
  11. Had my 6 mo post appt yesterday. Surgeon was very happy. Hit my surgeon's goal of 165 lbs. HW 263 Pre op 242 SW 233 CW 165 77lbs lost and feeling great.
  12. erp

    is it possible?

    It is possible but lots of factors. How much do you weigh now? Are you on a pre-op diet? What are you eating? Quite frankly though, I wanted to lose 10 lbs on my pre-op diet and I only lost 7 lbs. Now that I'm 7 months out, do I care? Not a bit. Just work your sleeve.
  13. erp

    Stomach gurgling?

    I'm like Don. Occassional noises, usually kind of random. Not loud enough for anyone other than me to notice.
  14. Scary! I feel like I hear bad procedures all over the place, in the US and abroad. You are right to do your homework. Keep us posted on what you learn please.
  15. I'm in. I want to be in the 150s! CW: 165 Goal: 159
  16. erp

    weigh in!

    Protein is not likely the reason this early out. Very few get enough in at 2 weeks. Rather it is the false belief that we magically lose all of our weight overnight. As you said 20 lbs in 2 weeks IS awesome! However stalls are normal, that is a lot of weight for your body to drop all at once. Give it time and it will keep coming off.
  17. When I was researching, I was going to pay for Cirangle out of pocket. Or his former partner in Novato. Insurance ended up covering it otherwise I would have picked him. Good luck.
  18. erp

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Best was my brother commenting that I was getting skinny. Worst are my friends who exclaim, "you look like you've lost a TON of weight." I'm sure they mean it complimentary but it really, a ton? No, more like 60 lbs.
  19. Hunger is normal. I have had hunger since a few weeks post op. Eating a small amount of nutrient dense food is good, keeps the metabolism high and efficient. Unless you are gaining weight, I don't think you have a lot to worry about. Stalls suck but it sounds like you are eating right.
  20. erp

    What are the kitchen MUST HAVES?

    I didn't need much in the hospital except ear plugs so I could sleep. At home, don't over buy or over prepare. I bought all kinds of stuff I never used or ate. Get free samples of protein shakes (there's a thread on here about that). Just read as much as you can so that you feel prepared. I definately feel like I knew what to expect thanks to these boards and was fortunate to have a smooth recovery. Good luck.
  21. erp

    What if it doesn't work?

    Get counseling or join a support group. I suffer from the same issues and can attest they do not magically go away with surgery. You pick up the fork and will need to learn how to put it down.
  22. erp

    I'm Pretty! or so they say... :)

    Great photos! People should be checking you out. Keep it going!

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