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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by erp

  1. erp

    December Fitness Challenge

    I know it's a few days in but I'm in for the month. My goal is to keep with my new fitness level set during last month's challenge and exercise 5-6 days a week. I am also setting my first mileage goal of 18 miles. Sounds low but I alternate running with other forms of exercise so I only average running two days a week and I'm a beginner. So far this week I have run 4 miles and worked out 3 days.
  2. Still 151 but buckling down so hoping for a loss by next week.
  3. I got a very pretty necklace from Lauren's Hope website. I wore it for the first few months. I even got a lot of compliments since it didn't look 'medical'. Now 10 months out I don't think it is still necessary and no longer wear it. However it gave me peace of mind early out.
  4. Question to those at or very near completion. I am running slower than my program is designed, e.g. the program says run 22 minutes or 2.25 miles. To run that distance, I would need to significantly increase my speed. How do you do that? I currently jog at 4.5 mph, the program is set up for 5 mph.
  5. My loss has really slowed down so we'll see. CW 151 Challenge goal 145
  6. Hi Feb Sleevers! I wish more of us would check in as I miss hearing from everyone but with the new website, who knows who is still on here. Here's my Thanksgiving update which I am so thankful to be able to report results like this! Down 82 lbs since 2/20. In July 2012, I asked my MD to start the process. I am now over 100 lbs down from then. CW: 151. Goal weight 135-140. So bizarre to think I am only about 15 lbs from goal! I do struggle with head hunger and old disordered eating habits but I keep plugging away. We can do this!
  7. erp

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Down another lbs. CW 151. Missed my goal of being in the 140s.
  8. erp

    November fitness challenge

    Tomorrow is workout number 4 for the week. Jogged Monday and Wednesday, worked out with trainer on Tuesday. She's dedicated so were still working out tomorrow morning and Saturday.
  9. Great job Gamer. My next goal is to in the 140s
  10. erp

    November fitness challenge

    Went out of town this week so only worked out 4 days instead of 5. I am however still working out with my trainer on Thanksgiving day next week.
  11. You may need to experiment. I found early on that I had to thin my protein shakes with water to drink them. So experiment with consistency i.e. thickness/thinness as well as temperature. I still don't really like anything ice cold, except Popsicles. My drinks are room temp or warm. Also early on I added powdered milk to boost the protein content of my drinks. It is early enough that you may not hit your protein goals yet. Focus on staying hydrated. You may want to check out Unjury chicken flavored protein- it's like broth as well as Isopure drinks. Neither is thick like some chocolate or vanilla type of shakes and may be worth a go.
  12. erp


    Your speechless. I have a words for them, ignorant, embarrassing, naive, newbies, idiots.... Oye!
  13. erp


    Your speechless. I have a words for them, ignorant, embarrassing, naive, newbies, idiots.... Oye!
  14. erp

    Skin Pics

    I'm 15 lbs from goal and my skin is similar except I also have puddles of skin at the bottom of my butt. When is your TT? I think I would need a LBL.
  15. erp

    Skin Pics

    Costco has some high-waist yoga pants that have a colorful waistband on one side and solid black on the other. They are a miracle. You will find mid-rise pants are your new best friend.
  16. He does appts at both offices but I believe surgery is only at Methodist Hospital.
  17. I'm 5'4" and pear-shaped.. This photo was at 152 lbs.
  18. I have boxes and stacks of clothes too. The nice pieces will go to consignment, the more used stuff will get donated, and the worn or stained stuff tossed. I am 15 lbs from goal so I have replaced almost all of my clothes, underwear, and outerwear at this point. I definitely have wasted some $ buying stuff that I shrank out of a month later but it was so worth it. The thrill of buying missy clothes once I got into them was amazing. Yeah still kicking myself for the $40 bra from Fredrick's that only fit for 6 weeks but whatever. I'm worth it!
  19. Yes, he also has an office in Folsom.
  20. I was sleeved by Dr. Eslami in Feb. at Methodist. They have one of the best WLS programs in Sac. Very comprehensive pre and post op care. I regularly attend his support group and would highly recommend you do the same. They meet every 1st Sat and 3rd Thurs so find a time that works for you. If you have any specific questions let me know.
  21. erp

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Down one more lbs. CW 152
  22. erp

    Need help with workouts!

    Duplicate post
  23. erp

    Need help with workouts!

    I also use the free version of C25K app on my phone.
  24. erp

    Need help with workouts!

    You tube and the web are full of free plans. I like bloglates.
  25. erp

    Weight Lifting

    I weight train 3 days a week. I have slowed drastically in my weight loss but I have gained 4 lbs of muscle in 3 months. My body fat has dropped 8%. Track your body fat and muscle mass.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
