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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by erp

  1. CGJ is right. Everyone is different and sleeved life is forever. I lost the majority of my weight in 11 months. I am now 5 lbs from goal. Ten pounds from my maintenance weight goal. My signature shows my progress, it is forever stuck however, a casualty of the Bariatric Pal change over.
  2. When I was two weeks out, I considered walking around the block a major victory. I wasn't cleared for exercise until four weeks out. Take it easy on yourself and stay hydrated.
  3. erp

    Protein shakes

    I used Unjury plain. They aren't really no flavor so get small quantities to experiment.
  4. Great ideas! You're going to need that wardrobe so it is good you are planning for it now.
  5. erp

    7mo post op...I need help

    I don't cook either. I like things that I can grab and eat like Greek yogurt. Seems like there's a million at the store so I just look for the lowest calories. I make smoothies and sip them all morning long. I mix Protein powder into all kinds of stuff- pudding, oatmeal, etc. All basic stuff that doesn't require an oven or stove just a microwave sometimes. I blend cottage cheese with powdered ranch for a high protein dip. I take shredded chicken and make chicken salad. Some days I scramble an egg or two in a mug for breakfast. I take 2 Flintstones complete Vitamins a day. They taste ok. Not awesome but definitely tolerable. I love Peanut Butter but try to avoid it as I can't stick to one serving. Based on what you can cook, you can eat healthier if that is what you want. I don't weigh or measure my food but I do use my fitness pal, it gives me an idea of where I am for the day. For exercise, I have found that I am a slug on my own so group exercise helps me. I do classes or workout with friends or a trainer. Left to my own devices, I would just sit on the couch. I think trying to change everything at once is overwhelming. I focused on one issue at a time. I started with the whole no caffeine. I stopped drinking coffee about 2 months before surgery. After that about 2 weeks before surgery, I added the whole "no eat & drinking" thing. Then came the protein first rule, etc. There are a lot of rules but by easing into them, I found it easier to stick with. Lastly, I set mini goals along the way. Goal for hitting weight loss benchmarks, exercise goals, clothing size goals. I found those things very motivating in the beginning. You can turn this around and I think it is great that you are here and asking for help. If you need ideas, recipes or just to vent message me. Erica
  6. erp

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    I should buy stock in Macy's and Ann Taylor/Loft. Love those stores.
  7. erp

    Thighs Touching

    I did/do. It got better and there is less darkness because my thighs are smaller but it didn't go away completely- can't undo 39 years of chaffing. My thighs still touch and probably always will because I'm pear shaped.
  8. I would if I needed to. So far fillers and Botox are doing the job.
  9. erp


    Totally normal. I had to thin my ready to drink shakes with water in the beginning. Also Unjury was a good powder that I could add to other drinks like Crystal light.
  10. Jane, help us out. What is the cut, color and length of the dress? Better yet post a pick. Barring that info however I own an awesome pair of red patent and suede pumps that are always a great pop of color. Same thing with two skinny belts I have one in navy and one in red patent. I can add one of those three items to any plain dress to jazz it up. Also consider a bracelet since you are skipping the necklace.
  11. erp

    wish you got lap band?

    I explored 4 surgeries: band, bypass, plication and sleeve. I got scared off from bypass because I knew personally of someone who died from complications and even though there are successful bypass folks at my support group, I just couldn't get past it. So then I looked very seriously at the band but my employers insurance had a WLS exclusion for several years. Fast forward to 2012 and I decide to look back into surgery only now I start hearing about band complications and that maybe it is not as permanent of a device as first thought. I decided I only wanted one surgery and I wanted something permanent. I love my sleeve and have lost 100 lbs. I don't think I would have had the same results with a band. Not that you can't lose weight with it but I wouldn't have lost as much as fast. For comparison, a very good friend of mine got banded 8 weeks before I got sleeved. Over a year out and she is still heavy and has lost maybe 40 lbs. The sleeve was the a** kick I needed to get the weight off.
  12. erp

    weight loss

    That was not my experience. Many people stall but I never have. Just been slowly and steadily losing since day 1.
  13. Yes it is normal. Your stomach is very swollen. Just keep sipping all day.
  14. As I think about, I guess what is bothering me about being close to goal is the feeling of "ok, so now what?".
  15. You lost 103 in 3 months?! That is amazing! You look great.
  16. erp

    Valentine's Challenge

    I know it's early but I was just so excited this morning. I finally hit my goal in one of these challenges!
  17. erp

    Belly Fat

    Liposuction, just kidding. The more serious note, it depends on your body. I diet, I exercise, and I still have fat in my tummy and outer thighs. That's just where I carry my fat stores.
  18. Stats are in my signature. You can see it from your computer.
  19. erp

    Fab 40's shout out

    OOooh my first 40's post (turned 40 three months ago)! Turning 40 was actually a big motivator for me to have VSG. Two years ago, I was embarrased by my size and I felt like I missed out on my "flirty 30s." I decided from that point on that I wanted to be "40 and fabulous." I am now a year out and down over 100 lbs. Today, I wore a size small blouse and size 4 pants. Fabulous is now an understatement.
  20. I have been feeling like maintenence means I get to stop- to stop tracking, stop dieting, stop exercising. It is so surreal to know that I am now just at the end of the beginning and that I will always have to do the things I am doing now.
  21. Refer to your surgeon's instructions. Per my surgeon's office the answer is no. I waited until 9 mo post before having anything carbonated and the first time carbonation caused a lot of burping. So you may want to wait awhile longer and then take it slow.
  22. All of the above plus a huge heating bill. Electric throw- best purchase of the year.
  23. erp

    NSV shout outs

    Worked out with my honey today. We went to a small class at my trainer's gym. There were two men and two women in the class. So it became a girls vs. boys HIIT race. We ladies smoked them. Never thought I would see the day that I am in better shape than he is!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
