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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by erp

  1. Here's a few days post op at about 230 lbs A couple of weeks ago at about 138 lbs
  2. You may still fight hunger and cravings. I get hungry and battle head huger daily. Do not believe that this surgery will take away your desire to eat- that only happens for a rare few. As far as your hubby, my DH was against it as well. He was very scared and worried for me. I made the best decision for me and we are both better for it. We now workout together and lead a more healthy lifestyle but frankly my goal was never to change his mind. My goal was to do what was best for me/us in the long run.
  3. My cycle has improved post op as well. I used to be irregular, get hormone related breakouts, and have very painful periods. Now, I still have normal hormone symptoms: increased appetite and sweets craving when premenstrual but no more breakouts and cramps are controlled by Tylenol.
  4. Milk of magnesia works well. Ducolax is good too. Fiber One cereal, berries and Quest bars are good food sources of fiber. I have found that I have to take Miralax a few days in a row before it starts working. Definitely experiment and see what works for you.
  5. Hi gang! I'm still here though I don't post as much as I used to. Like many have said the weight loss is now serious hard work. I bounce between 137-141. Would like to get the last 10 lbs off and hit my ultimate goal of 130 but as long as I don't gain, I would honestly be happy if the scale never moved again. Maintenance is hard work as old habits want to reemerge. I still weigh daily but have been thinking about quitting the scale and focusing on cleaning up the diet this summer. Miss those early post op days! :-) It's great to hear everyone is well and at or close to their goals. Please continue to check in from time to time, it keeps me focused and motivated.
  6. Happened to me this week. I've been less regular than usual and I was premenstrual.
  7. Please feel free to PM me with any questions you have. I would be happy to share my experience. You will do great. We were all scared this wouldn't work. Erica
  8. erp

    Talk to me about Fitbit Flex!

    I have a flex, two actually. Can't get either to hold a charge. I do not use any of the battery draining features like silent alarm. Would not buy again.
  9. erp

    Goal weight

    My surgeon set a goal but I felt it was too high (170-160 lbs- I am not quite 5'4"). Frankly, I was dissappointed at the prospect of having surgery to stay overweight. I used several indicators for my goal. You might consider any or all of these: My first goal was to not weigh what most, healthy men should weigh so immediately decided I wanted to be under 150. To me,150 lbs was entering chicks only territory. I also wanted a normal BMI so my Wii would stop declaring, "That's obese!" everytime I played. I also did not want to be 'skinny fat' so I decided my body fat needed to be less than 30%. Then I scoped out clothing sizes and decided I wanted a single digit dress size because I have never been a single digit. So I wanted to be 145 lbs, 25 BMI 29% body fat or less, and a size 8 or smaller. At some point someone posted a link to My Body gallery and I entered my height, body shape, and then started viewing different images of women at different weights. I thought the gals that were in the 130s looked good. Currently, I bounce around 137-141. My bodyfat is 20-28% (depends on the machine). My BMI is 24 and I wear a size 6. My new goal is 130 lbs, size 4 and to lose the stubborn belly fat. Just dream it because you can do it.
  10. erp

    Running too Slow

    I found steady state running super boring and slow. I switched to an interval schedule like above. Keeps me occupied by tracking the time -it's the longest minute ever! Plus, I improved my max speed.
  11. I sweat very little if at all during exercise. It just takes a lot of prolonged exertion to get me sweating. Even at my heaviest, I was not a "sweat-er". My husband however practically breaks a sweat just by thinking about exercise.
  12. My highest weight was 263. When I decided to move forward on losing weight I was about 254. I am now 15 months out and around 138-139.
  13. erp

    Anyone want to show pics :)

    My semi good health has gotten better. Yes, I lost hair for several months but that stopped a long time ago. I also have excess skin but I exercise regularly which has helped. At the end of the day, I will take my loose skin and sagging size 6 bits now over my fat, sagging size 22 bits from before. Only helpful hint I have is to follow your medical teams instructions on diet and exercise post op. Best of luck to you. Here's a one week post op pic and a photo from yesterday for some inspiration.
  14. Search couch to 5K and there are several threads on this. Indeed lots of folks here have used the app. I used it last year and did my first 5k last December. I've since completed another 5k and have checked it off my bucket list. My advice is to go at your own pace. I started at about 3.5-4 mph and now I can run much faster at about 6 mph. Have fun and invest in good shoes. :-)
  15. Not sure how far out you are but I think vigilance is key. As long as you keep doing what you are doing now for food and exercise, then ideally you wouldn't have regain. I'm only 15 months out so I hope that's true. I too have a whole new wardrobe that I would like to stay in.
  16. erp

    What time of day do you exercise and why ?

    I like mornings best but need structure like a scheduled class or someone waiting for me otherwise I wait until after work and at that point I don't workout as hard if at all.
  17. erp

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    Love your story Kathy. I too met my DH online. For me the key was not agreeing to meet for awhile. Delayed gratification got rid of all the guys just looking for a fling. Plus it gave my guy and I a chance to know each other via email and calling first- just old fashion talking. I think too many people rush into things, saying that they must know right away if there is a spark. We're now on 9 years together.
  18. If you go back on the treadmill as the summer heats up, adding an incline better simulates outdoor running.
  19. erp


    Take liquid (kids) next time.
  20. erp

    One of those days

    I have loose skin but must say it does get better with time. So give it time, you've lost a lot in a very short time.
  21. I think any single digit dress size is success after WLS. I usually wear a 4 or 6 but up to an 8 depending on the brand and cut. For my frame (small) and height (5'4"), I would like to lose about 5 or so more pounds to land more consistently into a 4.
  22. Have you considered starting with just a sleeve and then revising to DS if your results aren't satisfactory? DS is sometimes done as a two stage procedure- sleeve only first and then rerouting later. You may find that you get where you need to be with a sleeve only. Good luck on your journey.
  23. erp

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    Lots of frogs to go through

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
