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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GrizGirl

  1. Well, Removal surgery is scheduled this Friday..how's that for quick, and RNY is scheduled for January 26th. I've got a couple of questions for my doc, but I want to run this up the flagpole with you all first. Why not do the surgery all at once? I've not had any fill in months, so I can't imagine i would need to give anything a "rest", no reflux, heartburn etc. How much (of the instestine) does he plan on "bypassing" Who has discussed this with their surgeon? If so what kind of answer? Thanks for any and all input!
  2. Not really sure even how to begin. I have been banded since June 2005. Had great success up until about one year ago. I went through a series of fills and unfills which culminated in a slip. I was completely unfilled from October last year until January of this year. I've played around with varying fill amounts since then Through this all, (from my low last summer) I've gained 16 pounds. Not too bad. I had a small fill at the beginning of August (went from 3.5cc to 4.5 cc in an 11cc). All has been going great...until yesterday. Had my normal lunch, crackers ff cream cheese, and wham...stucksville. Slimed quite a bit at work (that's always delightful) but felt pretty good by the time I went home. I took it pretty easy last night...Ice Cream for dinner..yea I know..., but that got stuck as well. Got up this morning, coffee went down ok. Got to work, had a slimfast, and there it sat, and sat and sat. Finally that came back up. I called the doc and they got me in right away for an unfill. My doc's office has always been super about getting me in right away. I immediately felt better. So, this is where I'm at now. My doc's office is submitting a request to my insurance company for removal of the lap band and revision to VSG. I was fortunate that my insurance covered the Lap Band this first time around. I've been doing some research on VSG and it seems like it might be a route I'd like to go. My doc also has said, that he will do all and anything he can to faciliate approval. Guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. Thanks all, feel better for having written this.
  3. GrizGirl

    Slipped Band, now what?

    I've got an update... Jumped through some hoops with my insurance company. Had to get a new psych evaulation and nutritional assessment...No big deal. Long story short, my insurance company will approve removal of the old band & replacement of a new band. They will also approve RNY. They will not however approve VSG as it's still considered investigational. My doctor wants me to appeal this decision, but I know that while there may be 1 million reasons why this surgery is best for me, until it's FDA approved my insurance company will not budge. At this point in time, self paying for VSG isn't really an option. So, now I'm faced with several questions. 1. Appeal the denial 2. New Band 3. RNY Part of me would like to go the RNY route and just get the rest of this weight off...but then I've done OK with the band. Current BMI is around 32... I would like to know how people who had their band for a couple of years and have undergone surgery to replace their band are doing. What to do, What to do.....
  4. GrizGirl

    Lap Band removal for different reasons

    Hi- I've had many of the same issues as you. It does seem the more weight I lost, the tighter my band became. I was banded in June of 2005 to date have lost between 75-85 pounds. I've spent more than half of 2007 unfilled. Most recently (November) I was diagnosed with a slip. I am headed to the doc Thursday to check things out. I've managed to hold my own this year (that's why I mentioned the ten pound swing in the weight above)! I guess I'll wait to see what the doc has to say. I must say I've enjoyed eating normally most of the time this year. I've got another 30 or 40 pounds I'd like to lose. I've been doing a minor about of research on switching to a DS or RNY. To say I'm in a quandry is putting it mildly. Good luck
  5. Hi Everyone I was wondering if anyone out there with a vanguard band can tell me how much Fluid was placed in their band during their first fill. I realize that some docs will put some fluid in the band right away--not mine. I am several weeks out from surgery--I can tell I have no restriction what so ever. That being said, I am doing my best to follow docs order regarding portions and textures of food. I am scheduled for my first fill July 22 and I know that adjustments are not an exact science, but I am curious what I can expect. Also, for those with the vanguard band did anyone have any level of restriction right out of the chute? and if not, how many fills and with what amount of fill has it taken to achieve any restriction?
  6. Congrats and well done. I've always enjoyed your informative and entertaining posts!
  7. GrizGirl

    Back on the Horse

    Hi All- Haven't posted in a while. Works been hectic, throw in a vacation and boom. Where does the time go? Anyhow, I was unfilled completely at the end of June due to a very irritated / unhappy band. I've been flying solo since then. Since my unfill I've gained about 5-7 pounds. I am going to head back to the Doc this Friday to get refilled. Wish me luck and I'm looking forward to getting back to the losing side.
  8. GrizGirl

    Back on the Horse

    Hi Vines- Haven't checked in much lately! I am actually heading out for a 2:30 fill appointment today. I've been thinking about you lately. I've just moved back to a new jobsite in Bellevue. PM me--I'd love to get together for a cup of joe and do some catching up!
  9. GrizGirl

    Fill out - Pains gone!

    I've been unfilled since the end of June. I've been enjoying things that I haven't been able to have. Lots of fruits & veggies & salad. I have had a couple of burgers, If we head to a sit-down burger joint, I will usually get a small burger, not eat the top bun & have lots of lettuce on it. What I am really enjoying is the ability to chug ice cold Water. I have gained a couple of pounds since being unfilled. My doc & I decided to wait until I get back from a rafting trip in Idaho before refilling. Good luck to you!
  10. GrizGirl

    Dr. C question - Hardness around port

    I've noticed lately hardening around my port. I too have had a lot of little fills & unfills. Scar tissue makes perfect sense. That is why I love this site!!! Lets me know I'm not crazy when I come up with strange symptoms. There's usually someone else out there with similar experiences!
  11. Yep--possible slip here. I went in last Friday to see the doc. Reflux for a couple of nights, pain in my back (actually between my shoulder blades), couldn't swallow Water, you know the drill. I had a previous unfill in March, and was filled again with no problems since then. This seems to have come out of nowhere. Long story short, they unfilled me last Friday, all symptoms have gone away completely, and I see him today just to see how I'm doing. We'll formulate a plan of attack today. Wish me luck. Feeling kind of dumpy about the whole thing.
  12. GrizGirl

    Slip Sliding Away-Maybe

    Thanks for the words of encouragement all.. No kidding about the what seems to be an automatic weight gain. It seems I've put on about 5 pounds too. I was really, really dehyrdrated too. It's funny (not really) how fast that sneaks up on you. Good luck with the fills & I hope all stays well!
  13. GrizGirl

    Slip Sliding Away-Maybe

    Just got back from the doc. He doesn't think I've slipped because all of my symptoms are gone. Way, way irritated stoma... That being said, we decided to leave my band unfilled until mid-August. He wanted to put some back in in 2-3 weeks, but I'm going on a raft trip in Idaho the first week in August and I don't want to run the risk of getting filled and having issues in the middle of nowhere. So my doc (and I) thought it would be a great idea just to wait. I am approaching this as if I just were banded and this is my first six weeks prior to a first fill. Wish me luck!
  14. GrizGirl

    Here is a picture of my new baby....

    I strongly believe there is a special place in the cosmos for people who adopt animals from shelters. Older animals are usually extremely hard to place with families!! I'm a shelter animal mom/hand me down dog a couple of times over too. My favorite dog came from the city pound. He was a one year old German Shepherd. He got very ill when he was about 7 years old and we had to put him down. His ashes are stored in a cedar box in our china cabinet! I have pictures of all of my dogs along with pictures of my daughter in my office at work. No pictures of the hubby!! What does that tell you!! Kudos to you and your family for taking this lucky dog in.
  15. Hooky from Work Hooky from Work (if you're a stay at home mom and/or you work from home) Today I am splitting out of work to go play golf with a couple of co-workers. I told my hubby I was going to be a little late coming home from work because I have a late afternoon "meeting". I think he knew I was lying when I through my golf clubs in the back of the car last night.
  16. GrizGirl

    What do you do when you play hooky?

    I've played hooky (called in sick) to work to take care of stuff at home so I can play hard on the weekend!! How goofy is that.
  17. GrizGirl

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    Give me a ticket on your crazy train funny duddy. I take perverse pleasure in folding sheets, t-shirts, dishtowels.. I don't go so far as to Iron the sheets though. Growing up, one of our chores was to help mom iron. I can iron the heck out of nearly anything. I did however, introduce my husband to the joys of the dry cleaner. To me it's worth the 1.49 per shirt to have them cleaned & pressed.
  18. I just had to post this. I've been struggling the last couple of months. Seems I've been gaining & losing the same 6-10 pounds. Through this all, I've been going to the gym several times a week. 1. 2 weeks ago I ran into an intern who was returning to work after being away from our company since last (late) July. I was headed out of our office building and he was heading in. I said Hey--glad to see you're back, what's going on! He had a funny look on his face but he was unfailingly polite when we spoke. Cut to last night. He and I and a couple of others went out last night to have a couple of beers (beer, I know). He said, you know, when I saw you a couple of weeks ago, I simply didn't recognize you.. You look alot different. 2. I was told by two different people yesterday that I looked "thin" I told them it was because I had my shirt tucked in, was wearing a belt and had shoes with heels that made me around 6"tall. 3. Able to wear a size of 14 long jeans from American Eagle! The thin part isn't so true, but OMG what a wonderful thing to hear. Take that scale:)
  19. GrizGirl

    unfill- instant relief

    Amen--Too tight blows. I struggled with a too tight fill for several months. Got into the PB/Acid Reflux cycle. I was unfilled completely for 10 days. Good for you for taking care of this.
  20. GrizGirl

    lettuce rejoice!

    I can do lettuce also. Makes it nice when I have to go out to lunch for work. I always suggest mexican and then order taco salad/tostada, etc. I had raw celery last night for the first time in a year. I was never a big fan of celery, but OMG was it ever good.
  21. GrizGirl

    24 Hour Fitness anyone?

    Okay sis, I'll be there are 5:00AM (PST) tomorrow morning. I will give you a mental hello at 5:10AM GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  22. GrizGirl

    24 Hour Fitness anyone?

    I go to 24 hour fitness. I go before work 3 times a week. I find that because I'm there early, you don't run into the gymbo types (boy/girl bimbo) I've heard that the gym that I do go to get's pretty crowded in the late afternoon/early evening. When I first started going July of last summer (a month or so after surgery) I did feel a little self concious. Not anymore. The only thing the 24 hour gym that I go to in the morning is missing is a pool. I wouldn't mind swimming occasionally. I did get the type of membership where I can go to any 24 hour fitness anywhere!
  23. My surgery anniversary date is June 9th. I am 60 pounds down. It seems I"ll stay the same for several weeks, then be down 2-3 pounds. I hit the gym 3x week and generally eat what I want when I want it. No bread, rice or potatoes for me. They generally get stuck. I was up to 7 cc in a 11cc VG band, but that was too tight. I went through much of March with horrid Acid Reflux and constant PB'ing. I had a complete unfill for 10 days and was filled back to 6cc's. This seems to be perfect for me. I thought I would have lost a little more than the 60 pounds by now, but who's complaining!:clap2: I find it funny, but in the last month I have gotten lots of comments on my weight loss. I think it's the gym and I know I'm more likely now to wear t-shirts and sweaters that aren't shapeless rags and to also occasionally tuck them in!. The gym has really helped me. I love my band!
  24. GrizGirl

    What size do you want to be?

    I'm 5'11". When I started out I was in 20/22W bottoms & 2X Tops. I now fit (pretty darn comfortably) into Size 16Long Jeans from American Eagle & Old Navy. The boobs haven't gotten smaller (only longer) so I'm in XL or 1X shirts. Because I'm in the big-boned sisterhood, I can't imagine I would ever be any smaller than a size 12. But, that's what I'm shooting for! I just wish my feet would shrink a bit more!
  25. GrizGirl

    2 years ago today...

    When I read the post about missing bandsters, I wondered about you. Congrats and I'm glad all is well. You have been and will be an inspiration to us all!

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