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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nate

  1. I got ya all beat LOL I went into the operating room for bypass surgery and woke up with a sleeve! Turns out my liver was still a tad large, so my Doc's first option was to cut me wide open and perform the bypass like that. But upon inspecting my insides with their handy dandy little camera, they discovered that I had a large amount of scar tissue and mesh in my abdomen from a hernia I had repaired 5 years ago. So opening me up was no longer an option, and he decided rather then not doing anything he would do the sleeve instead. I'm actually really glad he decided to do the sleeve instead of the bypass. Now I don't have a lifetime on mal absorption problems and B12 shots to worry about.
  2. Nate

    Approved Fed Bcbs!

    Cool, Congrats!
  3. I dunno, that's what the card says though lol. You know how every Doctor is different when it comes to their approach to the sleeve. They really should have Sleeve Doctor convention or something and come up with a solid universal set of rules and guidelines they all go by.
  4. The Card Says MEDICAL ALERT: Sleeve Gastrectomy Do not place Blind NG (nasal gastric) Tube or Blind OG (oral gastric) Tube NO NSAIDS And then it has my Doc's contact info.
  5. Nate

    Slider Foods

    OK what exactly is a "Slider" I've seen the term for slider food on here before and my goofy ass self thought it was probably a recipe for mini hamburgers!
  6. My Doc gave me a card to keep in my wallet that identifies me as a VSG patient and a list of things that can't be done and I can't be given. I was thinking of possibly getting the info on a dog tag type of thingy in case something ever happens and I'm not coherent enough to whip out my wallet and show someone the card since I'm really not a bracelet type of guy.
  7. Yes I feel like that sometimes. Especially at my size. Lately I haven't eaten the healthiest stuff, missed a ton of protein shakes and even broke down and drank a bottle of diet coke. So I really feel like I'm letting myself and everyone else who believes in me down and that I'll never even get close to my goal weight. And seeing others success stories really can be a double edge sword at times. Yes while they do inspire me and make me realize it can be done and people can and have achieved their goals and dropped massive amounts of weight, it also makes me feel like a complete loser who could never be fortunate enough to have those kind of results.
  8. Nate

    Goal Outfit.

    When I hit my goal somewhere between 235-250, I plan to buy a pimpin suit. Well not a "pimp" suit, but you know what I mean LOL.
  9. Nate


    I'm a little over 3 months out and just yesterday I had a Cobb salad off and on for a few hours. Everything was fine. I agree with musicbox up there, try a little and see how it goes.
  10. I was sleeved at Parma Hospital, by Dr Craig Eyman. I really like the whole staff there, they're all really nice. Parma's Bariatric Clinic is a Center Of Excellence. I'd give them a look see if you're shopping for Surgeons.
  11. Nate

    Blood Test

    The bad news is they haven't called yet. The good news is they haven't called saying there's anything wrong! Smile!
  12. Nate

    Fudge Popscicles

    You can absolutely have them! They were my saving grace during the post surgery liquid diet stage. Made it feel like I was cheating when I wasn't.
  13. Nate

    What To Eat While Fishing

    If you're taking a cooler, Jello, pudding, cottage cheese, yogurt, all in handy little cups. If you have a thermos you could always take some of your favorite soup. Otherwise the suggestion of tuna and cheese is a good one. Maybe some crackers to put the tuna on as long as you chew chew chew thoroughly
  14. Nate

    Why Me?

    Sorry you've having issues. I know how you feel. I ended up with blood clots all through the arm my i.V. was in and had to go back in the hospital a few days after I was released. You'll be better before you know it! Feel better!
  15. Nate

    Stomach Size

    that doesnt seem like alot over the course of an entire day. As long as you're not feeling major restriction in your stomach or regurging what you eat because you're overfilling yourself you should be just fine.
  16. If you don't want others knowing beside immediate family tell your cousin "Nope I did it all myself" Then tell your dad in a polite way to keep his big trap quiet because you don't want others knowing your bidnez! But you know how family is, the damage is probably already done and by this time tomorrow after your cousin tells 3 other cousins, and they tell 9 other people, and those people tell even more people the rumor will be that you've had your head removed and put on a skinnier body. And everyone will resent you for not doing it the right way blah blah blah...
  17. Nate

    Food Addiction And Wls

    I was Sleeved on June 5th and so far i've lost 70lbs, so it's possible. It's hard, but it is possible. I'm proof of that. I am a big time food addict. Always have been, and just like any Alcoholic or Drug Addict, I always will be. It's a struggle daily to stay away from things I know I shouldn't be having. I would much rather be eating something way bad for me any chance I get. I just keep reminding myself why I got sleeved. I think about how my life has been the last how many years, stashed away in the house hiding from the world, watching life go by. I refuse to live like that any longer. So when I get the desire for something bad to eat instead I opt for something healthy. My go to snack of late is baby carrots and celery sticks with hummus to dip them in. When I really want to feel like I'm cheating I'll have a sugar free popsicle or fudgesicle. That's not saying we can't still eat pretty much anything we want from time to time. I've spoiled myself and had stuff I know I probably shouldn't have had. I just had it in moderation, and on rare occasions.
  18. Nate

    Final Answer On Water?

    My Doc did tell me that drinking while eating could stretch the stomach, but it could just be a scare tactic. Who knows? Every Surgeon and their thoughts and practices seem to be different when it comes to this stuff
  19. Nate

    I Have My Date!


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
