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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Nate


    You should get to your doctor and have them give you the once over just to be safe. Could just be side offects fro being a bit dehydrated which inst good in the first place... could be something more serious like your blood pressure dropping to a dangerously low level. Go get checked out.
  2. Nate


    I'm able to eat a whole "cup" of yogurt. It's been 3 weeks since my surgery. I don't think 5 or 6 oz is too much considering it's a soft almost liquid that will pass thru the stomach faster than a solid would.
  3. Nate

    Is This Normal?

    Yes it's normal. Your stomach is still tender and healing and recovering from a major trauma. If the Water is real cold and bothering you you may want to try warm or room tempature water, that helped me. I couldn't stand cold water the first few days after surgery and my stomach seemed to flip out when I tried drinking any. Hope you're feeling better soon
  4. Nate

    Sugar Addiction

    It's not sugar for me. It even sounds kinda gross but I find myself craving a big thick juicy medium rare burger with extra cheese mayo and for some unknown reason butter Talk about an arterie clogger lol. I'm still on pureed foods only right now so I know I can't have it... but I'm kinda worried. If the craving is this strong now, what is it going to be like when I can actually eat solid food again.
  5. Nate


    I have to take quite a few myself. Still cant take my normal Multivitamin at the moment so I'm on the Flintstones chewable ones.
  6. Nate


    2 1/2 years that I know of. Could have been longer. Typical man I never went to the Doctor unless I thought I was dying lol
  7. Nate


    I was Type 2 before Surgery two weeks ago. Once I got my sleeve, my Doc stopped all my meds and my sugar has been consistently in the 80-90 range, and the highest it's ever been since surgery was 112 once.
  8. Since my sleeve I've found that I've become addicted to hot green tea with one Splenda in it. I easily drink 4-5 cups through out the day. Thankfully green tea is low in caffeine.
  9. Nate

    Scared As Hell!

    First thing to do is stop and take a deep breath and try to relax some. The odds of a leak is something like less than 2% I do believe. Figure all of the people having sleeves done in the world and that's next to nothing. When you have your surgery, your Doctor will most likely be stapling, clamping, and gluing your stomach to ensure it's closed properly. The majority of Doctors will also have you tested for leaks before they start you on any liquids. They've been performing this procedure for well over 50 yrs with success so honestly, you have nothing to worry about. Stop reading all the negative things and start reading the good stuff!!
  10. My wrist was really bothering me the last few days. Today I woke up and my arm was swollen from the elbow to my fingers. Went to Doctors and they did xrays and an ultrasound. Turns out I have a blood clot in my wrist that they think was caused by the I.V. from my surgery two weeks ago. So now they are pumping me full of anti inflamitories and blood thinners.... The good news is I've lost 32 lbs in two weeks!!
  11. Nate

    Blood Clots

    I'm in the hospital right now with a clot in my wrist that was caused by the I.V. when I was in for surgery. I guess sometimes its going to happen no matter what. Just be vigilant and see a Doctor if you suspect a problem.
  12. Yes, they were giving me Heperin I think its called at least three times daily while I was in.... TY All for the well wishes!
  13. As long as you've been eating the proper amounts you're just fine. Like Karen said, you would know it if you had a leak. Take a deep breath and try not to worry so much
  14. Nate

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    You'll do just fine. I was scared to death right up to surgery time. If you're real anxious once you get to the hospital ask them to give you something to help your nerves. Good Luck!
  15. Nate


    My Doc said to avoid corn for 4-6 months, so that's my plan. Doesn't bother me much anyways, i'm more of a green bean fan myself.
  16. Nate

    Feeling Great!

    Others don't know what it's like to be you, or what may or may not have led you to make the choices you have made. Just don't take people's comments to heart. YOU know you made the best decision for you and you're opinion is the one that matters most. Screw what all the negative people think.
  17. I think anyone who's been sleeved is paranoid of a leak in the early going. I freaked out a few days ago when I got a bout of stomach cramps that turned out to be gas. Just make sure you're eating the right amounts of the right things and you'll be fine.
  18. Nate

    ? Rre Post Op

    I was one of the lucky few I guess. I was up and walking the morning after surgery with very little pain at all. Wasn't allowed to drive or shower until the drain came out, which was a week after surgery, other than some major bouts of fatigue lately it's been business as usual for me.
  19. Nate


    I'm approaching two weeks since my sleeve and I can't lie. I really do miss food. There are moments when I smell everyone's dinner cooking and I start jonesing to pig out even though I know I can't. I know it has to be all mental, like when I quit smoking... my subconscious was conditioned to eat eat eat and now it's like HEY HELLO WHERE"S THE FOOD?!? LOL Strength is all we can hope for. You have to keep telling yourself that you're strong enough to make it without the food. And you are!
  20. Nate

    What Happens If You Have A Leak?

    I'm not entirely positive, but I think they have to go back in and sew/staple it up to close the leak if its big enough . I could be wrong though. But that's the impression I got when my Doctor discussed that scenario with me... I'm honestly not sure and its my biggest fear.
  21. P.S. Just make sure if you do ice them that you keep the ice in a baggy or something to keep the incisions dry
  22. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to. But it would probably be best if you contacted your doctor's office. or at least an advice nurse where you had the surgery done and find out from them.
  23. Nate

    What To Do?

    My Doc had me on full liquids 3 days after surgery, which included strained cream of mushroom and chicken soups, and he said any normal cream of "blank" soups that are strained would be acceptable once I got home. So You should be OK, but I would call your Doc's office and ask them just to be safe. .
  24. Nate


    When I did it I drank LOTS and LOTS of water. Nothing is going to make you feel completely full on an all liquid diet. And if you're like me and love food to the point that it's almost an addiction, you're going to seem hungry no matter what. It's going to take lots of will power and strength.
  25. Nate

    Any Former Smokers?

    You're far better off without them. I quit 3 years ago, and even still get the urge to light up every now and then. But I know I can't. I've worked too hard and gone far too long to change it. And even though it's only been a few month neither should you!

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