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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nate

  1. I drink a cup of decaf with a scoop of chocolate protein mix in the mornings with no problem here lately. I was never a big coffee drinker though and not caffeine dependent so decaf is no biggie for me. If you think you need the kick of coffee, maybe try halfcaff.
  2. Nate

    Drinking Too Quickly

    Right now it's stressing the suture line of your stomach that you need to be worrying about. Thats why we're supposed to be taking small slow sips that first few weeks.to give everything a chance to heal properly with as little stress on it as possible. Not trying to scare anyone or anything. Just drink a few swallows at a time. That's what I did. Now I'm a few days shy of a month past surgery and when I drink I allow myself 4-5 swallows at a time and no more just to be safe. And always remember, if you're ever in doubt about something, call your Doc and ask. that's what they're there for.
  3. Nate

    Strange Question....

    There's nothing wrong. It's your Body's metabolism adjusting that's all. My first two weeks after being sleeved I dropped 35 lbs fast. Now in the 2 weeks following I haven't lost a thing. I'm sure the 35lbs was Water weight mostly. Now my body has to adjust to the new routine and way of eating and everything else that goes along with being sleeved. Don't worry, in time you'll start loosing more. Just stick to a reasonable diet and keep hydrated and things will be fine.
  4. Had another appointment with my Doc today and he cleared me to start on solid foods a few days early. So For dinner I grilled out for everyone and made myself a grilled chicken breast. I had a few bites of that, a bite of potato salad, and a few bites of cottage cheese. It was awesome to eat again! it's amazing how much you miss actually chewing your food until you cant for a month or more.
  5. Nate

    Trouble With Vitamins

    You could try either a Flintstones chewable vitamin or they make Gummi multi vitamins now. Maybe trying one of those would work better for you and interfere less with your stomach. Call your Doc and ask them if there is anything you could try also. I'm sure they've probably encountered this issue before.
  6. Yes it's normal. Your body is under a lot of stress and trauma at the moment and really worn down. Being tired and run down is a natural reaction. All I did was sleep most of the first week I had my sleeve done.
  7. I'm not sure if that's a "normal" pain people experience or not. You should probably call your Doc and explain whats going on. He'll have a better idea of what the problem might be, or can tell you what to do to get it looked at.
  8. Nate

    Pain Meds

    Doc sent me home with some Oxycodone. If you're having lots of pain while in the hospital, discuss your at home pain med options with your Doctor on one of his daily visits.
  9. Im in the pureed stage for a few more days myself. I havent eaten much meat, but when I did I tossed it in the food processor and ground it up into a real fine grind and made sure I chewed real well and I ate in small bites. Havent had a problem at all doing it like that. When I ended up back in the hospital a while back after surgery because of a blood clot they were giving me liquified meat... it was repulsive! Hope this helps ya
  10. I used to ride my bike 10-15 miles per day when I was thin and healthy. I want to do that again the most. I also want to work at a haunted house and scare the begeezus out of people and going fishing. I love fishing.
  11. I don't know how else to say it. I'm addicted to eating. I would eat good food or bad food. As long as I was eating I was happy. So to say I've been experiencing "head hunger" lately is an understatement. I'm only 3 weeks out, and up til today I had been doing fine with my diet/eating habits. Each morning I would have Cream Of Wheat a little on the thin side. A few hours later I would have a Protein drink. For lunch either some sort of broth or cream of whatever Soup. Between lunch and dinner I would allow myself a sugar free cup of Jello or pudding as a treat. Dinner is a jar of some sort of pureed meat based baby food mixed with a little chicken or beef broth to add some flavor to it. And an hour or so before bed, another Protein Drink. That's the routine I've stuck to for a while now. Today though I walk in the kitchen to make my lunch and sitting there on the counter is the worst possible thing I could have ever seen. A pizza box. I knew I shouldn't even go near it, but I couldn't help myself. First I was just curious what was on the pizza. I'm sure you can guess what happened from there. Yep even though I knew I shouldn't I had a piece. With each bite I felt more and more like a complete jackass, wondering if I was doing any damage to my stomach or not. But at the same time it was almost as if I didn't care, I had to have that damn pizza. Thankfully I knew enough to stop after one piece. But for a few minutes there it was like I had zero self control at all. That scares me. So that's it. I had to confess to someone. I'm hoping I didn't damage my sleeve, and praying I can keep from doing something stupid like this again in the future.
  12. Nate


    I'm sure someone can post a site with hard statistics on the risk of complications. If I recall correctly from talking to my surgon before my surgery, the risk is fairly low. However things can happen. Case in point... i ended up havinn to go back into the hospital 2 wweeks after my surgery because I developed a blood clot in the arm my I.V. was in during my stay from the sleeve proceedure. But even with that, I wouldnt trade anything I've done because in those 3 weeks since surgery I'm already down at least 35lbs; maybe more, I havent weighed in this week to find out. I know you'll hear far more horror stories than the good ones on the internet. Everything from major complications to small ones... but those people are just a fraction of the total amount who get the surgery done. Try not to worry yourself. Our Doctors and care givers take every precaution possible to ensure complication dont happen, and will be there if something does arise.
  13. Nate

    Big Day....

    You'll be fine. It's natural to be nervous. I was a wreck leading up to my surgery. Just keep telling yourself it will be a new start soon, and try to be confident and not worry!
  14. She's probably not being supportive because of her experience with WLS. She might be opposed to it because she thinks the same thing will happen with you. If she can't accept it, just don't include her in that aspect of your life right now. I know it will be hard because she's such a good friend, but sometimes even our friends act like goofs. Just hang in there and know that you have the support of so many others, including everyone here.
  15. Have carbonated beverages ever again? I've been addicted to Diet Pepsi for a long time. I also like to try a bottle of exotic beer every now and again. And I know I shouldn't have these things right now 'cuz my sleeve is so new. But will there ever be a time when I can have them in moderation?
  16. My Doc sent me home with a bottle of Oxycodone.
  17. Nate

    ? About Fluids

    I dont think it's possible to drink too much fluids. BUT it might be possible to drink too much at one time. That's the issue I'm having myself at the moment. I find myself constantly sip sip siping at my drinks wishing I could take larger swallows, but I''m not sure if I'm allowed to so soon or ever for that matter. I'd say drink all you want but don't go crazy chugging large amounts or you might run into problems.
  18. Nate

    Some Fear Is Coming Up...

    It's normal to feel anxiety over surgery. I became more nervous the closer the day got. Just keep telling yourself that this is for the best and that everything is going to be fine. You know what they say about good things coming to those who wait also. Having to wait a while will just make the reward of the surgery that much sweeter. Just don't get discouraged and give in. Hang in there and everything will fall in place in due time!
  19. Nate

    Help! Will I Be Able To....

    It's all going to be based on how you are feeling at the time. Since surgery I've had days where I felt like I could be up for something similar, other days I've felt like a whipped dog. Just make sure you have lots of Water on hand if it's expected to be that hot like everyone else has already said. And please... if ya start feeling funny or dizzy, find somewhere in the shade to sit down, gets lots of water; and it might not be a bad idea to let someone from the event staff know you're so soon out of surgery. They can call in the paramedics who can better acess the situation. Above all else if you do go... Have fun!
  20. I think the reason is that our stomachs are so small now that if we drink while eating that will fill us up sooner, reducing the amount of real food we get into our system. That reduces the amount of protien and nutrients we're getting which is already low. Thats just my hypothesis, I could be wrong. It could also be that they don't want us stretching our stomachs and putting stress on the suture lines.
  21. Usually not until your incisions are healed. Call your Doctor and ask just to be sure.
  22. Nate

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    I'm here too.
  23. Nate

    New Here

    I was originally supposed to have the bypass, right up till the time of surgery. Once my Doctor got inside he decided against it and gave me the sleeve instead due to an enlarged liver and severe scar tissue from an abdominal hernia I had 6 years ago. Turns out the sleeve was the best thing he could have done for me and was a choice I should have probably made all along for a few reasons. As others better educated on the sleeve can tell you on these forums, the sleeve is better for a number of reasons, mainly because you don't have to worry about the problem of your body not absorbing nutrients as you would have had to with the bypass. Welcome to the forums and ask any questions you have, you'll get lots of great answers and advice.
  24. Nate

    Tummy Probs

    Sadly right now I do. Of course I've been on nothing but liquids and squishies for weeks now. So it's more than likely the lack of solid food causing it. LOL I've been thinking about adding cheese to everything I eat lately to see if that helps any.
  25. Nate


    It's a rough go at first with the trauma your body goes through. But in time you'll start feeling better, don't worry. You made the right choice. The first few days I was whipped and felt like garbage. And for you it's going to compound with the gall bladder being taken out too. Just rest as much as you can, and hit the pain pump often if you need it.

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