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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Nate

    Any Ohio Sleevers?

    I live in Parma Heights. Got sleeved June 5th at Parma Hospital.
  2. HAHA! The staples look OK. As long as they're not popping out on their own, which is virtually impossible you're fine. The barbs of the staples go in at an inward angle to hold the skin together. So even looking kinda bowed like that, they're still in firmly enough to not worry about it.
  3. Did you drink the whole bottle at once or half then another half a few hours later? Regardless, it should be hitting you before long. Just relax and give it time to work.
  4. I wouldn't worry. Just dont go doing any heavy lifting or extreme sports in the mean time and you'll be fine until Tuesday.
  5. Nate

    Fat Guacamole Devils

    OK Just made them and they're in the fridge chilling. I tasted a spoonful of the green goo I had left from stuffing the eggs and it was AWESOME! I made one Dozen eggs so the family gets to try them as well. Only things i did differently... i added 2 minced cloves of garlic, and I don't care for real chunky guacamole so I processed it down till it was near smooth.
  6. Nate

    Morning Wood

    Sometimes i get morning wood in the late afternoon... perhaps I've shared a bit too much though
  7. Nate

    Fat Guacamole Devils

    BTW... a little tip for making perfectly centered eggs. Buy a carton of eggs. or however many eggs you plan on making, and rest them on their side over night before you boil them, so the yolk can settle in the center of the shell. That way the hollow part is centered in the half egg white sections rather than to the larger end. A little trick I learned from my grandmother years ago. And I will be making these tomorrow. already bought all the fixings!
  8. Nate

    Fat Guacamole Devils

    I want one of these NOW! I will be making them ASAP
  9. Nate

    Miss My Soda

    I was recently craving a diet soda. So I opened it up and stuck it in the fridge and let it go flat over night and drank it slowly the next day.
  10. I was sleeved June 5th. Lost 32 lbs fast. Haven't really lost any since then. I wouldn't get too discouraged. I think the initial weight loss is probably water weight we shed. It's going to take our bodies a little time to get used to the sleeve and our new eating routines and to jump start our metabolisms and really get loosing the pounds. But it will happen soon enough. Just be patient and try not to get too discouraged.
  11. Nate

    Relationship Help

    Not trying to upset the ladies here, but speaking from experience... Pregnant women are hormonal, emotional, and weird! You have to keep that in mind. Her body is going through basically the opposite changes that yours is right now. While you're getting thin and healthy she's faced with the issue of putting on baby weight for the next how many months. That alone could be enough of a reason for her to become detached and distant. Add in the fact that there are other women paying attention to you now and flirting and your wife is probably a wreck inside. And believe it or not, her being distant is probably her way of trying to cope with it and not wanting to rain on your good time of loosing so much weight and feeling good (Or she could be testing you and waiting for you to reach out to her, women tend to test us dense men sometimes). Talk to her. Make her feel good and loved. Ensure her that you're not going to stray and that you love her no matter what. Is potential poontang worth throwing away your wife and unborn child? Is it worth 18 years of child support? Is it worth only being able to see your child half the time if you're lucky? Are you willing to have your child grow up resenting you for not being there? These are all questions that you need to do some deep soul searching over. Don't just give things up and leave on a whim or because the ladies are looking your way now.
  12. Nate

    Weed Lol

    Cool so I'm OK to start sniffing glue again?
  13. Nate


    Seems like every Doc's post surgery instructions are different. A Few days after mine they had me eating cream of mushroom soup, it was just strained and had none of the chunks in it. I don't see any issues of you want to drink your protein with milk, thats what Ive always done, even during my liquid stage. Especially if your Doctor OK'd it
  14. Never Trust A Fart... Such an EPIC Book Title waiting to happen!!
  15. Nate


    I had a half piece of whole grain toast with peanutbutter on it this morning and it didnt bother me any.. I assume something like that, or a wheat wrap or small flour tortilla shouldnt hurt in moderation.
  16. Nate

    When Did Y'all Start Back Driving?

    Doc cleared me to drive the day my drain came out.
  17. When I was in my mushy stage I was eating fairly boring bland stuff. I would measure out about 4oz of it and eat. Most times I would get that full feeling well before finishing and i would stop eating right then rather than pushing myself and chance throwing up or stressing my sleeve. Seemed like the thicker or more dense foods made me full quicker and liquid or runny stuff I could actually get in all 4oz. Now that I've started regular food I'm not measuring anything, just taking a few small bites of this and that and finding I'm getting full rather fast now.
  18. From what I remember, I was allowed to consume about an ounce of fluid over the course of 10-15 minutes the first couple days. So a spoon of jello every 10 minutes shouldn't be any trouble. Just go at a pace that's comfortable to you and your stomach while it's new and healing.
  19. Nate


    I'm not sure if watermelon is a good idea or not at this stage. If I recall correctly we're not supposed to have juices that have alot of pulp in them, and watermellon, even mushed or pureed would be very pulpy, Unless ya blendered it and strained it real well.
  20. Don't regret a thing. I'm just now able to eat solid food myself. When everyone else in the house was eating I would use that as my time to go for a walk and get some exercise, or come here and check out the forums. It helped take my mind off things. Try to remove yourself from the area and you should be ok. Hang in there!
  21. Nate

    Diabetes - Gone!

    I'm no longer on my diabetic meds or shots either. It's awesome!
  22. My breaking point was having to tell my 5 year old nephew that I adore that I couldn't come to his birthday party. I was too embarrassed to go knowing I would be the fat man everyone stared at. Add in everything else I haven't done over the past few years and enough was enough.
  23. Your little brother is probably thinking that a hospital is just a place where people go to die after the experience with your brother. You need to help him understand that that's just not the case. That a hospital is a place for helping and healing. And that you have a chance to change your life and get healthy with the surgery.
  24. Nate

    Blood Thinners

    I ended up back in the hospital a week after surgery with a blood clot in the arm my I.V. was in. After two days they sent me home with a month's worth of Lovenox shots to take twice daily. Was just a freak occurrence because they took every precaution and made sure I got the shots during my stay for surgery to ensure I didn't get any clots in my legs or anything. Not sure if any Doctors send people home with blood thinners after surgery, mine didn't. But they will give them to you while in the hospital.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
