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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nate

  1. No that sounds about right. Especially with the vomiting and not keeping much down currently. You're doing great, don't worry!
  2. Ehhh don't be so hard on yourself. Don't considering it cheating. It's more like rewarding yourself every now and again. Only this time ya had to pay the price a little LOL.
  3. Nate


    First off, Way to go! You should be really proud of yourself! It could be that people don't want to say anything out of fear of emberressing you. Just a thought.
  4. Nate

    I Miss Food

    I can honestly say I dont miss food really. I had to fight with head hunger the first month or so. But now that I have that whipped I have to seriously set a timer to remember to eat or I would skip it all together. Call your Doc about the food hurting when it goes down. It may be something simple.
  5. Nate

    48 Hrs After Surgery

    The drain situation... contact your Doc and see what they think. They may opt to keep you home till it's out. Never really know though, every Doc is different. sleep, sure sleep in a chair if its comfortable. And like AZ said, it can take a few days before you have to go, and watch out when ya do! LOL
  6. Nate

    60 Grams Of Protein In A Serving

  7. That gives me hope because thats about how much I have to lose. Good for him!
  8. Nate

    Latex Allergy

    I'm allergic to plastic tapes. If any kind of plaastic tape is used on me, my skin completely breaks down like its been eaten away. The only kind of tape I can have used now is the paper tape. You might want to do an experiment and put a piece of plastic tape on your arm for a day or so and see how it fares. You may have a similar reaction.
  9. Nate

    Help Me Decide!

    I would absolutely do it all over again. In a heartbeat.
  10. Once you know your date it sneaks up on you faster than you think. Don't fret, it will be here before you know it!
  11. So it all started for me last August. Had my first consult with the Surgeon and weighed 546 I'm ashamed to admit. Thanks to my Insurance Company I had to go through 9 months of NUT and Management visits etc. Doc said he wanted me to try and loose as much weight before surgery as possible because every pound dropped would help since I was already very high risk being so big. So the dieting bagan. The morning of my surgery I weighed 505lbs. This morning I decided to stop by Doc's office and weigh in. I'm happy to report I'm down to 442lbs. That's 63lbs since surgery and over 100lbs combined since I started the whole journey! I still have a way to go before my eventual goal of 250lbs. But I'm extremely proud of myself right now. I could have never thought I would have come this far.
  12. Nate


    When I was on full liquids I was allowd to eat Cream Of Wheat for breakfast. It just couldn't be real thick. Funny thing is before surgery I never liked the stuff. But afterwards on full liquids when I was wishing I could actually eat anything it was a godsend. Give it a try. Good luck!
  13. Nate

    This Sucks!

    I dunno... I think being first day of the liquid diet, and a special work thing and all I might have cheated and grubbed out. But awesome job on your part. Your strong will and determination is only proving that you're going to be a huge success once you get the sleeve! WTG!
  14. Nate

    Victory Kinda.

    Thank you all for the kind words. I'm so glad I found this forum!
  15. Not trying to turn this into a relatiionship counciling session or anything but... From first hand experience and observations of various friend's relationships, when a partner starts getting insecure/jealous and going to drastic extremes it's usually to cover for their own monkey business. Kinda trying to mask their guilt by projecting their false sense of insecurity onto their partner. Thats just a theory though. so don''t read too much into it. As far as the grazing goes. Try to find something else to do when you get that urge. When I get that feeling like I have to eat I throw 2-3 pieces of sugar free gum in my mouth and chew awah and it really seems to help. I also go for a walk if I have the time when the urge to graze arises. Find something you like to take your mind off the eating. You can do it!
  16. Nope... woulda been cool if I had gotten some pics of my guts though! LOL
  17. Ehh that drain will be out before ya know it. Besides you can always pin it up under a shirt and no one would be any the wiser. Go out... do something, Don't keep yourself cooped up!
  18. I'm not gay but I read all the posts and figured I'd post here lol. I'm a real big guy like you... 500lbs when I had surgery. So far Ive lost at least 50lbs, maybe more. I haven't been to the Doc's yet to weigh in lately to find out what I'm down to. As far as sex goes at this size, even dropping the 50lbs its become so much easier. I have more stamina, more flexibility, less of me to maneuver, and to be blunt... the schwantz is looking bigger the more I loose LOL. You've made the right choice my friend. Things will only get better.
  19. Nate

    Am I Crazy?

    Nope not crazy at all. I dont even own a scale. I just stop by the Doc's office once every couple weeks to weigh in if I'm curious about how much I'm loosing.

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