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Pinky Green

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Everything posted by Pinky Green

  1. Pinky Green

    Traveling alone?

    I also went alone in Houston. I packed my bags and took the bus to the hospital and walked the 2 blocks, stopping 2 or 3 times to rest. My surgery was at 9am but I wanted to get there early so I took the bus at 5:15am and got their about 6:00am and they were able to start things right away. The nurses and staff at Park Plaza Hospital were great and I couldn't have asked for better care. Two days later I called a friend and had them come pick me up and take me home. I was glad that no one was with me and I could just concentrate on healing. I had told my mom I was having the surgery but didn't tell her the date and only told her after I had done it.
  2. I was sleeved almost 6 months ago (24 weeks on Wednesday) . I lost 12 pounds pre-op and have lost another 43 lbs post-op for a total of 55 lbs ( I started at 240 and now weigh between 185 and 187.) That's a good 1.7 lbs a week post-op. It isn't dramatic but it is much better than I could ever do with Weight Watchers and it's pretty much automatic. I try to eat healthy most of the time and I really don't weigh, measure or pay attention to how much I eat. Sometimes I don't lose any weight for weeks at a time and other times I get on the scale and I've lost 5 lbs all at once. But the weeks I haven't lost any weight is often the week that I notice that my underwear is too loose or that I can put on my pants without sitting down anymore. All in all I am happy. My boyfriend says that I eat like a cat even though I feel like I'm stuffing myself when I eat one chicken drumstick, a corn tortilla and low-fat (homemade) refried beans. I have noticed that I have no problem eating bread or rice but I have to slow way down or I throw up, which also helps me to get full faster and keeps me from eating way too much.
  3. What state do you live in djmelen? I would have let my doctor know, but I live in Texas, which is a non-medical marijuana state or recreational state and I wasn't sure if I should. I have told a doctor (not this surgeon) before and he said he was going to pretend I didn't say anything and that I should never mention it to him again - he didn't want to know. I mainly use it to slow myself down. Ever since I was little I was somewhat hyperactive and would go off all excited and I was also clumsy and accident prone. Before I smoked I would have accidents such as falling down and running into things because I didn't pay attention and was careless. I rarely do this when I smoke because it slows me down enough that I have time to think and be careful.
  4. Pinky Green

    September Was Your Progress?

    Bless your heart, someone who is actually shorter than me. I am almost 5'0". I think 4' 11" and a half. My doctor's goal for me is 130. I am currently going between 185 and 187 which is fine with me since so far I don't have much hanging skin and don't want any. I seem to be losing about 6 lbs a month now. Hopefully in 6 months I will be down to 150. Anything is better than 240. I have a new NSV. I can now put my pants on without sitting down and can cross my legs at the knee now.
  5. Pinky Green

    September Was Your Progress?

    Well I had 110 lbs to make it to my doctor's goal. I have lost exactly 50% of that excess weight since September 26th. That also means I have lost approximately 23% of the body weight that I started with.
  6. Pinky Green

    September Was Your Progress?

    Just think about it this way. If you keep losing 3 or 4 lbs. a month, in a year you will have lost 36 to 48 lbs.
  7. Pinky Green

    September Was Your Progress?

    Here's updated pictures as of today. I've lost 55 lbs. The picture in yellow was a month and about a week ago
  8. Pinky Green

    Elective is subjective.

    Well, elective just means that you could not have the surgery and continue to be overweight. It isn't considered an emergency. I think it was necessary for me but it wasn't an emergency therefore it was considered elective. Below is a link to a definition. An elective surgery is a planned, non-emergency surgical procedure. It may be either medically required (e.g., cataract surgery), or optional (e.g., breast augmentation or implant) surgery. Read more: http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/Ce-Fi/Elective-Surgery.html#ixzz2MKWkKAs4
  9. I am still a way off from goal - I'm about half way. I have found that Sam's and Costo sometimes have some very good deals - even up to size 3X but for women's pants they generally only have up to size 18. Bought some really pretty shirts in Large - some were $4.61 and there were some that were $6.81. Resale shops are good, although it's easier to find small sizes there so once one gets down to Misses 14 or 16 then there are usually some pretty good deals but the best deals are in the really small sizes like Juniors 3 or 5 and Misses 4 or 6. Garage sales (and sometimes resale shops) are also good but they can be iffy and unless they have a place to try it on it's kinda hard to buy clothes there. Of course, if you are really into garage sales, you could wear something thin and just try on clothes over your clothes.
  10. Pinky Green

    normal eating advice

    I see you love dairy but it has so much fat, but there is fat free milk and 1% or 2%. You can get fat free cottage cheese, fat free yogurt and even fat free cheese. I never had a problem eating low fat dairy because I was raised on 2% milk. My mother never bought whole milk. I'm not sure if Kroger's is in your area - or if they have a sister store in your area - but they have really good fat free yogurt made with Splenda instead of sugar. And they have a line that has less carbs and is still low fat called Carbmaster and it is also good, it also uses Splenda instead of sugar and only has a few carbs instead of about 12 for the regular sugar free, fat free yogurt.
  11. Pinky Green

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge!

    I'm wondering what I should put for goal since I'm not starting on week 1. I was thinking something like 10 lbs since it is only about 5 weeks.
  12. Pinky Green

    September Was Your Progress?

    Ok, spoke too soon. Got up this morning and saw 187.4 on the scale. That's almost 3 pounds since yesterday. That's a 53 pound loss and that's almost half way to my goal of 130 lbs. Mini goal is currently 185 and to wear my new jeans and still be able to breath sitting down.
  13. Pinky Green

    September Was Your Progress?

    jentheyo, I have lost just about 50 lbs so far and my surgery was 9/26. Fifty pounds lost is 190. I seem to be stuck between 190 and 192. My scale gives weight in one-tenths, and the lowest I have seen is 190.2 and it bounces up to 191.8 and back down to 190.2, which I know is normal. But at the same time, my clothes are getting looser. I have went from size 10 panties all the way down to size 7. I am finally fitting into most size 18 pants.
  14. Pinky Green

    Totally inappropriate question

    Hey, it's all good as long as you both enjoy it.
  15. Pinky Green

    Tears of joy...

    I have gone from 2X to L shirts and pants and the large shirts are starting to get big already.
  16. Pinky Green

    Totally inappropriate question

    Another thing, I don't gag unless my partner is pushing down on my head like some guys do. Don't let them do that. Don't complain, but push back with your head and don't let them make you go far enough to make you gag. Remember this is something that you are in control of and it is something that men like because they aren't in complete control. Or if you can get them to gently run their fingers through your hair instead of pushing down on your head it will be much more pleasant.
  17. I too am losing inches faster than I lose weight. I also didn't take measurements but my cloths are starting to fall off and I am down to 190 and a size 7 panties and a 38DD bra and the last time wearing that size I was about 175. Also, I have just bought size Large tops at Sam's and am amazed that they are starting to feel big around the shoulders and breasts. Bones are popping out all over also - collar bones and pelvic bones.
  18. Pinky Green

    Bananas in protein shake?

    My doctor told me that as long as we not putting sugar or fat in it, we really shouldn't be able to consume enough carbs to worry about it. He also said that mashed potatoes and chicken noodle soup are ok when you go to soft foods because again, you won't be able to consume enough to really worry about it.
  19. Pinky Green

    Just when you think it can't get worse, lol

    How many weeks out are you?
  20. Pinky Green

    Oh Snap... Surgery tomorrow! Am I ready?

    Surgery, any kind of surgery, is sort of like jumping off the high diving board or bungie jumping. Once it's done, it's all downhill from there. You'll be fine.
  21. My mother sent me $100 for my birthday. She usually gives me more for Christmas and my boyfriend gave me a $50 gift card. What should I get? I want to get some cookware and tools that make cooking easy. I have some stainless steel cookware, a cast Iron skillet, a blender, a food processor and a slow cooker. I want to get a cast iron reversible griddle/grill. And of course I have too many things to name and some that are perhaps, useless. What would you throw out or not bother with?
  22. My doctor also says 60-80.
  23. Pinky Green

    NSV shout outs

    My knees continue to get better. I can walk up the stairs without holding on and without pain usually, sometimes I can almost run up the stairs. I can go down the stairs better too but it still hurt a little and I think some of that maybe be more psychological that actual. I don't feel the need to hang on for dear life, but I still hold onto the rail. My weight continues to go down but slower. I discovered the other day that I can squat a little. And I can do kicks when I dance again. I had forgotten that I used to do that. I am going to try to commit myself to going to sleep a little earlier. Ten o'clock and then waking up at 6 am to do Jorge Cruise's 8 minutes in the morning program. It requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. I bought the book years ago and haven't followed through but I think I might be ready now. I have to be at work at 7 but I work from my home. Right now I get up about 6:40 am but if I get up at 6 I will be able to get a good 40 minutes of exercise. I could even do the 8 minute routine and then do 32 minutes of cardio by walking around the apartments. I haven't started yet but at least I have a plan. The hard part is getting up 40 minutes (or even 8 minutes early). I would just get up at 6:30 but there is a learning curve in doing each exercise, you have to read and look at the pictures and then attempt to do what they say. Maybe I can also find a video somewhere of the moves he suggests in his book.
  24. I had surgery September 26 and haven't noticed any hair loss yet, knock on wood.
  25. Well apparently the person who brought the check wasn't the waiter who had waited on them. That person, named Jeff had gone home already. But the first manager's response was entirely inappropriate.

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