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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Daisydoodle returns...

    Sending lots of hugs your way, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, as we know God works in mysterious ways.
  2. HarleyNana

    Please pray for my family

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, my thoughts are with you.
  3. HarleyNana

    varicose veins spider veins calluses

    Barefoot nana here, with rough heals to prove it. Amazingly, very few varicose veins, I have less than most younger people I see in shorts.
  4. HarleyNana

    Body Fat % ewwwwwwwwww...

    Yeah, but those heavier muscles sure cause havoc with the scales, specially when you're looking for them to drop. Darn muscles, why do they have to be heavier than fat! If I take the 15 lbs of muscle I've gained and add it to the 48 lbs of fat I've lost it sure makes me feel better...I think????
  5. HarleyNana

    We've moved!

  6. HarleyNana

    Moments of Weakness/Relapse

    Like Heather, I've turned to ice cream as my comfort food, before banding, I rarely ate ice cream, last night, strawberry, today, a vanilla cone from sonic, bad, bad, girl I am. I won't even mention the three baskets of chips I shared tonight at Chilis, of couse, I eat chit like that and don't pb or slime, but let me eat something healthy like broccoli or a Protein bar, get a cup.
  7. HarleyNana

    Do most of you diet?

    I didn't pay $17,650.00 to diet! I've changed my eating habits and choices, but I don't plan on ever dieting again, as long as I have my trusty little band.
  8. HarleyNana

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    Last night, I sent an email to my congresswoman and asked what our county and state was doing to aid these victims, of course I have not had a response. It's been compelling to see the numerous reporters that we see day in and day out on television broken down and in tears. I'm sorry to hear on 20/20 tonight people are starting to say it's a racial thing, that the slow/no response was because most of the victims were/are poor African Americans, I don't agree, I think our government has just done a lousy, sorry, disappointing job. The red tape and paperwork is probably what has held things up, its Bull Chit, that the government has let so many people down and allowed our fellow Americans to starve and live in such disgust. My heart goes out to each and every person. Everytime I reach for my toothbrush, I think, OMG, I'm so blessed.
  9. Anyone suffer from this disorder? If so, what do you do to relieve the urge to move your legs or feet.
  10. HarleyNana

    Restless Leg Syndrome???

    It's truly a miserable feeling. I thought I had found out what was causing it, before the band I did a lot of the Healthy Choice dinners, and various other frozen dinners, all filled with salt. After I quit eating those, my symptoms calmed down a lot. All of a sudden it's started up again. My PCP gave me a prescription called carbidopa/levo, which is for Parkinson's Disease patients. It calls for me to take 1 pill each night, BUT, when I read the side effects and HOW it works, I cut the pill in half, then break that in half, then break that in half, I think that works out to about 1/8th. I don't know if it's all in my head, (or my legs), but that itsy bitsy pill makes all the difference in the world between a night ravaged with twisting my feet/legs and a good nights sleep. Just think I had the pills for a year before I even tried it, LOL. For those of you who don't know what RLS is...lets just say, if someone suffering from RLS was told they'd be shot if they moved their legs one more time, I'd have to say pull the trigger, cause they're getting ready to move. OMG, if somebody strapped my legs together, I bet I'd be able to break the straps once that need to twitch the legs started.
  11. HarleyNana

    Pray For Storm Victims

    My heart breaks for all the victims. I feel so helpless not being able to be there and help. I called the Red Cross Tuesday to see if there were people leaving from our area to help. They're suppose to get back with me. I also feel guilty, watching from the comfort of my home, a/c blowing, food, electricity. Even when I picked up my toothbrush this am, I thought, I'm so blessed. After watching tv all this evening, with all the emotional stories, I feel sooo sorry for them. I can't imagine their desperation, sleeping on the side of interstate, in the heat with their hungry thirsty children. I hope and pray they get help soon.
  12. I haven't had a fill since April, and part of that was removed in May. I still pb at least every other day, so I don't think a fill is in the near future for me. Also, Dylan's Mom, Kelly hasn't had a fill, not one yet.
  13. HarleyNana

    fun thread -- names

    My maiden name was Foster, I use to tell everyone I was a Foster Child. I also went to school with a guy named....honest, his real name, as it appears in the year book.. Peter Pugh.
  14. HarleyNana

    SHOCKED to discover...

    Thinking about you, hope all is well.
  15. HarleyNana

    Tomorrow-- Now I'm nervous

    They can probably give you a mild pill form sedative, I take 1/2 of a valium before I go for my fill, due to my needle anxiety. Call your dr today and ask him to call in a script for it and take it in the am before you get to the hospital. Just be sure to let the anesth doctor know.
  16. I know you've got to be miserable, been there done that, so good luck to you.
  17. HarleyNana

    Xenical while banded

    You may be building muscle as well, OMG 70 lbs since Feb, that's awesome, this is not bypass, you must be patient, or at least try, LOL. When I stalled the first time, I had gained 12 lbs of muscle, next time it was 3 lbs, so that's a gain of 15 lbs of muscle, added to my 48 lbs of loss. I have to admit, I'd rather see the scales drop, but everyone says the muscle gain is great.
  18. It's that darn 4cc band!!!!
  19. You've both done so great and to be blessed to be able to be each other's up close and personal support team, that's awesome.
  20. HarleyNana

    Going for an unfill

    I keep a large bottle of those easy dissolving tums beside my bed, no chewing, they just dissolve right in your mouth, so it's not like you've got to have it sitting on your tummy after you lie down. Also helps with the calcium intake.
  21. HarleyNana

    SHOCKED to discover...

    I so hope the unfill does the trick. I wish you the very best. To get your mind off of all that, would ya go eat a big, juicy hamburger for me.
  22. HarleyNana

    Ebay listings sized 20-26

    I keep telling myself I'm going to do (put stuff on ebay) every day. I know people that sell stuff all the time and I've got loads of size 1x to sell. Hopefully you've given me inspiration and incentive to do it......maybe tomorrow, lol.
  23. HarleyNana

    OMG I ate a hamburger!!!!

    That sounds so delicious, I didn't eat hamburgers very often before my surgery, but I kick myself about once a week thinking, why in the heck didn't I have a great big, juicy, mouth watering, jumbo burger, dripping with mayo and tomatoes as my last feast before my band. Oh well, too late now, I couldn't even imagine taking a bite, it'd be pb/slime everywhere, LOL. Have another for me before your next fill.
  24. HarleyNana

    Going for an unfill

    I know exactly how you feel. I went through the same thing back in April, tried to tough it out, then after 4 weeks finally went for a slight unfill. I don't know if I'll ever get another fill, lol. I know you must feel soooooo much better.
  25. HarleyNana

    For struggling new bandsters

    Gee I wish I had said all that, very well put lady.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
