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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    What was the greatest gift you ever gave ?

    Cindy, I got goose bumps when I read your post. Kelly, I knew exactly what your was going to say before I read it. Amy, that's a wonderful gift, I did something like that for my parents, my mom had never been out of the US, and we took them to Aruba and PR, trips she still talks about.
  2. HarleyNana

    Unbanded after 4.5 years....

    Thank you for taking the time for write such an in-depth thread. Like Cindy, I read every word. At dinner tonight, my mother who is also banded had to go to RR to spit, she has an episode every time she eats. I told her she needed to get back on LBT and start reading about the problems people were having with irritation to the esophagus. I'm copying your thread and emailing it to her right now. God Bless You!
  3. HarleyNana

    Head Hunger Issues

    I eat because I love the taste of good, most any food. The good thing about the band is no matter how much I love some foods, it's not going to go down and stay down, therefore, my bad choices are more limited. I've never really looked at food the way so many people here do, as a psychological issue. Food was/is just always part of almost any and all social events or any fun times for me, be it hanging out with the family, out in the back yard by the pool, or after a day of shopping, food was like the icing on the cake, it goes so well with what ever you're doing. On the other hand I look at how many times I've been bored and stood in the pantry just looking for something to fill a void or my tummy, I'm not sure which. Thankfully, the band has limited the choices and the number of times I do this. What I have the hardest time understanding is when I compare the foods I ate prior to banding and the amount I eat now, I should be a size 0-2, not a 14. I like the reflection used, "fattening food is like an inside hug". I just never looked at things this way, but I guess that's possible for many of us.
  4. HarleyNana

    Scale Lying again...

    That's the same scales I have, lies to me all the time.
  5. HarleyNana

    What was the greatest gift you ever gave ?

    Pam, what an awesome thread!
  6. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    Eileen, you're talking snow, snow, snow, then I realized you're just a couple of state up from me, then I turned on the tv and they're calling for sleet and rain tomorrow, yuk, sleet. Zan, when is your meeting of the bandster planned, I wanna meet everyone. Any chance you could pick a spot a little closer to us VA people? Gotta go start wrapping now, well on second thought, maybe I better shop today and wrap tomorrow during the nasty weather. Have a great day everyone.
  7. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    Yes, the gf is due any day, well actually she's due Jan 7, but her daughter was two weeks early and even if she doesn't go into labor early, she works for an OBGYN so she'll be induced on the 27th. Now for the cookie party, I arrived empty handed, except for my tiny thermos filled with my healthy brew of vodka, frozen strawberries, lite oj, 1/2 banana, and ice, yummmmm. Anyway, I told the hostess the night before, (when I took her the box of truffles and told her I wasn't coming) about my ordeal with the trial run. Well after we played this game where everyone has a gift bag and she reads this story about right and left, then everytime she mentioned right or left you had to pass that way, she asked me to share my story about attempting to make Cookies, first telling everyone that I was not a cook. I thought one lady was gonna wet her pants she laughed so hard, (everyone was laughing), then a couple of others told me they really enjoyed my story and that I was quite the story teller. The best part, I stayed and helped clean up, then the hostess insisted I take ALL the left over cookies. I ended up with 3 large platters of cookies. I made four cookie delivery stops on the way home and still came home with cookies.
  8. HarleyNana

    Help! Trouble with liguid.

    Unfill, don't try to be a hero and stick it out, you'll be miserable and it's not healthy for you either.
  9. HarleyNana

    I am home with No band...bye bye band

    Hugs, so glad you're home. Take care.
  10. Not unsual, you're not eating anything. Just keep drinking those fluids, very important to the healing process and with going potty. Welcome to bandland.
  11. HarleyNana

    restless leg syndrome

    Wow Tammy, that's interesting, your worse time is winter, yet mine is summer. I was so tired of not getting a good nights sleep, tossing and turning all night, ERRR. I do want to try the new medicine out there. I don't like taking any type of meds, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes. Karen, I'm so thankfull to finally have something to help with this.
  12. Jessica, I salute you for being so informed at such a young age. It's obvious you've been through a lot at such a young age. I have a niece who I wish was able to have this surgery, she is so large to be such a young girl. I just wish this surgery had been available to me at such a young age....You go girl!
  13. HarleyNana

    Geezer is UNbanded, switched and camping...

    Welcome back and I wish you a speedy recovery.
  14. HarleyNana

    Becoming afraid of reading this site!!

    I think you definately have to look at the high number of banded folks compared to the very, very small number of those with serious complications. I have no regrets.
  15. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    Didn't make it to the beach, called my DH and told him I thought my son's gf was going into labor and I'd better not leave, LMAO. Soooo, I'm off to the cookie party, empty handed! Later
  16. HarleyNana

    restless leg syndrome

    My RLS is more active after I've had a lot of salt, like after eating a frozen dinner, really bad. Though, mine has gotten progressively worse over the years, that along with the fact, I didn't know what my problem was for many years. Now it's advertised on TV and the radio, here I thought I was the only person in the world with this weird "syndrome", LOL. There is a new med being advertised on tv that I want to try, but the one I take 1/4 of a tablet is Carbidopa/LEVO 25/100. I try not to take it every night, I keep my pills and a bottle of Water next to my bed, just in case I can't make it through the night. Like I said in previous thread, cooler sleeping conditions makes all the difference in the world. The summer is much worse than the winter. My poor DH sleeps on the couch most of the time, because he can't stand the cold room.
  17. HarleyNana

    restless leg syndrome

    I have it and I do take meds for it. I put off taking the meds for over a year, then got tired of waking after only sleeping for an hour or so, just to constantly move my legs. In my case it should actually be called RFS, (feet). If someone held a gun to my head and said if you move those feet/legs again I'm gonna shoot, I'd have to say pull the trigger, cause I wouldn't be able to keep them still. Just getting the least bit tired causes it to start up, like if I'm watching a movie or if I attempt to read a book, or at a lengthy meeting. The med I take is actually for Parkinson's Disease patients and it has something to do with brain waves. After taking an entire tablet a few times I started getting dizzy, so I cut it back to 1/4 of a table, OMG, what a wonderful nights sleep. Also, when I go to bed and if it's the least bit warm in my room, RLS is much worse. If it's below 67 I don't have to take a pill, I know, weird, but go figure, LOL.
  18. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    Last one, even though I have more, LOL, sorry if I bored you all to death.
  19. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    Good morning everyone! Well ladies, today's the Cookie party day, sooo last night I went to Karen's house and took her a pretty, decorated box of truffles, explaining I wasn't going to be able to make the party, I'm suppose to head to the beach in a little while, burrrrrr, not excited about that either. Then I shared my cookie cooking experience with her, she laughed so hard and told me to forget the Cookies, just come anyway. Well, I've been decorating and we all love pictures here, so I thought I'd post a few, I warned everyone I'd bore you to death with pictures if I ever learned how to post, LOL. Betty, the first one is my Harley tree and what I call the Harley bar
  20. HarleyNana

    Sudden loss of restriction

    I vote you need a fill too.
  21. HarleyNana

    coming out of lurkdom

    Beanie, I think that means you don't wanna mess with her, LOL. Kristine, you sound like me when I started out, I couldn't get the band fast enough, welcome to LBT.
  22. HarleyNana

    I'm going to have a baby!!!

    Congratulations, oh happy days!
  23. HarleyNana

    Hernia Surgery with Port Replacement

    A hernia??? How'd you get a hernia? Doesn't that come from lifting something too heavy? Just curious.
  24. I gained 5 lbs in the hospital due to all the fluids pumped in while I was there.
  25. HarleyNana


    Strange, very strange, no food dreams here, although, it seems every time I turned on the TV it was a food commercial, and it all looked good, even the dog food commercials.

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