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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Picture Page

    What a cutie pie in the red dress. Sierra and mom look like twins. I love Christmas pictures, actually, I love all pictures. I keep my granson on Wednesday morning, I captured this one, after an hour of prodding, LOL.
  2. HarleyNana

    Endo over upper GI

    My mom went in today for her 8 mos check up. At my insistance, she finally told the doctor she could only keep down liquids for the last two months. He has her set up for an upper GI next Friday. She also printed off the technique post and asked him about that, which he said was pretty much the standard procedure. Last time I was in to see him, I told him about LBT and all the problems with erosion, he added to his favorties, so hopefully, he's paying attention to what's happening with so many of our friends. He told my mom to stay on liquids and he would be able to tell if she needed an unfill after the test next week. IMO, it's pretty obvious, but I'm not the doctor.
  3. I'm sorry you had to find out after already in surgery, good luck on your weight loss.
  4. HarleyNana

    Has Anyone Heard From Penni????

    Penni, crawl out of that bed and let us know how you're doing! (please)
  5. HarleyNana

    made a decision

    I was banded, a year ago today, and went on a trip the beginning of February, without incident I might add. Congratulations on your decision.
  6. HarleyNana

    I have been sick, sick, sick!!!

    Hope you're healed really soon. Sorry to hear you've been through so much. Take care.
  7. HarleyNana

    Should I get unfilled?

    Sorry, but as much as I'd like to eat a great big, juicy hamburger, I'd have to agree with the others, why set yourself up for depression. You can still have a good time, just chew really well!
  8. Welcome and good luck on your journey! Hey keep those kids at arms distance, watch out for the tummy.
  9. HarleyNana


    Sexy Mama!!!!!!
  10. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    I'm getting a new car with one of those fancy navagational systems and a backup camera, so I'll be able to find you east coast gals, ya can't hide from me now!
  11. HarleyNana

    Happy Bandiversary, Harley Nana !

    Awww, I'm so touched by the kind words. I had joked with Eillen that I wasn't telling, LOL. Though, I'm thrilled to be down 52 lbs, (depending on the day I weigh, yoyo-ing with 2 lbs), I had truly hoped to be at least a 75 lbs loss. I guess if you add the muscle gain, it puts me close to that goal. I knew from the start of this decision, that the weight loss would be much slower than the gastro bypass, but I see others who have lost so much more in this amount of time and I want to kick my own ash. In light of the recent erosion cases, I truly feel blessed to be able to continue, even at the slow pace, with my band. Had I not been banded, I probably would have never had the opportunity to have met the wonderful folks here at LBT. Thanks for allowing me in your home each day and sharing my life with you all, band or no band. Hugs to all!
  12. HarleyNana

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Gee Penni, what can I say that everyone else hasn't already said, all I can do is offer hugs. My mom has an appt tomorrow with the same doctor that did our surgery, I've asked her to have him check out your erosion pictures. More hugs and best of luck to you.
  13. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    Betty, stay out of the kitchen, you'll heal much faster. Cindy, no snow here, just lots of rain. Lisa, your brother's quite handsome, so happy he's home safe and sound. Zan, I think I'm going to have to get a larger Harley tree next year. Eileen, I had no idea you were a scientist! Well guys, I'm trying to decide whether to post my one year band birthday today. It's been a slow process or maybe I should say slow progress.
  14. HarleyNana

    2 years and counting

    Congratulations on the new you and thanks for sharing your story.
  15. HarleyNana

    Tubbing Came Apart from Band

    Oh no, poor baby! I think my tubing coming apart from my band is my biggest fear, more so than erosion. Every time I turn over in the bed, that thought crosses my mind. Wish her the best for me.
  16. HarleyNana


    Def sounds like low blood sugar, ya gotta eat girl! Even if it's just a bite or two. Let us know whats up.
  17. HarleyNana

    Map your location for LBT!

    Thanks so much for sharing. That was fun, you guys find the darndest places.
  18. HarleyNana

    head hunger or body hunger?

    Paula, thanks for posting for me, that's exactly the way I feel, specially the part about McDonalds, LOL. VQ, you and your band have really been challenged of late, keep strong, hugs!
  19. HarleyNana

    Unbanded after 4.5 years....

    All I can say is your trials and tribulations have given us a wealth of information, again, thank you for caring enough to share.
  20. HarleyNana

    Goodbye, Mr. Whipple

    Memories, I don't think any of us would survive a loss without memories. Sorry about the loss of your friend.
  21. HarleyNana

    Picture Page

    I love the picture thread, I think it makes us all closer. Thanks everyone for sharing those precious pictures and moments.
  22. HarleyNana

    December's Chat

    Good morning everyone, thanks for all the comments about my home, I enjoyed sharing my Santas with my special LB friends, but they were taking up a lot of space, so I deleted most of them. Betty, I was wondering where you've been this weekend. See, cooking can be bad for your health! Hope you're feeling much better. Rene, I'm not sure about the decorating skills, but I'm positive about the brew, LOL. Eileen, it's back to the "real world" for you today, and such yukky weather. Cindy, since the tree is up and decorated, lets see some pictures, that goes for everyone, I showed you all mine, now show me yours, LOL. Jan, welcome to LBT and our NJ post, although, I'm not from Jersey. Zan, when's the get together and where? Patty, more pictures please. I love your avatar.
  23. HarleyNana

    Shoulder pain HELP

    Massaging that area helped me the most.
  24. HarleyNana


    God bless you all, give Curtis a hug from all of us at LBT.
  25. HarleyNana

    Adjusting the time

    Patty, I had to keep playing with mine, I'd post something, see how far it was off, then add or minus the hours to make it work. Good luck.

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