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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Eating out?

    I eat out at least every other day, I know by now what goes down and stays down. A safe order for me is soup, (without potatoes) and salad, and most important, small, well chewed bites. Every now and then I will go too long without eating and it will happen, but for the most part soup and salad will work. Do a test run on a few foods from your favorite place, preferably with someone who knows you've been banded. Keep in mind the pb possibility is always there, so be particular about what your chose.
  2. HarleyNana


    I was so afraid of trying salad, but I'm so glad I did, I've never pb'd on salad, it's my friendliest band food. I had the same fear, that it would be the most likely to get stuck, in my case, not. Take small bites and chew, chew, chew. Remember, lettuce is mostly water.
  3. HarleyNana

    It's My One-year Bandiversary!

    You go girl, you've had so many trials and tribulations with your fills. I'm so happy for you. (not to mention the rough year with your hubbies illness)
  4. I have been telling my mom, (also banded), that it's not normal to pb with every meal now for two months. The doctor in a nice way, fussed at her for not telling him sooner. She told him she thought it would get better. She's now on liquids and scheduled for upper GI on Friday. I realize she thought she was adjusting to the fill and the like so many bandsters wrongfully think, if i'm nice and tight, I will lose the weight faster, NOT! I just hope it's not too late and she does not lose her band. My reason for this thread is to advise you it is not normal to spit back or pb with every meal. If you are, then you are either eating too fast, not chewing enough, or you may possibly have band issues. Please listen to your band. Just a note, I'm not the perfect bandster, I've been stuck at the same weight for a month now, I pb much more often than I should, I don't drink enough Water, and I'm not eating the Protein I should be eating. So with that said, today is the start of a new band day for me and I will make a stronger effort to drink more water and eat more protein.
  5. HarleyNana

    Bellydancing NSVs

    Awesome pictures, where's Kelly, she needs to do you a new avatar. You've got such a beautiful smile, your current avatar doesn't do you justice. VQ rocks, well in this case jiggles.
  6. HarleyNana

    Eating around the band

    Ouch, such harsh words, like..not trying, lazy, oh my, but ohhhh so true. Ok, I'm guilty of the ice cream, Sonic drive-through is a weakness, I so enjoy that vanilla cone on the way home. Why is it nacho chips, of all things, go down so easy? It looks like those things would get stuck in a second.
  7. HarleyNana

    YAY!!!! Christina (I'llsucceed) is BACK!

    I'm all eyes, do tell of your adventures.
  8. HarleyNana


    Awww Kim, you made me get all goosie bumps. Give Curtis and yourself a hug for me.
  9. HarleyNana

    If In Doubt..Check It Out!

    OK, VQ, please explain. Did you get a new fill? I must have missed something, like an update, I hate it when that happens. Eileen, when I first read hurry to the sink, I thought you meant to spit, LMAO. You've inspired me, I'm grabbing a bottle of Water, I don't do sink water, I can't get past that smell.
  10. Yikes, that doesn't sound good if the doc thinks it's an infection, but at least he got a jump start with the meds. Take it easy and don't over do it this weekend.
  11. HarleyNana

    No Satisfaction

    IMO, that was a large fill, 2.5cc, I'm a year out and don't have that much in my band now. I'd be puking so much my band would be around my neck.
  12. HarleyNana

    I got denied

    Sorry, I don't have any suggestions, my ins co didn't off any WLS coverage, so like so many others, I was self pay.
  13. HarleyNana

    How did you feel immediately after surgery?

    I had very little pain, took 1/2 a pill the first night home, then none after that. Only a little should pain. I had surgery on Monday, came home on Tuesday, and drove to grocery store on Wed and to the office on Thursday.
  14. HarleyNana

    True love, bandster style

    VQ that's a real love story. Thanks for sharing. PS Theresa, your DH sounds like mine, the least he knows the better he likes it, although, he likes the results.
  15. HarleyNana

    Penni Update

    Thanks for posting and letting us know you're ok. We're anxiously awaiting the detailed post. Take care and don't over do it!
  16. HarleyNana

    Update -91 lbs

    Awesome, you're doing great, keep up the good work.
  17. HarleyNana

    Dear Santa

    If you haven't written your letter to Santa, please do so now at this site, it's awesome http://members.aol.com/frogiearno/dearsanta.htm
  18. HarleyNana

    I feel so down!

    Wow, you'd think I started this thread, the only difference, my downfall was any type of social function, I was so tired of always being the heaviest person there, so I quit attending. Whether it was a family gathering, a Harley ralley, or business meeting, I always felt like I stuck out like a sore, fat thumb. Now I can't wait until the next function. I'm already planning what to wear to my next Christmas party......thanks to my band.
  19. HarleyNana


    Thanks Melissa, I got goose bumps. Kids spring back so quickly, I hope he's up and about soon.
  20. HarleyNana

    i'm never eating in public again!

    It was a year for me yesterday and I still don't do bread of any kind. Just the thought makes me want to grab a napkin, LOL.
  21. HarleyNana

    Penni Update

    Thanks Christina for the update, and we did miss you.
  22. HarleyNana

    i'm never eating in public again!

    My other little secret is...order your Water in a to go cup, 1/2 full, and they usually bring a lid, then you can spit and cover, it really looks like you're taking a sip, that is unless you got one of those long stringy ones, LMAO. I love it when I eat out with my mother, she's banded too, so she understands. Oh yeah, Napkin Lady, what do you do when that pb just slides and glides right out of that napkin into your lap, talk about yuk!
  23. HarleyNana


    I take Viactiv calcium chocolate chews and viactiv multi vitamin chocolate chews. Helps take care of that chocolate fix too. I keep them in my candy jar so I'll remember to take them each day. The calcium ones are pretty tasty, but the vitamin one is a little strong, but it's better than that liquid chit I was drinking at first.
  24. HarleyNana

    i'm never eating in public again!

    Been there and done that, too many times. It's almost like the hostess at restaurants know, they keep sitting me next to the restrooms, LOL. My DH was sitting across from me one day, and he has a very weak stomach, and happened to notice I wasn't taking sips out of my tall, red, "pepsi" glass, he said is that why you only asked for 1/2 glass of Water, OMG, that's disgusting! Oh well, it usually works, LOL.
  25. HarleyNana

    Happy Bandiversary, Harley Nana !

    Thanks again everyone, I just hope and pray I will still have my band with me next year.

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