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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    I've been zapped! Laser Weight Loss

    We had one of those places here, but to be honest, I think it went out of business. I went for my "free" consultation, but I declined, tapes, I don't think so.
  2. HarleyNana

    Digital Cameras Pros and Cons

    Which one do you have? Would you recommend it? If so why? I have the Kodak EasyShare DX 6440, with the printing docking station, which also recharges the batteries. I love this concept, the printer and the fact I don't have to replace batteries, but I want a camera that I can do faster shots, without the lengthy recovery time between pictures. Like with the new gbaby, I'll have this awesome shot, then between the time I actually press the button and the camera captures the shot, the eyes are closed and the head is turned. I love taking pictures, and I have the old Canon Rebel, which is not digital, but has all the fancy lenses, but I hate film. Any suggestions from the camera buffs out there?
  3. HarleyNana

    Band for sale on eBay!??

    Next thing you know, we'll have a band hacker, sitting up shop in his garage, LOL. OMG, that's scary!
  4. HarleyNana

    Oh My Goodness...I got the job on the Cruise

    Congratulations, sounds like a dream come true. I'm very happy for you and DH.
  5. HarleyNana

    Minimal loose skin - What's the secret?

    My guess would be exercise. Slow weight loss also helps with the sag of lack their of, LOL. Not to steal your thread, photonut, but what camera do you use?
  6. HarleyNana

    I was just banded yesterday!!

    Congratulations, I wish you the best on your journey. Don't over do it!
  7. HarleyNana

    New here. Needing support.

    I think you made the right decision, if that makes you feel any better, LOL. I had surgery Monday AM, home on Tuesday, Wednesday, drove to grocery store, Thursday, stopped by the office for a few hours. No wonder this has been changed to a "day" type surgery. You'll breeze through. Good Luck!
  8. HarleyNana

    Star Jones

    I just saw the show, OMG, she did everything, but admit she'd had surgery of some type. I don't think I missed it, I was playing Spades on Pogo, but she did admit being a spoiled person during her wedding. I just knew she was going to admit it tonight, but unless I missed it she never did, ERR!
  9. HarleyNana


    My first fill, I hate needles by the way, I had my first anxiety attack, started to sweat, got all clammy, had to lie down, what a sissy. Well, the second time I went, the doctor prescribed Valium, I only took 1/2, then a topical to put on 1/2 hr before my fill. I didn't feel chit, only pressure when he was feeling for the port. Did I mention I hate needles, LOL.
  10. HarleyNana

    A new view, seeing clearly now-long

    Gosh, that's half the battle.
  11. HarleyNana

    wanting lap-band surgery

    I hope you have insurance, if not, I'd think about a second mortgage on the house. Money you can pay back, only 1 life to live.
  12. HarleyNana

    Plastic Surgery Poll

    Since I've lost weight the breast seem to be heavier, so that will be my plastic surgery of choice, soon!
  13. HarleyNana

    New avatar please?! Someone?!

    My pleasure, you've done so well, and your Bday picture is adoreable, A little blurrie, but I tried.
  14. My DH takes effexor, I call it his happy pill, he's not depressed, just difficult to get along with when he doesn't take it, and I'm putting it nicely. I think he needs a stronger dose, but he's fine as long as he plays golf 8 days a week. Good luck on the surgery Amy in VA.
  15. HarleyNana

    New avatar please?! Someone?!

    I dropped Kelly a note in the same thread, oh Kelly, I know you've been under the weather, hope you're better and can fix this for Jessie, hugs girl(s).
  16. HarleyNana

    Venting and support needed

    Just remember there are those of us who are still banded, yet we still struggle with the lack of weight loss. I know I would be struggling with the weight gain if I were in your position. I wish I could say that if my band were removed I'd have learned enough NOT to make bad choices, but I don't always practice making the best choices with the band, so I do feel for you.
  17. HarleyNana

    Found this online

    Thanks for taking the time to share.
  18. HarleyNana

    Have my date and cold feet

    Well, are you still with us? Are you really changing your mind?
  19. HarleyNana

    Another article about WLS and the band

    Did you check out that Pilates download. There must be a special art to doing Pilates, whew.
  20. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday Cyndel

    Darn Eileen, go back to work, you get all the credit! Happy Birthday Girl, Hope you had a special day!
  21. HarleyNana

    Blue Jeans & the port.....

    My jeans are baggy in the legs, but cut into my waist. I need low rise jeans too, yall let me know when ya find them. Eileen are you sure about that port placement, that sounds odd, but then again, it might just be you, LMAO, hehehe.
  22. HarleyNana

    January's Chat

    Congratulations Sherry! I know how excited you must be. Feb will be here before you know it. Eileen, I'm one of those "family" bosses, LOL. Talking about calling in to miss a day, I have one guy whose grandmother has died 6 times in the last 8 years, LMAO. Anne, you made me laugh out loud with the birthday thoughts. Betty did you find a job yet? Specially after that rough day you had for your interview, LOL. Zan, I'm a fast walker too, I get irritated just walking in the mall. I swear the next time I go to Vegas and get behind those old people walking through the Casinos I'm taking a cattle prod, that'll get em movin. (did yall get that? me referring to old people, :laugh :laugh :laugh Cindy, I need to pm you about getting ideas on putting some clothes on ebay. I finally brought my "special ebay" checking account #'s home so I can start a sales account. I think if I ever did it a time or two, I'd get it, but I find it quite intimidating to start with. I'm not naming any names, but I suggested to someone that we have a "room" to have a LBT auction or items for sale, wouldn't that be neat? We'd just have to figure out how to do the transactions and agree all transactions would be handled between the buyer and seller and not hold LBT liable for anything. Just an idea. Later pals....
  23. HarleyNana

    Thinking of Banding

    Like Betty said, there is so much information here, probably more than your doctor has, LOL. Pick a concern, plug it into the search option and go for it. If you don't have any luck finding a particular issue, just pm one of us ol timers of LBT, we'll be glad to help ya.
  24. HarleyNana

    Girlie question - please help

    31 honey, sex or not, it's time for the girlie exam. I go to a female gyn, which I feel much more comfortable with, (personal pref). I always felt a female could better relate to our girlie symptoms and problems than a male doctor. JMO, better to be safe than sorry. Wish you luck.
  25. HarleyNana

    Hair Loss Horror!!!!!!

    Yep, I went through some minor loss, very noticeable during the shower and washing of hair, but don't notice any difference now. It'll be ok.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
