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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Nothing to report here, I've been busy playing the G'ma role. It seems I have a new job as BABYSITTER. The 8 week old is not a problem, he eats, wets, sleeps, cries, eats, wets, well you get the picture. Now the 2 yr old, he works my a$$ off, talk about exercise. I can't sit for 5 minutes that he's not into something or hiding..."Nana, I hidn, find me!" then I yell where are you, then he yells, "I hidn right here", too cute. Only problem is after he's been hiding he usually has a poopie to go with it. I keep telling his Mama it's time, but she's not attempting yet. As for any band update, I'm afraid to get on the scales, I feel like I've gained 5 lbs. Would someone please explain to me how I can eat a large plate of salad with carrots and all sorts of crunchy things, all of it, but then at other times, take a bite of a chicken tender and OMG, spitville. Just when I think or know it's time for a fill, then psychologically, I spend the next day spitting back everything I put in my mouth. Could my band be attached to my brain? I'm really starting to get disgusted with my lack of weight loss, especially with spring so near. Ok, thanks for letting me vent. Sorry there aren't any personals, but too many to catch up on, so I'll start tomorrow, LOL. Hugs everyone!
  2. HarleyNana

    My 2 year Bandiversary!!

    Awesome Brenda, you look great. I know your family must be very proud of you, :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: .
  3. HarleyNana

    Welcome back Becky!!!!

    Thanks for asking about my mom. Things are a little slow for her, she doesn't eat the right things, OLD habits are really hard to break when you're old too. Then again, it's really slow for me too. How's your embr. doing? Did you ever get to be the master of your machine? More Hugs to you both.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  4. HarleyNana

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    Hippity Hop, I' there, me too, me too!
  5. HarleyNana

    Welcome back Becky!!!!

    Hey GIRLS! I'm all goosie bumps too, (Paula, you can't have them all), now maybe this place can really kick some A$$, LMAO. Great big hugs your way, I'm so excited, I'm about to ### in my pants, LOL.
  6. HarleyNana

    Still Miss Blossom :0(

    OMG, I was thinking of her last night and today, the 1 year anniversary of her death is near. I was wondering if the Rose of Sharon plant I sent Philip had survived. How I miss that wonderful lady. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of this dear, special, wonderful person. I miss her so much, I've kept her last 3 pm's to me, the last being 3/15/05, 5:16pm. OK, I'm not going to cry, cause I know she's in that special place. Hugs Philip, I know how much I/we miss her, your heart must have a huge hole in it. I hope you, Philip are healing, just know if you're peeking in, we miss her so.
  7. HarleyNana

    *ADULT* I Miss Grrreat Sex.....

    T M I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Jeff WHOOOOO???? LMAO
  9. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday Vinesqueen

    :happybday: to a special "Queen". Hope your special day is as special as you are!:clap2:
  10. HarleyNana

    Boss is a good guy!! Listen to what he did!

    I got all goosy bumps. Very special boss you have there.
  11. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Eileen, you are soooooooooooooooooooo BAD!
  12. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    I'm waiting for the snow, hard to believe it was 71 yesterday, and today they're calling for snow. I ordered some new furniture type accessories for my home office, so I spent hours putting that chit together, sometimes it just doesn't pay to be a tight a$$, but with the help of my Craftsman 1800 volt power drill, I gotter done! Clifford, LMAO, I thought somebody got a big red dog, hehehehe. My DH got to see the Eagle this am, and I am talking about the big bird, . He landed in the same tree again, and before I could get my camera he was gone. My DH said I wonder what they eat, I said pretty much what ever they want. I'm gonna get a picture yet :heh: . We have 10 bird feeders out back, he keeps them full of thistle seed, squirrels don't like thistle seed, so I told him it looked like he was gonna have to get a BIGGER bird feeder. Diane glad your foot's better. This spring I'm just gonna plan a LB party at the beach, Nags Head and anybody within distance..(Eileen, NJ's not that far), plan on meeting me there. As for the time alone, he's back, he only stays a day or two at a time, :angry . I needed a full week of "get-away" time. Sherry I'm sorry you're such a wussss, JUST KIDDING, I know it's slow go at first. I love it when everyone says don't over do it, but WALK, LOL. Hope you're feeling much better today, after day 3 every day's a major improvement :sick . Big Hugs girl! A milkshake with a little protein, (although, I never added the protein) will perk you right up. Cindy, when you go on vacation this summer, I think you should leave a few days early and stop off here in VA and hang out here, bring Betty with ya. Betty, you know if you'd posted that info about the 500 lb couple anywhere else but here, you'd have been catching hell, LOL. It's great we can come here and have our own opinions and not be judged for posting them. :cry . Anne, are they gonna do that other test that also checks the uterus, I think it's kind of a new test. I may be confused again. Has anyone checked out Kelly's new site, LB family? Ok I've bla bla blad enough, but I'll be back.
  13. HarleyNana

    My doctor can't believe it.............

    Talk about having a sweet spot! Keep up the great job!:clap2: :clap2:
  14. HarleyNana

    Okay Im a whimp

    Barely a 3, for the most part 2 or below. More or an aggravation for me.
  15. HarleyNana

    I did it!!!! 50 lbs gone!!!!!!

    AWESOME, I'm so excited for you, keep up the good work.
  16. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Good Morning, what a dreary day, looks like the bottom's gonna fall right out of the sky. I spotted an Eagle this AM, I was so excited, I had my binoculars out, watched him fly and perch up in a tree, it was awesome. I saw him yesterday too, but just swooping by, today I got a good long look. Anne, no lifting with a 2yr old, oh ok, LOL. I hope they're doing that snip as an outpatient, why are they waiting a month? Cindy, hope you're having a better day. Eileen, get to work, LMAO Betty, I was thinking of you yesterday, it was 70 here, I thought now if I were a REAL Harley rider like Betty, I'd yank that bike out of that garage and ride into work, nah, I didn't. I do wish I'd thought about taking the Corvette while DH is out of town, I could have put the top down and been profiling. Zan, Ivan, where are you guys? Patty, I doubt your BP is getting better with all the aggravation they're giving you. Tell them it's their fault it's acting up, no pun intended. Sherry, Beanie, ready for a good ol milkshake yet, yummmmm, you're healing remember, hehe. Diane, how's the ankle today? I sprained mine one time, OMG, that was a lot of a$$ landing on this poor little ankle, can't believe I didn't break it. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  17. HarleyNana

    Morning of surgery

    Wish you the best on your new journey. Walk, walk, walk, helps the healing process.
  18. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Cindy, please don't stop being a smarty, we need you wise ass to keep us unedgimicated peoples strate, LMAO. This is not going to make you feel any better, but my dad died 6 yrs ago come April 13, and I miss him as much today as the day he left. I love full moons, I always look up and blow a kiss and say hey Daddy. I know that sounds corny, but I know he's up there hiding behind that moon. Hugs...all the way around...group hug, well that's Feb Chat group hug. Anne, my DH and I are having a week get away, he's at the beach house ..getting away from me, LMAO, I'm here just loving life, while he's in NC. Betty, I resigned the Red Hat society, that bunch of ol women, I mean they were old, not only in age, but just old. I was looking for a group of ladies like we got here on NJ chat, girls that just wanna have fun. Beanie and Sherry how ya'll doing? Eileen, they're calling for snow here this weekend, we missed it last weekend, I'm ready for it, I've got to start organizing my tax stuff for the CPA, it takes me days to get it done. We not only have our business, which is a corp and does it's own taxes, but we have rental property and omg, I'm getting tired just thinking about digging into all those folders. Plus, I organize the stuff for my two sons personal taxes for the CPA, what am I thinking?? I told them three years ago that was my last year!
  19. HarleyNana

    Lost my Neice, Karen.

    Hugs to you and your family Vera, such a terrible thing to happen.
  20. HarleyNana

    I'm done.

    Jonathan I'm so sorry you've had to endure so many trials and tribulations, I wish you the best, whatever path you chose. Hugs!
  21. Immediately. Always do liquid test prior to leaving. (except for when he missed the port, LOL).
  22. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Cindy, actually, I knew that, just messing with ya.
  23. HarleyNana

    Question: Was I too hard on the hubby?

    I almost never cook, if I do, my DH is so damn glad he doesn't complain at all, especially since I got the band. He has a buddy who'se wife doesn't cook either, so the two of them hit all the local restaurants. He'll even call and ask if i want anything, I just order a child portion of where ever he is. I guess he finally got the message after 37 years, LMAO.
  24. HarleyNana

    I am so f'in pissed

    My DH and I have been married forever, 37 years, 38 in Nov. About 5 years ago, after years of exchanging gifts, only to be returned at a later date, we decided after this much time we'd just buy our own gifts, year round. It has been the biggest relief, I spent hours taking all that chit back that he bought, just so he could say he bought something. Now if I want it or he wants it we get it. I wish we'd done that from year one.
  25. HarleyNana

    Star Jones is SOOOO BUSTED!!!!!!

    which mag? I want to see, that little winch, LMAO

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