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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Band Removal Date!

    Sending hugs your way. Sorry to hear your're having to go through surgery and I hope you feel much better, really soon.
  2. HarleyNana

    What do I say?(sorry long)

    I told anyone who asked and was interested, unless I was in a awkward place. The other night my DH and I stopped for a drink at the local bar, one of his buddies said, "Man, your wife has lost a lot of weight, she's looking good", (((smile here))), then he came over and asked how I'd lost so much weight, I just said the Adkins diet, it was just easier. I think it's a personal decision, as for people watching what and how much you eat, once they know, well you're gonna have that, LOL.
  3. I don't drive to my support group, I just log in right here, LBT, free!
  4. HarleyNana

    PB? Worse Experience of My Life!!!

    1. 3 barbeque chicken wings (I think they were breaded in addition to being covered in goop) 2. 2 spicy chicken wings 3. 2 jalapeno poppers (those fried, cream cheese filled gooey bundles of goodness) 4. maybe 4 fried mushrooms 5. margarita, baby! Ok the Margaritas I understand, but items 1-4 will cause an instant SA, (slime attack), for me. You eat pizza???? OMG, I couldn't imagine eating a "slice" of pizza, now I eat the heck off of some toppings, the cheese, pepperoni, all the good stuff, but the crust, mushrooms and chicken makes me want to slime just thinking about it. For me, those are probably my most pb inducing foods, besides potatoes of any type, excluding chips. One of my worse SA's was after eating a french fry, which I thought was well chewed, I pb'd so hard my esoph bled. Needless to say I freaked and called my Doc who said I'd probably bursted a tiny blood vessel or scratched the esoph. I have 2 in a 4cc band and I've been banded for 15 months. I'm sorry you had to learn a lesson the hard way, but I must confess, I laughed my a$$ off. I'm pretty sure the next time you chow down on any of the above mentioned foods you will have a sink or toilet close by, LOL. What's with the meat tenderizer, more explanation please. When I'm having a major pb/SA, I couldn't imagine drinking anything. Hugs.
  5. HarleyNana

    A Wow moment..

    How awesome is that!!!! I'm so excited and happy for you. I hope it's everything you expect and MORE! You go girl!
  6. HarleyNana

    Steak at 8 days post op.

    The title definitely caught my eye, don't even think about it! The healing time is so important. Tiny bites one day, but NOT any time soon, sorry.
  7. HarleyNana

    Eat Before Fill?????

    It's amazing the various time spans of the liquids after the fill. My doctor has me do liquids 24 hours after, unless it's an unfill, :confused: , then he says I can eat whenever I want.:hungry:
  8. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Sounds like you could use some big hugs ((((hugs)))). I'm sorry to hear all the tragic news, I wish you and yours the best.
  9. HarleyNana

    I did it!!

    :clap2: :clap2: Congratulations on your new band and journey to a healthier, happier...YOU!:clap2:
  10. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Pogo is a game site that is free, although, you can join for like $30.00 a year and you get all these extras, like no commercials, no intermissions, lots of fun stuff. Anyway, there are so many games to chose from, card games, various types of poker, 21, Texas Holdem, plus Gin, Canasta, Hearts, Spades, all interactive with other people. Every Wed a new "challenge" starts. There are two that are set by Pogo, then there's the personal challenge, mine this week was Stellar Sweeps, had to win 100 games without an explosion. I signed my sons and my mom up for the membership. My mom is almost 75 and she play Pinochle everyday, she loves her some Pogo. May screen names is.......HarleyNana001. I'm addicted, so enter that site at your own risk, LMAO. One of the best $30.00 you'll spend. Trish, what's your screen name, I'll add you to my friends list, what's your fav game? My fav game is Jungle GIN and Canasta. I also use Incredimail, ever heard of it? Lots of bells and whistles with this one too. Betty hope ya get the job, fingers are crossed. Kelly, enjoy your day off with Dylan. Doc, what part of Florida, I think you told me once before, my DH wants to visit there next week to look for property, any suggestions, Golf's his game. Colicky Gbaby is here, I'll be back later.
  11. HarleyNana

    Lap Band Passport?

    I went to the Inamed site and printed my own card, saved $5.00 at Golden Corral. "Stomach Stapling" was listed on the receipt.
  12. HarleyNana

    I Did It!!! (50 Pounds Gone Guys)

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: CONGRATULATIONS, WE'RE PROUD OF YA!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  13. HarleyNana

    My Apology to LBT

    There's an interesting article in Consumer's Report Magazine this month, comparing the Gastro-Bypass and the Adj Lapband, my secretary picked up the magazine and about fainted when she saw a picture of the band and port. Quite interesting.
  14. HarleyNana

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    All of my appliances are stainless steel, I have found that ZEP SS cleaner is one of the best, for the granite try Granite Gold, which was available at Sams or costco. My cleaning lady couldn't get through the day without Windex, she puts it on everything, except granite, due to the ammonia. You'd think they'd come up with something that would take the scratches out of SS, especially since it's so popular now. As for the Magic Eraser, OMG, that is the greatest cleaning tool invented. The other day my son was wrestling on my white Berber carpet with his black soled shoes on and got black streaks all over my carpet. You guessed it, I grabbed the "Eraser" and every bit of it came up, of course that Eraser wasn't good for anything else after that. Hardwood floors? Water and white vinegar is the only thing used on my floors. No film or build up. Any suggestions for cleaning the LCD/Flat screen monitors, computer and tv type? I've tried those special cloths, but they don't really do the job. Where do all those smudges come from anyway? It's not like the gkids climb up the wall and put their hands on the screen or on the puter monitor.:confused: Sometimes my computer screen looks like I had a food fight with it. Outdoor furntiure, that pvc stuff, take a garden sprayer, the hand pump up type, 1/2 water and 1/2 boat bilge pump cleaner with just a little dish det, mix, spray on, let set a few minutes and hose off, removes all the mildews and winters residue. Roof algae, that black mold stuff on the shingles, again, use a garden sprayer, mix equal parts bleach and water and a splash of dish det, which keeps it from running off the roof), start from the top, work your way down, and let the rain take care of washing it away. BE CAREFUL, it will become a little slippery and it's a long way to the ground when you're falling.
  15. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    I'm baaaack, no I haven't been busy with gkids, I was trying to get my personal challange badge on POGO, LMAO. Dang thing took me all day yesterday and half the day Saturday, but I was bound and determined I was getting that badge. Patty, I printed the card off of the Inamed (sp) site. I used it at the Golden Corral, my receipt said, "stomach stapling", whatever, long as I saved 5 bucks. After I printed the card and filled it out, I took scotch tape and laminated the card. It doesn't ask for the doctor's signature, just name, address and phone number. Eileen, hope the MIL is better today. LMAO, I know that's what my girls say when I show up, only a lot stronger language. A hot-dog with the bun, OMG, I could not imagine a hot-dog alone, much less a bun!!!! Oh yeah, I hate hot-dogs, when I was little, errr I mean younger, I was never little, I would always order the hot-dog all the way, without the hot-dog. Trish, good luck on the midterms tomorrow. Anne, and Donna, I told my DH I wanted to have mine reduced, AGAIN, and lifted. He said, "At your age, what's the point?", I said well that's just it, the point(s) are not where I would prefer to have them, ROFLMAO. Betty, you've got to get those ears checked again, you should be better by now. When you go, ask them if there's anything yet for buzzzing. I get that at night. I swear I think there's something in my house (electronics) causing it. Cindy, you've been mighty quiet, you ok? Sherry have you tried buying the Crystal Lite and sprinkling a little in your water, cheaper and tastes really good. Sunsett, sorry about the itching, did you see Grays Anatomy last night, poor woman had poison ivy on her parts, talk about itching. Ok, I hope I'm caught up now, if I missed ya, I'll catch ya next time..Hugs!
  16. HarleyNana

    Dancing with the Stars

    I was soooo disappointed for Stacey, I think she was by far the best, JMO. I think Drew had a cocky attitude, again, JMO-LOL. Stacey just had all the moves, if I could move my bootee half that much I'd be happy :eek:. I think she handled it very well and with such class. For you Drew lovers he's suppose to be on the View tomorrow.
  17. HarleyNana

    Just home after surgery

    Talk about spoiled!!!!, your DH is a massage therapist, every woman's dream. Congratulations on taking the big step, good luck on your journey.
  18. HarleyNana

    Help - food stuck?!

    I eat shrimp all the time too, ya didn't eat the tail did ya, now that could do it, LOL. I hear some people DO eat the tail, not me.
  19. HarleyNana

    Find out what song was #1 on your D.O.B.

    OMG, wouldn't you know it'd be a song I never heard of, it was a biggie, LOL... Music, Music, Music, by Teresa Brewer???? Talk about OLD.__________________
  20. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    Ok Trish, I lied! I'd rather do the taxes than even think I had to study anything, ROFLMAO. You know the old saying, if ya don't use it ya lose it, welllll, I'm here to tell ya all my study skills are gone!
  21. HarleyNana

    Here's one of my birthday gifts...

    I wish I had the guts and the tolerance for pain to get one, just a little one. I want a little ghost, (obv no heavy thoughts put into the design), just cause I use to call my gson Boo, when he was little. Darcy, same response, just different words, LOL.
  22. HarleyNana

    Post Op Soups

    Egg drop soup is a good protein source and filler.
  23. HarleyNana

    American Idol

    Oh yeah, Ace is HOT, but Taylor's not bad either. Both have great voices, but I like Taylor's special style, his excitement, harmonica and all.
  24. HarleyNana

    February's Chat

    I'll help you study if you come organize all my 2005 tax stuff to get it ready for the CPA. I've been working on it for two days, I happen to be rather anal about the way it's organized, along with a printout for each property, with all the expenses and income, bla bla bla. After I finish my personals, then I start on personals for each one of my sons, just wait until they get my bill, retroactive I might add, LOL. Kelly, poor Don, I hope he gets the job with Wal-Mart, that 40 mile travel is rough on the car and the family $$$ (gas). Elaine, sorry to hear about the funeral, but on the brighter side, you get to catch up on all the family. I have/had over 50 cousins on one side of the family, even though the loss is sad, we have a great ol gab time after the funerals. Cindy, as for my lil pooper, I told him if he didn't stop poopn in his pants he wasn't going to be able to get in Nana's pool, he just points to the cover and says, "pool gone", like she's not fooling me, LOL. Betty, the newest gbaby's mom got a boob job today, the baby is 8 weeks old, she's a size 0-2 in jeans, got D-DD boobs. My son called when he was driving her home, I asked him if she could see, he said yeah, she was awake, I said, I mean OVER the boobs, LMAO. She's 5'2, she's gonna be walking tilted forward. Anne, Diane, Sherry, Bean, ev1 else, top of the day to ya. PS, I'm really aggravated, Jan 29th I ordered BigBellyKellie a gift because she never got her Christmas gift, would you believe she still hasn't gotten it. Poor girl just can't get a gift. The seller I bought it from on Ebay.AU, gave me the tracking number, but she should track it not me. :angry , ok, I feel better now.
  25. HarleyNana

    Eating salad??

    A great big salad with tuna salad, yummmm. I find it amazing I can eat a salad, but a bite of a chicken nuggett send me spitting.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
