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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Happy Easter ~

    Ooops, I started another Happy Easter thread, ya gotta get up pretty early to beat this NJ bunny!
  2. HarleyNana

    Call for Help!!!!!

    Micki, I'm sorry to hear you're having so much sadness in your life, but don't use this as an excuse to fall back into your old habits. It's time to spring forward, get your head in the right frame of mind, I suggest high Protein, which does not break the bank. Tuna, chicken salad, egg salad, these are all things that can be added to a large salad. You can do it....Hugs!
  3. HarleyNana

    Absolutely COOLEST webcam

    Thanks for sharing, I love to watch Eagles and Water Fowl. Check out this picture I took a couple of weeks ago. Our local paper put it right on the front page. Osprey's are fun to watch too. They dive in and catch fish, then fly up and sit on a limb and pluck their prey. eagle.BMP
  4. HarleyNana

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    I'm afraid the same thing may have happened to Tina's gifts. The post office tracking showed she received it the day BEFORE she posted she had not gotten her gifts yet. I'm sure Kimber-Lilly did her best, it would be so easy to transpose a number, which could make a big difference, especially if your secret bunny lives in an apartment or condo complex. I should have insured mine enough to cover the postage too, what was I thinking, errr. Tina, I'm still waiting, please let me know the status.
  5. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Patty, our local cable company furnishes us one, for a small monthly fee, but it's really neat. My Gson likes/loves the Wiggles, so I taped several episodes for him, it was sooo easy. I'm so jealous of the DL adventures, I think that's so awesome, your kids will remember those special times the rest of their lives and they'll share those times with their kids. Sherry, sorry you're having a rough time with the "family". I think we all have those that do and those that pretend to do, like your sister. It sounds like your mom is very fortunate to have you for a daughter. You come here and vent anytime. Tell your sis if she can't say something nice, then keep it to herself, as Eileen would say, WTF! Donna, I too like your new avatar. Thanks for the ideas on the gifts for Haley. Y'll can gather at either place, my VA home or the place on the beach, I'm ready for an East Coast Bash. I'll furnish the place the rest of you make the plans. As they say in Texas Holdem, I'm all in! Anne, when's that new fill? Good luck with the brunch Sunday. I bought DS a replacement crib for his house today, since the winch took the other one. Then I bought the same comforter/crib/bumper set I had bought for his gfriend, the itch that she is. I'm 56 years old, they didn't have that off the wall, high $$$ stuff when my kids were babies. One had Winnie the Pooh and the other had Raggedy Ann and Andy, back then we didn't know the sex b4 hand either. Anyhooo, that chit was expensive, by the time I bought the crib, the crib in a bag set, the lamp, the $17.99 SHEET, 1 sheet mind you, what was I thinking, the lamp, the blanket and the mobile, I'd spent almost $1,000.00, WTF! I bought all the stuff for Zacks "basket", big bag of diapers, box of 460 wipes, 9 outfits, a case of jar baby food fruit, cereal, toys and formula, all of which is going to the witches house. She'll have something nasty to say about it I'm sure. Cindy, that dang Pogo is soooo addicting, but I do love the challanges. Listen to you doing your little crafts, aren't you just the talented one, or is that the teacher in ya coming out. Eileen, turn your darn phone on, I tried to give you a break and call you today, but your phone wasn't on girlie. Betty, you been mighty quiet, wassssup. Mary, I don't cut nose hairs, I tweezer them, OUCH! I'm just waiting for it to start growing out of my ears, yuk! Darcy, welcome back, been playing hookie on us....shame! Where's Becky? Kelly, hope you're feeling better, what ya get Dylan from the Easter Bunny? I don't guess Don's getting much of anything, LOL. He'll find a job soon, he doesn't want to have to face your anger much longer I'm sure. It'll be ok Kelly Girl!
  6. I'll drink to that, crystal lite w/ splenda in the water please.
  7. HarleyNana

    Bye bye plus size department

    I've been in the "reg" sizes for a while now, but everytime I walk into a store with a plus size too, I always start looking in the plus size first. Congratulations on your new sizes. Unfortunately, Victoria Secrets is not a place I can shop, still got the big hooters.
  8. HarleyNana

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    Tina, I'm still waiting to see if you got your confirmed delivered package yet? That's really weird, I do hope someone else didn't sign for it. I rechecked the address that was sent to me and that's where I sent it.
  9. HarleyNana

    Feel free to jump in here...

    If you're having lunch at the Golden Corral and you're spitting into your red glass instead of sipping out of your red glass, then ya might just be a bandster.
  10. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Just a quick good morning, I couldn't resist jumping in to tell Anne, I can hardly wait to get to that recipe site, ROFLMAO. I'd rather hide the eggs. Gotta lots or errands to do today, and of all days, DH wants to put the jet skis in the water, cause he smashed his finger in the truck door and can't play golf today, sooo he's trying to mess mine up, men! Then again, I'll probably end up at work, my preggers girl is having issues, so she has decided, after walking out on Wed that she's not sure she wants to keep working for me. Two days after I loaned her $1,000.00 last week she informed me she had applied for a job in DC and just wanted to give me a heads up, welll duh, why didn't you give me the heads up B4 I dished out the $$$$. My guy that's wife is in the hospital with the aneurysm, I took him an envelope with $$ in it last night, he was so relieved, he didn't know he was still ... on the clock :uwelcome: , gotta take care of the ones that make ya money. I had to pay him in cash cause the preggers girl thinks she should get paid when she's out, :omg: :omg: . I had great pleasure in telling her yesterday, thanks for saving me a car payment, that I had planned on paying her car payments while she was out, but she can let her new boss, if she gets the job, pay it. Boy do I hope she gets that job. And, the surprise baby shower, well I'm not in the mood for that anymore either...just call me done! OK, I know it's Good Friday, and I apologize for all the hostility, I will be good the rest of the day, only positive thoughts, like I sure hope she gets that job, now, so I can hire and train somebody quick, b4 summer is here. I'm going today to get a big basket or bag and put a large box of diapers, wipes, toys, and formula in it and take it to HER friend, #1 to make sure there is a witness we bought Zack needed necessities until court, and to make sure he gets it. What should I get Haley, the 6yr old, come on Mama's out there, I know you've got ideas. Diane, what kind of paintings do you do, I'm sorry if I missed it. I want to see pictures please. Sherry the biker babe, woohoo. I told DH the other day I'm not sure I remember how to ride mine. He said it's like riding a bicycle, ya never forget, yeah, well I never had a bicycle that weighed 900 lbs. Rene, I do believe Eileen is correct with her little icon....doing the humpty hump, hehehe. Cindy, I need an Easter idea for Haley, help me out. I want to see pictures of you and family in your Easter outfits too. Thankgoodness we got Sherry willing to share some pictures. Betty and Eileen, it will be a while b4 I can open our pool, at least end of May, oh wait, I forgot I got a heater, I can open it a lot sooner. DH likes it like a hot tub. Eileen, I'd come help ya clean, but TG you live too far away. Speaking of which, I gotta get off her and go clean b4 my cleaning lady gets here. I always clean around the rim of the toilet and clear the counters b4 she gets here, and get all my washing done, she does my ironing too, I know I spoiled, but I'm old too. Like my license plate use to say, IDSRVIT. Patty, are you and the kids going to DW this weekend? I just think that is so awesome to be able to do that. We have Busch Gardens and Water Country near by, but it doesn't hold a lite to DW or DL. Kelly, hope DH gets that job soon, keep us informed. Who was that lurker???? Hugs to everyone. Oh yeah, I think my $1,000.00 fill kicked in yesterday, of course, while I was at Golden Corral. (I'm so glad they use those dark red drinking glasses, did ya know if you're really sneaky, ya can't tell if you're sipping or spitting. If I missed anyone, I'll catch ya later
  11. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    To sum it all up, there was a thread started today, about you might be a bandster if......, well the following quote was written by StewartS and it describes my feelings for you guys to the T! "If you have more friends on LBT than in real life, you might be a bandster",well, you guys are the best! I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I wish I could give each and everyone of you a big hug. Thanks for all your prayers and support, it truly helps to have someone to talk to who really cares. You're all so special to me. Ok, enough sentimental stuff :uwelcome: . :kiss2: :kiss2:
  12. HarleyNana

    I'm alive!!!

    I'm so glad you're ALIVE! Congratulations on changing your life. PS How do ya like Dr. T?
  13. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Eileen, watz with the Scooby, I want to see that beautiful smiling avatar back......NOW ya hear me?!?
  14. HarleyNana

    Funny, I'm sure you've seen but...

    I had not seen that one either, thanks for the morning chuckles.
  15. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Again, thanks friends for all the encouragement and support. You all don't know how much it has helped with all this chit to be able to "talk" to others about it. Just when you think she's done enough, it gets worse... my son called baby jail yesterday, (day care lined up with cribs) and asked if Zack was there, they said he was. Then he proceeded to tell them Zacks mom and him had gone separate ways and she had threatened to have his/our names removed from the authorized visitors list. The lady on the phone said she gave them a new card with allowed visitors that morning and they were told not to even let my son in the building if Zack was there, AND, that his name was not on the birth certificate and he has no rights. My DS was so upset. This little ***** will stop at nothing to hurt everyone who loves those kids. He has an appt with his lawyer to start proceedings Tuesday. Kelly, I sympathize with the unexpected bill, I got my bill for the fill under flouro and the hosptial bill was $320.00, which I thought was pretty stiff, THEN, I got my doctor's bill, $610.00, I almost soiled my undies. Size 24's instead of 26 :clap2: :clap2: . Cindy, your dad sounds like such a wonderful person, is your daughter the only gchild? He reminds me of my DH, he spoils ours rotten. We were leaving the ball field the other night and the 2yr kept following "Pop" around, saying wing and wide down Pop. So Pop told his mom, I'll bring him home in a little while, we're going to find a swing and slide. Cindy, you'll have to PM me and catch me up on the Estate thing. Mary, my son has to present his attorney with an upfront check in the amount of $2000.00 when he walks in the door. I sure hope he's good. My DNL works for the court system and she said he's the one all the other lawyers hire for their divorces. Beanie, I hope you're getting to do some great shopping while you're in NY. I've only been there once and loved it. We were riding on the subway, I had my money tucked between the boobs and this guy in a wheelchair comes through the door and yells, "Everybody Listen UP", I thought on CHIT, this is it we're getting ready to be robbed. Then he started this thing about he was a disabled vet and he didn't have any money and wanted donations, whewwww. Patti, I imagine you see a lot of sad kids in your clinic. Last Thursday, the wife of one of my employees of 18 years, who is like family to me, I was there and helped count to 10 and "Push" when her son was born, had a brain aneurysm, her son, who turns 7 on Sunday, but had a party last week, (I think I already told y'll this), but he has anxiety attacks when he's away from his mom, so imagine what he's going through, seeing her in ICU hooked up to all those tubes and wires. Tuesday, she started having brain spasms, which are like mini strokes and she has taken a bad turn, the doctor told her DH to be prepared for the worst. He asked do you mean brain damage and he said, "No, death". I know I'm just full of bad news, sorry gang. I'm really trying to be my peppy self, LOL. Anne, the brunch idea sounds really good, can you eat the toast? I've got to go to Sam's today too, for potty paper, LMAO. Well, ya gotta admit, eating and potty paper do go together eventually. Oh Sherry, I'm soooo sorry I missed your birthday, a belated Happy Birthday, and again, I love your avatar. How's the fill? Betty, sounds like you're working too hard, you had more time with the other job. Don't they have DSL at work? Speaking of DSL at work, how's it going Eileen? What are you fixing special for Easter, did I miss that too? Ira, Diane, Donna, everyone I missed, have a great day... :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:
  16. HarleyNana

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    Tina, I'm confused, after reading the above thread, I tracked your package, which I mailed Saturday, PRIORITY: USPS Label/Receipt Number: 0305 2200 0001 5382 7053 Status: Delivered Your item was delivered at 12:58 pm on April 10, 2006 in SPARKS, NV 89434. Could it be someone else signed for it? Please let me know the status.
  17. My catheter was put in after I was in taken to the operating room and removed before I got to my room, all while I was still out. I awoke to the sound of a door opening and closing, opening and closing, I was starting to think it was the Pearlie gates, then I realized I was in a room next to one of those double doors that ya hit a button to open. As for pain, it was more of an inconvenience than actual pain. I had to wear those inflatable leg tubes to prevent blood clots, which felt like I was shackled.
  18. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Good Morning Friends, Thanks for all the words of encouragement, it really does help, what a breath of fresh air. It's been really nice the last two morning not waiting for my phone to ring to come intervene. Haley's teacher called me yesterday because she hasn't been at school the last two days AND did I mention this was her week to be "Catch of the Week". She had been bringing notes home every other day about her misbehaving in school and not listening. So, I took the bull by the horns and called her teacher last week. I felt like she needed to know there was more to the picture here. I started the conversation by saying I was aware of the privacy act and did not want her to discuss Haley with me, but I wanted her to be aware that she goes through hell EVERY day before she comes to school. That either her mother and my son are screaming at each other or her mom's kicking in a door or two, all with her daughter standing there, or breaking glasses and cups, knocking candy dishes off the counter, ALL before she leaves for school. Her teacher was almost in tears, she said, OMG, I thought she was just a little brat, that she'd never had a child behave like she does and she didn't know what to do with her. I told her, the fancy, named brand clothes fooled you didn't they, You thought she was spoiled rotten, she admitted she did. So, this is why she was chosen as "catch of the week", she was to bring show and tell everyday and be the teachers helper, now she's missed two days, and prob today too. This entire situation has been unf**n believable. I do know we all miss little Zack, he'd just found his tongue. I'll be back later for personals.
  19. HarleyNana

    I am having my Band replaced

    Hey girl, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you too. I hope this next band is a keeper, you've been through so much. Hugs my dear lapband friend.
  20. HarleyNana

    Flavored mashed potatoes

    Not me, that was the first mushy I had, with garlic, I can still remember my first bite after being on liquids for two full weeks. Although, today, my band does not like taters of any kind, which I guess is a blessing, but I sure do miss them.
  21. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Eileen, my girlfriend, you wouldn't EVEN believe what's been going on in my world. For the last 4 weeks, I have been dealing with a psycho chick, the mother of my new grandson, who moved into my son's house the week of Feb 14th. Got a boob job the following week, driving around in a Lexus SUV, not having to pay any bills, but her cell phone, my son was paying for the food, gas, diapers, EVERYTHING, and nothing was good enough for her. About a week after she got the boobs, she started bitching about my son not making enough bottles and her having to wash a few bottles because HE didn't do it the night before. My son fixed HER 6yr old daughter's lunch one Monday night, she opened the fridge door and said, I hope you don't think my daughter's taking her lunch to school in no brown ass paper bag". I have had to go to his house at least 2 out of 5 mornings per week because she was busting stuff up. 911 was called 3 times in 2 weeks, by my son. She refused to get out unless my son let her move into one of his townhouses, which he usually gets 1350.00 per month for, AND wanted child support on top of that. She finally agreed to move back to her mother's condo, which was Sunday. Thank God, the neighbors were there and watched her as she ranted through his new home, she wrote with an ink pen, no, she carved into the sheet rock, "F*** You", then she poured a bottle of water on his plasma tv that was hanging on the wall, then she took all of his clothes that were either folded or hanging in his closet and threw them in the floor. She took the new 2 week old white comforter from his bed and put it in the trash can because he kept taking it out of the trailer. Then she took red paint and smeared it on the concrete floor of the garage. Then she took the baby from me and said, "come here baby, you don't need to be around that CRACK SMOKIN GRANDMA OF YOURS. I almost lost it, then I told her she wasn't worth the breath it would take to defend myself against her psycho bipolar ass. Then she took a wreath made of seashells and threw it at me, scratching my little arm. My son finally calls 911, FINALLY, ms badd ass decided it was finally time to leave. There's more.... I hire these two guys to drive the truck and trailer to her condo, she decides not to show up, they waited for an hour and finally left, they took her trailer to my place of business and stored it over night. She called the law and told them my son had stolen all of her personal belongings and all of the baby's things. This girl lives for drama and all in front of her 6 yr old daughter, who is just like one of my gkids and who loves me more than her real gma. I got her yesterday though, when I got some of my workers to take the trailer to her yesterday afternoon, she flipped out in front of all the guys and said they couldn't unload any of her "shit" until she got her tv back. Her TV that my son bought 4 years ago and she had refused to let him take when he moved out of her house a year ago, AFTER he lived there for a year sending her ass to nursing school, which he paid for all the books, all of her bills, ETC. Anyway, she came to the office and started screaming at my son she wanted her F***n tv back and how she was gonna F up all of his personal belongs, she was gonna get into his house and F up his clothes and he hadn't seen anything yet. She told him she had a key to his Corvette and she was gonna key that and pour sugar in the gas tank. I walked around the side of the building with a tape recorder in my hand, clicked the button and said, would you like to add anything else to this, I can turn it back on. I thought she was gonna pass out. Of course she started saying I didn't scare her and for me to keep my "fat ass" out of her business. Now, Eileen, is that enough shakin for ya for one day girlie, . Now the truth is out as to why I've been a little side tracked. Whewwwww, thanks for listening my LB friends.
  22. HarleyNana

    Had to have an emergency unfill.....

    Brenda, I'm so sorry you had such a terrible experience with the PB and the doctor. Although it's been 16 months for me, I still forget sometimes. I rarely get the pressure, just spit back for ever. Hope you have a better day.....Hugs!
  23. HarleyNana

    The new me!

    You go foxy mama! Looking really great, keep up the good work.
  24. Hugs, hope it's all better. When I've had that happen, a sip of anything made it 10 times worse, so you were lucky that helped. Nice article by the way.
  25. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Awwww wook at de cwut widdle bunny wabbit.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
