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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday La_Madam :)

    Happy Birthday And Where Are You?????????? :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2:
  2. HarleyNana

    American Idol

    That's just it I didn't hear the scoop IF there is one. There was a segment that was about people not getting along at home or in the workplace, then they made reference to Paula and Ryan, twice. Once during the recorded segment, then at the end of it, you know how they put in their two cents worth.
  3. Dawn, I'm so sad for you. IMO, if you're up to it mentally, go ahead and have the surgery. Though I didn't know your Mom, I'm sure since she fought the weight battle she would want you to go forth and have the surgery. Hugs Girl and please keep us informed as to your decision.
  4. HarleyNana

    Lost my Spell Checker

    Google for me. Go to their site, select to use their tool bar. They have an awesome spell check, very simple for simple people like meeeee.
  5. HarleyNana

    American Idol

    I have to admit Paula, I do think Kellie's cute as a button, that tiny little figure, a wonderful smile. Gotta give credit where it's due, as for her singing, I've heard worse. I thought Chris did an awesome job last night. Seems my real guy, Taylor is struggling. He looked like he was gonna wet his pants last night, trying not to move around like he loves to do.
  6. HarleyNana


    Without having to read the entire thread, (just call me lazy nana), do you/did you have to wear that special girdle for 6 weeks? When I had a mini TT years ago with some lipo, I had to wear this awful girdle with the crotch cut out, talk about sexy, for 6 loooooong weeks. I'm allergic to lycra, so I was miserable.
  7. HarleyNana

    American Idol

    What's going on between Ryan and Paula? Is there some kind of feud? Got in on the tail end of it on GMA this morning.
  8. HarleyNana

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    Kathy, Google has a great tool bar that has spell check, I couldn't believe how bad my typing and spelling had gotten. I love having it. I kept having a problem with lose vs loose, duhhhh me, LOL.
  9. HarleyNana

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    Kathy, Google has a great tool bar that has spell check, I couldn't believe how bad my typing and spelling had gotten. I love having it. I kept having a problem with lose vs loose, duhhhh me, LOL.
  10. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    I was kinda pissy this AM on the way to work, but called a DF who is battling Lung Cancer that has spread, she has to use a walker now and have help taking a bath, she's 45. Needless to say, by the time I got to work and finished talking to Kay, I thought, how petty of me, I've got my health, I've got it ALL. Betty, sorry about the family illness. Sounds like you have several aunts. I had 24 aunts and 24 uncles on one side of the family, my dad had 12 bros and sis. Lots and lots of cousins, 2nd cousins, now 3rd cousins. RB, the Alfredo was good going down and still pretty tasty when it come back :omg: , I can't believe I said that, :kiss . It's been one of those days nothing stayed down, but I wasn't giving up, finally about 4:15, I got the rest of it down, by then I was starved. OMG Sherry, your husband could have been shot, teddy bear or not. Although, I know he's a real hero :clap2:. Glad he wasn't hurt.:bandit Ok Gang, Dianne's making us look bad with all that exercising, as Eileen would say, WTF. Speaking of which, (I did say which, LMAO), where are you hiding? Eileenie, you're mighty quiet today. As for the fish, they're Croakers, I scaled and my DH filleted em, then I fried them with some hushpuppies. Like Betty, I love to fish, especially since we moved on the water, I just turn my speakers at the pier on, pull up a chair, rig two lines, kick back and watch the rods bend, then start reeling. Cindy, I can't believe you smoked. I use to tease the DH every time he'd start to cheat and say, well, if you have on puff after a week or two, that means you haven't quit, you just cut wayyyy back, then he'd stop. Cindy, you must have been watching me today. The first hour was a little slow and I had some new magazines in the mail, so I did some online shopping between phone calls. By days end, I thought I was gonna need a cocktail, but I went to Gson's ballgame and to check on DS, he's got a 24 hr virus. Called me at 5:50 this AM to tell me he was throwing up, scared the chit outta me, do you know how many horrible things you can think of that could be wrong in a split second :paranoid ? I went by to check on him tonight, cleaned the puke outta the sink, cleaned out the dishwasher, put clean dishes away, took him some soup and ice cream. Something very very strange going on there, Zack's bouncy was out, when I asked why, he said "she" had brought him by for a few minutes, but of course he couldn't remember which day. I'll bet you anything she was there today, she has to go within a mile to take her DD to school and pick her up. I think I've raised a son who is an idiot, what in the hell is he thinking? Now that I think back, he stayed home Saturday night, after he cut his finger, hmmmm, it's all starting to fall into place now. :Banane33: :woot: Thanks for asking about his hand friends, now I think it's his mind that's gone. WTF!!!!!! Darcy, I used fireballs, every time I wanted a cig, specially when I was driving, that's when I missed em the most. I quit having sex so I didn't have to worry about the after sex part.....just kidding. As for 13yr old daughter, enjoy those special times while you can, take em anyway you can get them. Mary, let us know how it goes in court darlin, you and Patty need to exchange #'s, I imagine you two could give each other some tips and advice, like how to plant flowers in your house . Like Cindy, I'm proud of you too, that's quite a challenge starting a weedeater, much less using the dm thing. Sorry about his cousin though, sooo sad. Patty, I hope your band date gets scheduled really soon. It would be nice if it was right after school was out and you wouldn't have to miss on your new job. Are you still in love with him or is it not polite for me to ask? If so, I apologize in advance. Doc, sorry you're feeling down, of course we miss you. It's easy to miss you if you don't at least say hello. Anne, come out and play with us. Nitie nite friends.
  11. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Hello Friends, I'm at work today, :confused: , both girls are out, the preggers one, well that's no surprise, it's something every day with her, she hasn't had a full week in more than 6 months. The other one misses at least a day a month. So here I sit trying to answer 3 lines, deal with customers, and check on LBT too, . I'm waiting on DH to bring me seafood alfredo from Olive Garden :hungry: . Don't have time for personals, but hugs all around!
  12. HarleyNana

    Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!

    Congratulations on your band! I remember about 3-4 days out, all I could think was, OMG, what have I done. My DS came in with a plate of sushi, my mouth was watering, I was in a panic. Then I remembered this is only temporary, I will be able to eat again. I think sometimes it was the desire to chew/crunch, more so than hunger. I used the s/f hard candy, sure helped, but s/f gives me gas from Hell, LOL. Hang in there, it does get better, I promise!
  13. HarleyNana

    Possible solution for PB's and restriction pain

    Kim, my band has been acting weird lately too, I think it's due to the change in temperature, :omg: , I think my band is heat activated! I'll be giving this a try, I have at least 1 pb a day, often more than 1 :think . Thanks... (I never did figure out the meat tenderizer thing)
  14. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Oh Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about DFIL, my mom is 74 and I was just saying my prayers last night that I was so blessed that she's as healthy as she is. Bless his heart, at least he's got a loving, caring family like you and DH and DD. GF, you've had a lot going on, take a breather. I went fishing this afternoon, caught enough for supper, talk about catch of the day, LOL. Hugs All The Way Around!
  15. HarleyNana

    No Edit Buttons?

    I must be special, cause I went back and checked several threads and I do have an edit button :party: . I don't mean to pull favors, but Paula's one of my bestest pals too and I know she meant it from the heart when she apologized for anything she said that might have offended anyone. Lisa, I usually stay out of these, but darlin, I think you're fightin a losing battle here. We are truly a strong and supportive group here. We've been through a lot, we even lost one of our LB sisters to a horrible accident, which has nothing to do with this, but my point is, we not only support each other, we share good times and bad. We come here to have fun, share our stories, and make wonderful friends, so accept the apologies and let it go, (please). xxxx:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:
  16. HarleyNana

    What is your food weakness, (demise)?

    Ice Cream, chocolate, (never cared for chocolate until recently, I think it's because it goes down soooo easily), and those white cheddar puffs by UTZ, OMG, they dissolve in your mouth and anything with Ranch dressing. I love donuts, unfortunately, but fortunately, no bread products for me :omg: the thought of eating bread or a donut.
  17. Mandy, I call that "visual" noise. My doctor knows I freak when I see the needles, so they have the tray covered when I walk into the room. He even gave me a presc for Valium, which I don't use anymore and a cream to rub over the port area b4 I arrive at his office. So I really don't feel much, but the pressure when he's sticking the needle into the port, but it is like you can see/hear the needle when it goes through the port, keep in mind my eyes are closed from the time I lie down until it's over.
  18. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    :clap2: :clap2: WTG Sherry! Congratulations on getting your license. As for me, every time I ride my bike it's a challenge. It does NOT come natural to me. As for my DH and sons, it's like riding a bicycle to them. I have to think out my every move, from changing gears to trying to find my turn signal button. The first thing I do when I pull into a place is check out my escape route, meaning, how am I gonna turn this HOG around, LOL. Betty, sorry about all the problems with the pool, do you think the flood messed up the motor? It was nice of you to drop in on that funeral, LOL. OK, I'm sorry that wasn't nice. I'll try calling you again later. Cindy, you need to slow down, you've been way too busy. What was for dinner? Still want to see pictures of you in the rainforrest outfit, LOL. RB, 2nd fill already, boy time flies. I didn't believe that people would have like 2-3 week delays b4 their fills kicked in, but either the heat has caused mine to react of the fill has taken control, but I have had a heck of a time for the last week. Finally yesterday, I actually felt full and didn't spit all day, believe me that was a major feat for me, after spitting for a week. (Who ever picked out the PB saying anyway, it really does not apply for me, just call me a spitter). Good morning Lazy, I mean Eileen, LOL. We all have to have a day for that, my problem is I just pick too many of them in a row. It was supposed to be sunny and 80 here today, it's cloudy and gloomy, a good day for lazy. Kat, BIG HUGS, I wish you the best on your journey, both there, home, and your LapBand journey as well. I'm so excited for you. I remember my band date couldn't get here fast enough. Anne, while you're still able to eat, I've been jonesing for a juicy hamburger, would ya have one for me and describe the details. I know it must be really tough after having the band work for you and now to have a new one and not be able to put it to work yet must be very frustrating. Hang in there girl, it won't be long. Patty, are you hiding at DL? Mary, I just wanted to toss a Hug your way, though I've never been divorced, :cry still don't know why or how I've been able to stay married so long, I know there are so many emotional stages you have to go through and to have kids, anyway, enjoy the hug. Paula, you working in the flowers today? I'm surprised green thumb Betty didn't have ideas for those flowers. Speaking of which, I bought 5 trays of flowers yesterday and left them in the back of my SUV, first thing I thought of this morning is, OMG, I'll bet I've got all kinds of spiders that have crawled out of those plants :omg: :omg: . OK, gang are you all sitting, for the latest in my saga with my DS, yesterday, he was taking down the broken mirrors that psycho chick had busted when she was kicking the bedroom doors and it slipped and cut him at the bottom of his thumb, where it joins that thin piece of skin/meat, well it took 7 stitches to fix him up. He might be 6'1", but he's like his mama when it comes to needles and stitches :help: . He didn't call me until he was almost to the Emerg Care, he was on the phone with PC (psycho chick), giving her Hell. Like my DH said, she's so bad she causes probems when she's not even around. If the sun ever comes out I'm gonna take pictures of my azaleas and share them, either here or on Paula's garden thread. X:kiss2: X:kiss2: X
  19. HarleyNana

    taking a break from LBT--pointless

    VQ.....HURRY BACK, WE MISS YOU ALREADY! X:kiss2: X:kiss2: X:kiss2:
  20. HarleyNana

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Heather, there are several other threads with some wonderful recipes and suggestions for on the go foods. Egg drop Soup is a great source for Protein and helps with the hunger during the 2nd week of liquids. mushy stage, refried Beans from Taco Bell. Ok, the secret's out, I'm not a cook, LOL.
  21. HarleyNana

    Anyone wear the Oprah bra?

    For those of you with strap problems, if you know a seamstress, have them taken up in the front, where the strap attaches to the bra, for some reason this solves the problem. Very simple fix for the drooooopy straps. I'm considering "another" reduction too, I had one in 1982, just trying to get up the courage, I so hate pain.
  22. HarleyNana

    Happy Bitthday Mariposa Bella

    We wish you a Happy Birthday, we wish you a Happy Birthday.... and many more to a beautiful lady.
  23. HarleyNana

    Come to the Chat Room

    Sorry I missed you.
  24. HarleyNana

    I just had the best salad

    Eileen, I've had that b4, OMG, the noodles give such an extra bang. Every time I eat it I'm amazed I don't get clogged, LMAO. Why is that? Something as crunchy as those noodles go right down, but let me take a bite of chicken and look out spit.
  25. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    :omg: :omg: :omg: Where's Darcy?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
