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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    Whewwwwww, what a week! My preggers girl had her baby, (which means my fat a$$ is back to work), my good friend with lung cancer passed away Wed AM, opened the pool to dark green water, been working on that all day in 90 degree weather,(then had to rush to the office to do checks), ruffff, I need a screwdriver and not one for screwing with either, LMAO. Man, ya miss a few days and all hell breaks loose on the regular site, sure am glad we're all pals here....:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: , it was still funny reading all the BS. I'm sooooo looking forward to a 3day weekend, 3 days of thing but Pat time :clap2: :clap2: . I've been filling pots with flowers, OMG, :omg: , I'll bet I've spent $300 in plants. My planters all look like I couldn't find anything but purple petunias. I've never used them before, but I hope they'll stay blooming all summer. I did a red, white, and blue pot. I'll post some b4 and afters later gal pals! Hugs all the way around! PS Where's Anne?
  2. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    OH, I almost forgot to tell y'all, my DS, (that stands for dumb son), is..... SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    Good Morning Everyone! I've been scanning everyone's posts and I'll never catch up. I'm embarrassed I've been missing, but I've been busy and been bad, I gained 3 lbs, OMG, I was sooo upset. Darcy darling I can only imagine how tough it's been for you. I was so upset I couldn't even stop at Sonic and get an ice cream cone. Patty, I'm glad your son is ok for now and with prayers he won't ever have to have surgery. Cindy, woohoo, you go girl with the weight loss, proud of ya! Betty, I was just missing, you're working too much. This new job's gonna get ya down. Have another HNana drink and relax all day. Mary, glad your band is ok, I worry about losing mine all the time. Yesterday, I gave my preggers secretary a baby shower and we had punch, duhhh me, after 10 cups, I realized it had Ginger Ale, WTF was I thinking? I guess the orange sherbet absorbed the bubbles/carbonation, now my mother's in a panic afraid she's gonna lose her band. Eileen, did you show DH the ring you got for HIS birthday, LMAO! Rene, soo glad to see you've put the real you avatar back up, I missed it. I'd love to see some pictures of you gals, what's up with y'all not posting pictures of yourselves. Kat, I'm sorry to hear your DH is not well, but so thankful they caught it now instead of him having a major heart attack. I'm not done, but I've got to get dressed and meet family at Olive Garden....I will be back later to finish personals. :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:
  4. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday Princess n Thep

    Lets see some updated pictures there birthday girlie! Happy, Happy Birthday!
  5. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday Anwyn--Anne

    :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :wow2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO A GREAT GAL PAL :wow2: X:kiss2: X:kiss2: X:kiss2:
  6. HarleyNana

    Found New Diet Popsicles

    Although Diet Coke ran in my veins, I loved to switch to Diet Dr. Pepper for a refreshing new taste. When I was a little, well young girl, I was never little, Dr. Pepper was only sold in the mountians of VA. So when we'd go to "Grandma's" house, I couldn't wait to get my special treat, a bottled Dr. Pepper, in the cooler that looked like a big casket on legs, filled with ice and Water, the only way to keep them cold back then. OK, now I'm really telling my age, LOL, can't wait to try it on a stick.
  7. HarleyNana

    Some Good News, Some Not-So-Good News

    Hugs your way, I wish you a speedy recovery, mentally as well as physically.
  8. HarleyNana

    Pituitary tumor

    Hugs girlfriend, as my Dad use to say,"if you didn't have any bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all". I know you're tired of hearing us say, "hang in there", but that's about all you can do at this point. Hopefully, knowing we all care will help in some small way.
  9. HarleyNana

    What do you drive?

    Tanya, aren't you just the HOT mama!
  10. HarleyNana

    I have missed my LBT friends!!!

    Welcome back, nice to see that sweet avatar. Hope things get better for you and you mom real soon. :omg: OH NO, not AVON, if it was my mom, I'd have to tell her, they're gonna miss ya, LMAO..
  11. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    GM everyone and Big Happy Birthday Anne! I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on personals, although, Cindy, I hope the migraine is GONE! Kat, every time I get happy, I get fat, LMAO. Why is that fat and happy are connected, do we get comfortable with ourselves? As Eileenie would say, WTF. Kat I posted a pic of my Harley on the "What do you drive thread" Patty, you've been so patient with the band process, no wonder you work with kids. Eileen how much protein do you do a day? I'm really trying to get more protein in each day, along with my vitamins, after all I'm no spring chicken, cluck cluck cluk. Gotta go for now, will be back later...
  12. HarleyNana

    What do you drive?

    Now if I can only find a picture, much softer landing with this one...it's a 4 seater, I call it my bus on water.
  13. HarleyNana

    What do you drive?

    I'm not really comfortable on this ride, especially after driving the one above......... harley.BMP
  14. HarleyNana

    What do you drive?

    I have three rides, this is my newest....Lexus LX 470
  15. HarleyNana

    Ice Cream Addiction!!! HELP!!!

    I have found that my 1/2 cup of ice cream is much larger than the individual 1/2 cups of the prepackaged kind. You're less likely to get another little cup and tend to eat it much slower. I buy the little cups in a bag of about 10 and only 1 per evening.
  16. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday - THe Best ME

    Hope you have a wonderful Birthday! Do something, or better than that, eat something special, LOL.
  17. HarleyNana

    Did anyone watch Oprah on Monday?

    Kathy, thanks for the site address, boy that's a nosey site, LOL. That site knows more about me than my DH. Waiting for my "real age" to show up.
  18. HarleyNana

    Tv shows

    Kathy, glad someone finally mentioned Deadwood, when is that coming back on? I like Big Love too, so often you know the punch line before it's said. Call me a kill joy, but it seems like all the shows are the same, except for Deadwood, Sopranos and Big Love. I like Confessions of a Taxi Driver too, hehehe :eek: Sometimes it's just nice to have quiet :speechles .
  19. HarleyNana

    A Complete Unfill! Yikes!!

    Megan, you said it yourself, "Do you know how much weight I could put on in a month if I'm not careful", with that said, you've got to stay on top of it. Make a promise to yourself, no bread, nothing white! Now if I could just follow my own advice with that nothing white suggestion. Hugs!
  20. HarleyNana

    Somthing else about my port removal

    OMG, I can't believe what you've had to go through, IN HIS OFFICE, I so wish you'd have stopped him. I thought the "easy" removal of the band and it's parts, ie..port, was the main reason I opted for this surgery. Big Hugs!!!!!
  21. HarleyNana

    I'm Offically 100 pounds down!!!!

    Not to steal Jamie's thread, but Betty, you have done a great job too. That 8lb is probably more than made up with muscle gained. Again, congratulations Jamie.
  22. HarleyNana

    I'm Offically 100 pounds down!!!!

    AWESOME...HOW SWEET IT IS!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: We're all so proud of you, now how about some before and after pictures, cutie!?!
  23. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Just A Friendly Reminder....(darcy), We're Into May Now, Lmao
  24. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    Happy May Everyone! It's cold as heck here, the wind blowing in off the Water, freezing. I went to my beach house this weekend, the water was churning like there was a hurricane going on, as far as you could see out, nothing but white caps and white water, and it was cold there too. I've got so many flowers to pot and it's too dang cold to do it. The pic is from a cell phone, modern tech, see where he gets his cheeks from....
  25. HarleyNana

    April's Chat

    Me, me, me, you owe me a gift, LOL, just kidding, even if you did I'd tell you to spend it on you and the kids. Cindy, DS called her today, cause the deputy stopped by Monday investigating her larceny charges which could be a felony, based on the $$ amount. Last week she had told him she was going to drop everything, but today she said she wanted "her" stuff back. It will never end, and I still haven't seen my gson :think . Donna, glad you're back with us, maybe it's time for a fill. I swear this last one I got hates hot weather. Today it's cool, I've been eating all day, yesterday, well you know how it goes. Later gang, gotta go the boss is lurking, (my wanna be my boss DH).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
