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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    anyone else riding their bike?

    Wow Michelle, you never cease to amaze me, you're such an inspiration to me. Hugs!
  2. HarleyNana

    June Chat

    Sorry if I missed anyone, but I will catch up one day . Here are the other two...
  3. HarleyNana

    June Chat

    Good Morning Ladies, Hope you're all doing great. I'm not EVEN going to attempt to "catch up". I will say I loved the picture of Eileenie and the new hairdo of Darcy, what a honey of a haircut and color, you look great. Patty, OMG, Johnny Depp, he can eat Cookies in my bed anytime! Sherry, sorry about the dumb a$$ at work, duh, what do they think, it'll just fix it self? Rene, have you been to that place in NY that's supposed to have all the designer clothes at great prices, some type of "ally"? I had an NSV yesterday, not that I've lost any weight, been the same weight for months and months now. I had on a pair of shorts that were fairly short compaired to my almost to the knee ones I've been wearing, you know, to avoid the crotch eating up one side of the leg, well, the leg(s), stayed where they were supposed to. So, now I'm taking my other shorts to be hemmed to the 5" length instead of the 6-8, LOL. I was able to wear shorts with out the ride up last year, but they were longer, before surgery, the only ones that didn't ride up were capris, LOL. If you all remember I had to work all last week, (well except for 2 days it rained, so I let my sons run the show), this week my maternity girl is working 1/2 days and my other one is back from Hawaii. I've been hanging out with the gkids for a few days at the pool. Don't know how to do side by sides, so here is a pic of one little cutie.
  4. HarleyNana

    Dinner Out!!

    You might want to ask for a seat near the restrooms, just in case! Just remember to take small bites and chew, chew, chew. I tend to be more disciplined when I'm eating out, (I eat much slower). Enjoy!
  5. HarleyNana

    Baby pics

    Adoreable picture, now how'd you get that baby to smile like that? Very sweet, I'm anxious to take one of my gbabies like that.
  6. I was my doctor's first lapband and I'm still kicking, and that was a year and a half ago. My doctor had a proctor assist, so I had two for the price of one. Practice also makes one over confident at times too, JMO, eitherway, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure if I there had been a choice I would have selected the more experienced, but I didn't have that choice and I have no regrets. See if he's going to have someone assist, I would certainly think it would be required by Inamed.
  7. HarleyNana

    My surgeon is a newbie

    I was my doctor's 1st, I have absolutely no regrets....GO FOR IT. Sometimes I think it's better they're new, they tend to be more conscious and less over confident. I too was self pay. Good luck!
  8. HarleyNana

    Breast Cancer segment (Please Read this)

    Thank you for sharing, every woman should watch this video. Thanks again.
  9. HarleyNana

    an NSV I could do without

    The problem with Tshirt bras is they flatten the girls and it looks like you're wearing a sports bra. I'm in search of a new comfy bra, I would love to have one custom made, anyone know of a place that does that?
  10. HarleyNana


    Have a great Birthday Ladies....Hugs!
  11. HarleyNana

    Beans Beans!!

    Refried Beans were my only real food for weeks after my surgery. Still a comfort food to me. I go to Taco Bell, order a taco, pour the contents into my refried beans and what a meal :hungry: . (don't forget the ff sour cream)
  12. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday Connorsmom

    :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: Hope your day is perfect!
  13. HarleyNana

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    Why would you fold sheets?????????? :omg: I wash my sheets every Friday, then when my home engineer gets here she puts them right back on the bed....no folding involved. Look at all that valuable time you're wasting folding sheets, what were you thinking Donna , LMAO.
  14. I take my synthroid, baby asprin and B12, with 1/2 bottle of water.
  15. HarleyNana

    June Chat

    Hey Everyone, Betty, the house and flowers are fabulous, no wonder you're tired. I've been busy pinching off those little dead heads on the petunias, they're pretty to look at, but that's a lot of pinching. Becky, good luck on the upcoming fill. I still say my band is heat activated, every time I get over heated, I can't keep chit down. I was so aggravated last night, I cut open this sweet cantaloupe, only to find out it wouldn't stay down, ERRR! Mary, the golf/flower cart is actually preventing me from getting the much needed exercise. Every time I go to the pier to go fishing or drinking, I take the cart. The funny thing is I back it off the pier, I scare the crap out of anybody riding with me, cause I just floor it, but it sounds like it's going much faster than it is. Also Mary, I know it must be so hard learning to let go of the kids for the weekend and worrying about them, I hope you'll soon be able to enjoy that time for you, because you deserve it. Next time, turn the radio on, fill the tub with Calgon and hot Water and let Calgon take you awayyyyyyy. Oh yeah, they're your kids, if you want to tell them good night, give them a call! Eileenie, I'm at work, I have to type fast, boss might catch me, :Banane35: , LMAO. Betty, Donna, Cindy, WTH is a Mav? :heh: Donna, that sounds like a good fill .5, I usually get "smidgens" of a fill. Darn things are sooo tempermental. Kat, which program do you use for photos? I use the free software from Picasa, it does the resize too, I think . Darcy, how'd you get that frog to sit so still, was he dead with his eyes open, LMAO! Diane, glad your back is better, did you save the magazine? (what magazine ) Patty, I so hope you hear something soon, I wish there was something I could do, so here's a hug anyway :Banane35: (couldn't find the individual hug, so here's one from all of us). Patty, what do you mean no air, as in AC? OMG, :omg: , I keep my bedroom on 66 at night, and still get hot (ok they come in flashes). :embarassed: Cindy, how special to have a few days away, with swimming too. I would sure like to do a few days to Texas and see my Texas pals, I just need to make up my mind and DO IT! Anne, I thought I'd been bad not writing, you must realllllllly be busy, wait, you don't work, what's your excuse lady? :Banane35: Ms. Beanie, you on the road again? How's the fill going? My mom got a fill about a month ago and she's lost 9 lbs, I'm so jealous. Ok, if I missed anybody, I'll catch ya next time, it's terrible when you get behind. I've got to take pictures of my flowers, course mine looks like a desert compared to Ms Betty, her pool makes mine look like it's in a desert too. Later gang!
  16. HarleyNana

    My 1 yr Band Anniversary :0)

    Christina, like Margo, I too remember the big "wait/weight", you were so patiently waiting, and now it's been a year! Congratulations on the new you! (Yikes that makes it exactly a year and a half for me, :omg: )
  17. HarleyNana


    Check it out, great info emails every day. The site offers lots of variables of the high calorie, high fat items vs low cal/low fat. Also, advice on upcoming foods, such as the Zone meals. Sorry it copied so big :omg: , but IMO, it's a site worth visiting. http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletter.php?newsletterid=839 Share these SHOCKERS with everyone you know. Click "send to a friend" NOW! Did a friend send you this? SIGN UP NOW & get your very own DAILY Tips & Tricks! Hungry Girl has a spam-free policy.
  18. HarleyNana

    Poison Ivy/Oak...home remedies?

    My mom has a severe case of either Poison Ivy or Oak, she's been to the doctor, got a shot, but still itching out of her mind. Come on now share some of Grandma's remedies. :help: :girl_hug: :help:
  19. What's with these guys with no hair on the chest :girl_hug: , now Colin, :faint: , lots of hair :rose: , what a hunk, a hunk, a burning luv :rose: .
  20. HarleyNana

    Happy 3rd Band-Anniversary Rebeccalee

    Congratulations to you both, jobs well done :clap2: :clap2: .
  21. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday Becky!

    :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  22. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    This is fountain grass, before it gets it's wispy pods on it. I'll take another after it blooms, with a weeping willow bush behind it. The WW started out as a twig that my friend rooted and gave to me a couple of years ago, it's the curly weeping willow.
  23. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    Ya know how some people have a flowering shed or a work table, well, mine is mobile, LOL.
  24. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    These are Crape Myrtles getting ready to bloom
  25. HarleyNana

    May's Chat

    Happy Memorial Day everyone! OK Patty, here are a few pictures before and after, LOL. This is one of last year's pots, after a rough winter, LOL.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
