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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Pb's and Vomiting

    You're not doing yourself any favors by being too tight. You take the chance of causing damage to your esophagus. It is not going to make you lose weight faster, but it will definitely make your life miserable. Get a slight unfill, work with your band. Good luck!
  2. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    GM Betty, I so love soup, it has become my favorite food, beside my new found love, tiramisu, LOL. I ate beef barley yesterday, it was ooooh so good. No it wasn't home made, LMAO. It's hard t believe it's been five years since 9/11, I watched the Diane Sawyer special the other night, with all the babies, now 5, I boohooed, it was so sad. I did notice they didn't have the woman that was sort of the spokesperson whose husband led the group and over took the terrorist in the Pa flight. Yikes, can't remember either name, but I often think of her and wonder what happened to her and her boys. (Was his name Todd?) Such a tragedy all the way around. The special on CBS last night had to be difficult for all of these families to watch. Kat, if your SIL gets a fill, you need to call her doctor and tell him/her what she's doing. I had to do that with my mom, although, even though she was my mom, they reminded me of the privacy act, which I assured them I did not want info, I was just advising them of facts they didn't realize, like she'd been pb'n for over a month and couldn't keep anything down. They took it from there. Diane, take care of the throat, don't over do it even if ya think it's all well. Patty, I love my pedicures and just put my fake nails back on, after a summer of playing in the dirt...plants. Darcy, I know it doesn't help you, but the fact you've shared your weight gain has made us realize it could so easily happen to us. Big Hugs GF! Is the fill helping? I have the dmdst band, so fickle, especially, if I haven't eaten all day, I guess I eat too fast, but then it's spit, spit, and more spit. I have never agreed with the "PB" factor, "spit" should be added as something NOT to look forward to as well. Nothing prettier than seeing a Gma get out of her car or lean out the door to spit, LMAO. Hugs everyone! We're missing a lot of our friends, Ann, Cindy, Mary, Donna, Ira, Ivan, just to name a few.
  3. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Not me, just liquids the day b4 surgery. I think it depends on your weight. The heavier or higher BMI, the longer the liquids. It has to do with the liver.
  4. HarleyNana

    Big News!!!

  5. HarleyNana

    Crying a lot today

    Way too often patients are intimidated by doctors, especially with older people, with the exception of me, LOL. My point being, you are the one paying, and he/she should be fired. My old saying, I was looking when I found ya, I can find someone else! Be your own person, stand up for yourself, no one else will. Good luck!
  6. HarleyNana

    Pregnant and Considering LB???

    I think your best advice will be from your surgeon, especially form the health point of view. I would think it would be difficult not being able to lift the baby, especially a new born. I can't keep my hands off of them, they're so squeezable. Good luck on your decision.
  7. HarleyNana

    Awareness of food moving down???

    Not to alarm anyone, but one of our fellow banders just had emergency surgery for having the same feelings. Actually, she went to the ER because she thought she was having a heart attack. Come to find out she had gall stones and had to have her gall bladder removed. I would mention this to your doctor and maybe he will do a test. Debbie's doctor said he was curious of the band had caused the severe case of stones, she had so many they were going into her system and had to be dug out :omg: . Needless to say, she's more sore with this surgery than she was with the band process. Good news, she still has her band in tact.
  8. Jess, I'm so sorry to hear of you and your DH have been through so much. Hugs to both of you....Don't be a stranger, stay in touch. That goes for you too Carol.
  9. That was toooooooo funny, thanks for sharing.
  10. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    GM, NJ Gals Diane, I agree with Eileen, I'd do very soft food today. My mom has had all the fills removed due to constant pb. Oh yeah, I had to PM Eileen to find out what the 4' club was, duhhhhh me. I don't have my preband measurements, I think doing measurements preband should be the responsibility of the doctors office, ya'd think! Debbie, a LB friend, who was banded right after me, had to have her Gall bladder taken out and was loaded with gallstones. She said she had started pbing a lot and she use to never pb, it was always me. I want my mom to mention to our Dr if that could be a sign of gallstones, what do ya think? (CRS-can't remember if I already told y'all this or not). Betty, I still haven't ridden my HD this year. It still looks good, but not interested in riding, old age has set in. The food at the banquet was awesome, had this great crab cake, which was all I ate of that, gave my steak away. BUT for desert, tiramisu, om goodness, it was de bomb! I ate the hole thing. Eileen, the nails and the toes look so purdy. Treat yourself at the same time DD gets hers done, you deserve it! Mandy, did ya find the puppy? Cindy, how is FIL? He's so lucky to have such a swee DDIL. Patty, Sherry, Anne, Rene, Mary, Darcy, wazzzzz up? And, where is Donna? Anyone talked to her or have her email address?
  11. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Good Morning All, Patty, hope the Bday was grand! I agree with Eileen, if it's what your really want, then go for it by any means. I know when I researched the band, I knew immediately it was for me and I wanted it. I knew my lousy insurance wouldn't pay for it, never even tried, so I made up my mind and paid for it. I know your funds are limited, but you know the old saying, where there's a will there's a way. I think it WILL happen for you, Hugs! Cindy, my desk was custom built for my study, the book case matches, it's must as messy, LMAO. The next rainy day that I get to stay home, I'm gonna tackle the book case and the DRAWERS. It's all nice and clean now, that's the way it ends up every week, cause b4 my girl gets here to clean, I stuff everything in the drawers. I do put a few things away, like the coffee cup and the comb. OM gosh, I just noticed the crumbs in my key board, yuk, whose been eating at my desk? Kat, the avatar is awesome, you always looked like you were mad in the other one. Great job! Sherry, you know I can relate oh so much. Since my PIA is gone, (pain in the a$$), it's been hard because she did know her stuff and never made mistakes, but the peace is worth so much more. Training them is not near as tough as the interview process. Usually, you can tell when they walk in the door. Especially, the ones that come in with the one page resume, wrinkled SHORTS, uncombed hair, and boots... been there right! Darcy, you going to the cabin this weekend? You haven't been much this summer have you? Put a pic of the cabin on here and share with our NJ girls. Diane, congratulations on another victory. Pictures please. Mandy, good luck on the puppy hunt. Betty, Anne, Mary, where are you? Beanie, it's the weekend, time to stop by. Going to a golf banquet tonight with DH, he's in a big tournament today, gotta go get the toes and the nails done. I so miss my "fake" nails, but in the summer, with potting plants and constantly being in the dirt, I bite them off, plus I hate going for fills. I'll be lurking for a few minutes, have a beautiful day friends.
  12. HarleyNana

    Loose skin driving me crazy

    I'm 56, so I don't expect anything to be firm again, LMAO. That's one of the reason's I really don't care if I lose any more weight or not. The only thing worse than looking at fat, is looking at loose skin :omg: . The wings under the arms I figure are a combination of age and loss of weight, but the cheeks (on my face) sagging, yuk. The fat use to keep all the wrinkles ironed out.
  13. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    WOOT WOOOT WOOT, EILEENIE HIT THE 50 LB MARK! I remember when I hit that mark, I was elated, that was goal number 2. The first was the 25 lb mark. The third was size 12. Size 10, yeah right . Hugs girlie!
  14. HarleyNana

    I Can Eat a Whole Sandwich...

    OMG, I'd love to be able to eat 1/2 a sandwich, LOL. Bread, I haven't had a sandwich in two years, but with my weakness for bread, I guess that's a good thing. I would suggest using wheat bread and make healthy choices for the filler .
  15. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Here's hoping you have a wonderful birthday Patty! HAPPY BIRDAY AND HUGS TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
  16. HarleyNana

    Crying a lot today

    Babs, two weeks of liquids after surgery was enough for me. I would hate to have to go through not one, but two months of liquids, IMO, you have every right to cry. Good luck with finding a new doctor.
  17. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Speaking of avatars, Darcy, yours is so clear, mine looks like I soaked it in water b4 I put it up. Since you're the puter guru, which format are you supposed to save it in? I use Picasa-(free), and Photo Explosion and every time I save a "trimmed" picture, I get this message that says saving with a diff file name may cause image to be blurrie, WTF! Ann, you do look great, how's the modified band doing? Cindy, I was cleaning out stuff this morning before the housekeeper gets here, where does all this chit come from? As I sit at my desk, I see thank you cards, yet to be written, magazines, junk, unwanted faxes that came through, my camera case, mail, penS, a comb, remote for tv and remote for fan, two cameras, a bottle of lotion, my souvineer Dgson brought from DC, and a coffee cup, JUST ON MY DESK. Heaven forbid I should turn around and look at my bookcase! DESK 001.BMP
  18. No solids after 12 pm the day before surgery.
  19. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Eileen, you're so right, who ever came up with the terrible 2's. My Dgs who will be 3 in Nov, is making his mother consider going back to work full time, LOL. Kat, PS has come a long ways, this will be my second reduction :omg: , but It's all I think about, so it must be in my future, LOL. Darcy, I know what you can give the dh for a surpise bday present :couch2: . Gotta go, PIA customer...(pain in the a$$).
  20. HarleyNana

    Panic Attacks after Fill

    I had my first panic attack when I had my first fill, at least that's what I called it....I saw the needles, that's all it took. They cover them now before I walk into the room.
  21. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Oh yeah, where is Donna? Anyone heard from her? I hope everything's ok.
  22. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Quick Hello, Diane, if I had a pinch of your exercise motivation, I might lose some lbs, LOL. Keep up the dedication. Cindy, awww, you made blush again. I try to stop in every day, but I always feel so guilty when I don't write a reply to each and every one of my NJ friends. I always feel like I'm leaving someone out or that I may hurt their feelings if I miss them. WELL, if I do, I'll apologize in advance, how's that! Betty and Kat, I'm so embarrassed to say, but my mom'd BD was uneventful. I did take her out for a chocolate shake Tues nite, but not what I had planned. I was wupppped when I left on Tuesday, we had over 300 calls from people with storm damage. We still haven't gotten everyone called back yet. Plus I'm dealing with a new girl in the office, that I don't think is gonna make it. All she can do is answer the phone and take a message. I did take her to Olive Garden on Sunday, but I'll make it up to her for sure. Sherry, there was a really interesting recipe on hungrygirl, it was a 0 pt soup, it looks so good and healthy. Patty, back at school yet? Anne, ya gotta have at least one room in the house that's clean for sure and the kitchen is probably the best one, LOL. I can't stand dishes in the sink, errrrrrr. When I go to DS's house, always dishes in the sink, less than a foot from the dishwasher, WTF, LOL. My room is probably the bedroom, I make my bed as soon as my feet hit the floor, even b4 going tinkle, hehehe. Darcy, 50! Since he wouldn't let you do a party, I'd at least take him to a restaurant that sings to ya at the end of the meal...Outback, yummm. Lets see, I'm trying to do a little math, you're not yet 40, hmmmmm :couch2: , LMAO. Beanie, you're running, OMG, I'd knock my self out with my boobs. I have to hold on to them when I jog to catch the phone AND heaven forbid I should run down the stairs, last time I tried that I got a bruise under my chin...had my hands full, couldn't hold on to em. Eileenie, I enjoyed the chat this AM , all you ladies back feel ok, we had a really good talk, ACTUALLY, we were talking about how much respect we have for our NJ pals.... Hugs to you all! PS, back to the boobs issue, I have an appointment the 25th for a consultation for another reduction, just hope I don't chicken out, gosh I hate needles and being put to sleep. The thought of not being able to sleep on my tummy, :omg: . I already picked them out. Later gals!
  23. HarleyNana

    That Little Checkmark

    Michelle, apology accepted, cause I'm rite thar with u. I'll prob never be able to type another "real" letter, without using spell ck, due to LBT and email, it seems pointless. Sorry perfctnst out thar if I make ya cringe, but that's just me, what ya see is what u get.
  24. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Good Morning, Darcy, thanks for asking, she's done pretty well, she has more to go, but had to have a complete unfill a few weeks ago due to esophag problems, so as she tells it, she's "wide open". I suppose you know the feeling. So, how are you doing with your latest fills and where is Becky?
  25. HarleyNana

    Warm Water in the Morning per Doc

    I've NEVER heard of such....just when ya think you've heard it all, LMAO.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
