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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    OMG, I missed Betty's Birthday, WTF! Anyhoo, Big Belated Happy Birthday Lapband Friend! Sorry about the soggy boots. Patty, you made me tired just reading. Cindy, now you and DH will have some hanky panky time with DD gone, hehe. Rene, thanks for checking in, EVEN though it was short and sweet. Eileen, how's the hole, LMAO, I mean where your tooth was, still LMAO. Sherry, one word, slow down, oh is that two words I see there. Darcy's right, health first. Doubt they pay workers comp for stress related illness' that's a tough one to prove, but we'll stick up for ya. Darcy, you're picking up Christmas gifts, what a woman! I picked up a couple of gkids gifts at Costco today. Hey all, went for Breast Reduction appt today, funny thing is the doctor said he thought they looked pretty good. I told him I wanted perky, not just a reduction, then he said he's have to do a implant to do "perky", WTF, gonna take off a bunch, talked about reducing me to a "B",....NOT. said he thought he could pull the skin tight enough to give me the perky, but if I wasn't satisfied he's redo it with inserts. IMO, those things require too much maintenance, just what I need another foreign object in my body! Later gang, sorry I missed a few people, Ann, Mary, Rita, who else???? PS, did anybody ever find Donna? That's really freakin me out.
  2. HarleyNana

    OMG I am so Em BARASSED.... literally the last part...

    It's all good, you'll look back on this someday and it will be one of those memorable moments.
  3. HarleyNana

    Why NO caffeine?

    Chris, wayyyyy too much info for me on the caffeine, LOL. Gotta have my AM coffee. Thanks for the research.
  4. HarleyNana

    My wedding pics...

    You and DH look wonderfully happy, thanks for sharing.
  5. HarleyNana

    Help - 3 days post op w/ major shoulder pain

    Forgot to mention, massaging the area helps too.
  6. HarleyNana

    Cooking Question

    For safety sake, don't place the item too close to the top broiler, it can catch fire easily, especially fatty foods, like a steak.:omg:
  7. HarleyNana

    My experience with VG.

    I missed this post first time around, thanks for the information. Stay in touch!
  8. HarleyNana

    Unfills for vacation purposes

    Hmmmm, your theory sounds realistic, but your band is there for a reason, so is the fill, I think an unfill would be abuse to your band...JMI. (you asked).
  9. HarleyNana

    Help - 3 days post op w/ major shoulder pain

    I used Tums, quick dissolve. I didn't have tummy gas, but my shoulder ached for months after surgery. Don't forget to walk a lot that helps too.
  10. HarleyNana

    What are you guys eating for protein?

    I've never used the protein shakes, what type of protein is in the isopure, is it soy or whey?
  11. HarleyNana

    Did you feel like this????

    I had a one night stay in the hospital, (my doctor now does this surgery as outpatient), and by day three, I drove myself to the grocery store. BUT, by the end of the day, I was still feeling fine, but as I sat and watched my son eat a huge plate of food, I thought OMG, what have I done? This lasted a few days, then through some good advice from my friends at LBT, I was reminded I would be able to eat again soon, and pretty much what ever I wanted, but in much smaller amounts. So, it does pass and I love my band. I wish you the best.
  12. HarleyNana

    Bet ya can't ...

    watch this and not smile. Too funny, we all need to smile now and again. http://www.koreus.com/media/men-in-coats.html
  13. HarleyNana

    My BEAUTIFUL band baby!

    I loved the pictures, you're all beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
  14. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Cindy, I so agree, our special group is almost all here and accounted for. Still a few MIA's. Eileen, I HATE going to dentist. Last time I went I paid in advance for one of those deep gum cleanings, so I'd go back, only to lose $60.00 cause I cancelled the appt, still have a balance on the books, YIKES. Keeping dgson today, he loves nana to sing to him, he knows a good voice when he hears one, lmao! Rene, so good to hear from you. Sherry and Kat and Diane, I can't even keep up with you gals. Ann, my biggest regret of raising my kids is I did not send them to private school, I had the finances and should have done it. I think the education is more one on one, no offense Cindy my love, but for my two BOYS, I think it makes a difference. My 12yr old gson went for 5 years, he's one of the smartest kids in his school, (now goes to public school), way beyond his peers. I'd like to send the younger two, but Dh says that's their parents responsiblity...We'll see, LOL. Gotta go take gson to dr, nose, ears, and throat appear to be a problem. Hugs Gang.
  15. HarleyNana

    Holy Cow Restriction!!!

    Glad to hear your band has kicked back into operation again. I was thinking about getting another fill yesterday, then today, I haven't been able to keep half of what I've eaten down...go figure, fickle little thing.
  16. HarleyNana

    does anyone else spit in a cup?????????

    Thought about you spitters tonight, on the way home from dinner, yep, you guessed it, had to spit, (I was outta cups), DAMMMMM I hate it when I go to spit out the door and miss and hit the running board on my SUV. Sure hope it rains tomorrow, LMAO.
  17. HarleyNana

    I am married!!!

    WHERE ARE THE PICTURES!!!!! Hurry up, LOL, get the pictures on here, we're all waiting.
  18. HarleyNana

    does anyone else spit in a cup?????????

    Betty, I can't believe you've never spit, you're an ideal bandster, WTG! As for the spit cup, chit, my DH does dip, (much to my dismay), but I can out spit him in a heart beat now, although, he flips TFO if I spit in front of him, he thinks that's the most disgusting thing. I keep those gargle size cups in my car for those emergency spits. At restaurants, I always order a to go cup with my meal, with a lid, just looks like you're taking a sip, LOL. I know it all sounds disgusting, but it's my way of life with my band, and NO, I'm not too tight. I probably just don't chew enough or too large of a bite....my bad. I rarely have this problem after 7:00 pm, but before 2, I can count on it unless it's Soup.
  19. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday JQPUBLIC

    Belated Happy Birthday wishes John.
  20. HarleyNana

    Why am I obsessed with Anna Nicole Smith's son?

    Please pals, don't let this one fade away until there are answers. I want to stay in the loop too and this is the best place for a variety of input and reports. Thanks
  21. HarleyNana

    E-mail Petitions

    Way too heavy for my ol brain. That made me tired just reading it.
  22. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Darcy, I'm rolling on the floor. Nothing like getting the "man" of your life a Manly movie. Thanks for sharing.
  23. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Well Ms Cindy, since you asked, it's a muggy 79, cloudy skies, with rain expected at any moment, lasting into tomorrow and cooling things off a bit. How's that for a forecast? Eileen have fun with the DD and the apples. Been playing Pogo all AM, gotta go to the office and pay bills, then again, it's 1:30, maybe I'll go eat lunch instead. Later girlies.
  24. HarleyNana

    Lies, porno, and fidelity

    Hopefully he's just embarrassed. If he's lying about other stuff, as a wife, I think you would/should know. I can look at my DH and tell if he's lying, b4 he opens his mouth, LOL. 38 yrs experience!
  25. HarleyNana


    My big question is.."what is normal"? I take Synthroid, I think a little higher dosage is what I really need, but because I fall into the "normal" range with the dosage I'm taking now, my dr won't up the dosage. I still have all the symptoms of hypo, but I'm in the "normal" range. Errrr! To me it's nothing more than stereo typing people. Why couldn't we just do a test run on the higher dosage for a few months then if there's no diff, then drop back. JMO

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
