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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    which side is our port on?

    Mine is on the right, just below the bra line.
  2. HarleyNana

    Doing your own fills?

    Yikes! So, what do you do once you puncture your tube? Sounds mighty easy to do, doing self fills.
  3. HarleyNana

    First Fill And Wondering

    Liquids 24 hours for me, then back to normal, if ya call it that.
  4. HarleyNana

    Why is it called PBing?

    I'm not crazy about the term "pb" either, I prefer "spit". It's NOT vomit to me, it's like baby spit, like Mandy said. If it's stuck and it won't go down, usually, for me anyway, it comes back with digestive juices, but not acidic vomit, more of a slime. Hope that wasn't too graphic for ya. Then again, a productive burp may be different for you.
  5. I'm not sure how many lapbands a doctor has done is as important as if he's qualified. I was my doctor's first lapband patient almost two years ago, no problems to date.
  6. I give out $1.00 bills, last year there were two of them, LOL, my gsons. I live down a dark, private lane, so I haven't had to worry with candy.
  7. HarleyNana

    How to lose a perfectly good band.

    Yikes! What a horrible situation, but with a wonderful ending....you're alive! Like spunky said, "one day at a time". Your story had made me appreciate my good health and not take it for granted...God Bless.
  8. HarleyNana

    lap band

    Mail Handlers paid for my mom's surgery. She was a civilian employee at Langley.
  9. HarleyNana

    chronic constipation

    Y'd think with all the Water we drink, constipation would not be an issue, but it is for me too, but in all fairness, it was prior to being banded too. If I could get past that texture of the Activia, but I hate milk products, except ice cream of course.
  10. HarleyNana

    Feedback? Liver Cleanse???

    Great minds think alike, I was just checking out those products in the health food store and was going to do a poll to see who had ever done one and if they did it regularly and if they felt a benefit from it. I went for one of those colon cleansing, omg, I thought I'd never poop again. It felt beneficial at the time, but I think all that Water packed things tighter, I wouldn't recommend that to anyone. Maybe Trader Joes has unfiltered apple juice. Hope to see more responses here.
  11. HarleyNana

    Dr. Phil House of Hatred

    Speaking of Jerry Springer, I always thought he was a joke, not very bright or sensitive. Well, have you seen him on Dancing with the Stars, he is such a gentleman and had a great personality. He was voted off the other night and was so humble, he was actually teary eyed. I guess there's the show biz side and the real side...jmo.
  12. HarleyNana


    What I came away feeling from Oprah's show is....if you lose weight, with emphasis on WLS, don't think that was the answer to all of your problems. The psychiatrist even said, there was a reason you "ate" to be that over weight, the problem is still there, losing the weight will not solve the problem(s). The emphasis was certainly NOT on a healthier, happier you, with the weight loss, but pretty much making you think you'd still be miserable.....NOT ME!
  13. HarleyNana

    Hello Everyone

    Congratulations on your new band. Be patient, you're still healing. Enjoy your new weight loss tool and look forward to a new, healthier, happier....YOU!
  14. HarleyNana


    Don't forget the gas, you'll be tooting a lot too, just wanted to warn you, incase you hadn't noticed.
  15. They did the insert and the removal while I was snoozing. Never felt a thing. Although, my doctor recently mentioned he may stop requiring it because of complications, urinary infections would be my guess.
  16. HarleyNana

    Band Removed Yesterday

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I was also banded Dec 2004. I feel so blessed to have made it this far without serious complications. I must admit I've been rather slack and non compliant with my band lately, taking it for granted, thanks for the wake up call. Hugs and please stay in touch.
  17. HarleyNana

    October Chat

    Mandy where do you usually stay? I took my gson a couple of years ago and we stayed at the Caribbean, I was so disappointed, they didn't offer room service, the rooms were small, there was no balcony to sit on and have my coffee. Call me spoiled, but I don't travel often, but when I do, I like to be pampered, especially with delivery of my morning coffee. That's one of my fav parts of Vegas, although, there's no balcony on the 14th floor, guess they'd be afraid of too many suicides, LOL. Anyone have word on Rick's condition or how Kat's doing? AND, where is Donna?
  18. HarleyNana

    October Chat

    Just stopped in to peek and leave a message from Eileenie, she asked me to tell y'all that she tried to get in from work and got Hacked and she can't afford to mess up a computer, especially at work. Kat, I'm soooo sorry to hear about Rick. Please Kat or friend, let us know how she's doing. Hugs to all, I know I'm really behind, but a lot's been going on. I'll get a fresh start soon.
  19. HarleyNana

    pregnant 6 weeks later!!!

    Congratulations, what a precious detour!
  20. HarleyNana

    Game: 5 Letters

    I Want Fabulous Body Parts "FORTY"
  21. HarleyNana

    Hiatal Hernias??????????

    Mine was repaired when my band was installed.
  22. HarleyNana

    September's Chat

    Well ladies, a second opinion is my next step. The doctor's office called back today and said they would NOT be doing a follow up with the ins co for a breast reduction, that a LIFT would be strictly cosmetic...WTF? My appt was for a reduction, he even said he could probably get the amount required for ins to consider. So, I'm checking out new places today.
  23. HarleyNana

    Feel like I could cry....

    It will pass, just call it post surgery depression. I think most of us have a "OMG, what have I done" spell. Hugs
  24. HarleyNana

    Gossip at Work: Vent

    Sounds like someone might be a little jealous to me, LOL. Hold your head high and strut your stuff!
  25. HarleyNana

    My cry for help

    You've done so well with the weight loss, please give the unfill a chance to help you heal what ever the problem is. Good Luck and big hugs!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
