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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Help! I'm Addicted To Cheese

    I like cheese more now than before surgery, especially those little pop in your mouth squares. I've convinced myself it's just Protein, LOL. Like I need help in clogging my system.
  2. HarleyNana

    Is this true?

    Wouldn't you just love to see this guy fat for a few days, unable to control the urge to eat. I wouldn't go past the first couple of sentences....idiot.
  3. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    So much to catch up with already, YIKES! Eileen, I do collect Santa's and no they're still in the attic, although, I did order the tree. I valued every-one's advice, plus I figured it was 38 years ago today, I married my DH and in those 38 years I've put up with a lot of chit, so I deserved a very nice anniversary present . I pm'd Doc/Donna too, no reply :think , I too hope she's ok. Happpy Birtyday Donna. Betty, you're a mod, any way you can ask Alex to send her an email and see if she will respond to either of you? :omg: Diane, you painted a mural the day before surgery, OMG, some people have all the talent...that's awesome. What happens Dec 22???? Rene, when are you coming to VA, I would love to meet you and Eileenie in Dec. :cry Lets see, how can I arrange that? Cindy, I'm so excited for you, that would be 19 days now and counting :clap2: . Mary, you never bore anyone, I had an evil MIL too, she's aggravating the devil now though. Some people are truly just evil people, like my gson's mother, :angry . At least the SIL tried to give you a heads up. Kat, for Thanksgiving, I'm going to TRY to fix the turkey breast Rachael had on her 60 min Thanksgiving show. Y'all have got to pull her site up and check out the recipe, it looks so good. The breast are more expensive, but by the time you waste all that money on bones and guts, I think I'll have more to serve...at son's house. We're gonna start calling you the fill angel, always taking somebody for a fill . Sherry, the bosanova????? Do we have a dancer in the house, look out Emmitt. I'm so glad they're letting you work from home. I know when I go in to work I don't get chit done for people coming in and wanting to chat the entire time. Mandy, it's a shame you have to explain the hard knocks of life to your daughter so young, but at least she'll know it's not something she did. Crispy, are you a dancer too? Anne, don't make me have to call you . Patty, that was the most interesting story about church at the racetrack, who would have ever thought of that. Thanks for sharing. Darcy, got those new badges yet, yeah, DH playing... . Get yourself in here girl. Cassy, good luck on your big day. They're calling for nasty weather here today, guess I better pull the car in the garage so baby gson won't get wet when I have to drop him off. Of all days to get my hair done, I hate having to make an appt so far in advance. I'd love to get a curly perm, everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I'm so over dealing with this hair. I prefer to crunch and go :biggrin1: . Who ever I missed, I so sorry :cry .
  4. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Good Morning Ms. Betty! It's rainy and cold here today, yesterday was almost a record setting 80 degrees. I guess I'll wrap Christmas presents today, after the gson's 3yr old party. Check out this Christmas tree ladies and let me know if ya think it's worth the INVESTMENT.
  5. HarleyNana

    chicken or beef???

    They both go down the same for me, not very well I might add. chicken has to be chicken salad, almost mushed, and beef, ground beef in a taco will be slow, but a go. Oh yes, thank goodness for chili, probably my most popular food of choice. Then again, some days I can't eat a scrambled egg. I think I have the most finicky band ever. Just when I think I need a fill, I'll have two days of nothing staying down.
  6. HarleyNana

    The last 30 pounds

    I'll be the first to say it's the hardest pounds to lose. With the right frame of mind and the help of your band...I know you can do it. Congratulations are in order for being so close to your goal....YOU GO GIRL!
  7. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Adorable picture Cass, that would make a lovely avatar. Cindy, you will find dust in places you can't even imagine, even 6 mos from now. On the top of door frames is a good hiding place. Eileenie, I'll bet you at the popcorn too, :heh: . Mary and Patty what are you and the kiddies doing this weekend? Rene, hope you made it back home without further bumps. Diane, sounds like the trip was great R&R. We use to go there for Harley rally's, OMG, the stories I could tell. Anne, where you hiding girl? Darcy, get outta that Pogo and visit...got ya hooked huh! Mandy, cute cat, but boy am I glad my pet days are over, only thing I've got to take care of now is the DH and that's enough for me :biggrin1: . Raising two sons, I think I've mentioned before, snakes, ferrets, ducks, chickens, (my dh brought home a couple of baby chicks on a bike trip to the Luray Caverns, in the mtns of VA,) we named them Lou and Ray, LMAO, anyway, done with pets. Not to mention the typical dogs, cats, hamsters and fish. Sherry, that was such a special picture with the Veteran and the wounded soldier, OMG, that's all I've thought about....how touching was that. I think the folks here would appreciate it too, we have some very dedicated Americans here. I know I missed a few, but I'll catch ya later girlies. OH YEAH, I almost forgot to mention this site called www.bfads.net, has a preview of all the ads for the day after Thanksgiving as well as a message board, kind of neat, just what I need another forum, LOL.
  8. HarleyNana

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Do you normally bruise like that? Personally, I'd be concerned if I looked like that after surgery, I'm not sure that amount of bruising is normal.
  9. HarleyNana


    Not only would I toss the needle, I would directly question his ethics. I would be appalled and I would also inform Inamed as well. Edited: I'm so appalled by this, I had to come back and ask, are you pulling our leg on this? This is truly one of the most bizarre things I've ever read on LBT.:omg: :omg: :omg:
  10. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Diane, I'll be your first bra customer! Patty, I'm so glad the bank has straightened out your account, what a relief!
  11. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Betty, I'm laughing my a$$ off, I can't believe you chit in your boss' office. It's amazing how men think the louder and longer they toot the funnier it is, but if I let a little air escape, OMG, my dh will look at me and say, "what'd you do, chit?", but if he'd blown out a wall, it would have been ok. (Betty, does your boss have a brother in VA) Cindy, sorry you are forced to go shopping, hehe, Kat, enjoy the day with your granddaughter. Have a great day everyone.
  12. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Diane, talking about fart stories, I was at Sears one day, getting ready to get on the escalator, so I thought I'd leave a little toot behind, well as soon as I stepped on the escalator, two good looking guys walked up behind me and were right about nose level to my butt. It didn't take very long to realize I did NOT leave the little toot behind. I was so embarrassed, that I actually started giggling to myself, I thought we'd never reach the second floor. Ok ladies of etiquette, I know there are other smelly stories out there just longing to be told.
  13. I'm a 12/14, depends on what I'm wearing, if it's above the waist it's XL or 1x, (darn big boobs). At my age, 56, if I lose much more, I'll have to contend with saggy skin, which IMO is the only thing that looks as bad as the fat. I know I'm much happier than I was two years ago, and I like me a lot better, I'm healthier and I think those things are more important to me than size.
  14. HarleyNana

    question for everyone, please answer

    My doctor NOW uses flouro, the first year it was by "touch". I always wondered, especially, when he missed my port the first time I thought I had a fill, how they don't know if they hit the tube instead. Although my fills are much more expensive now, (they were free the first year, which may be why he didn't use flouro), I feel it's much safer and more accurate.
  15. HarleyNana

    The Picture Thread

    Eileenie, I had to have my floors completely refinished after we moved in, because the original finish had runs, rough spots, and black areas, they looked awful. The floor people agreed it was a sorry job and re did them. It was a rough week, needless to say. I can laugh now, but I was crying then.
  16. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Good Morning, I think I'm going to live, I spent the entire day in bed yesterday, I may go for a slight fill in a couple of weeks just to make sure I haven't bursted my band with all the coughing. I coughed so hard I would hold onto my stomach. Still coughing, but not as violent. My DH was teasing me, telling me I must be really sick, he hadn't seen me on the puter all day. :sick ** Eileenie, what do you and DD have planned today? You and Cindy should really try to meet up with your daughters. I'm disappointed I never got to meet you this summer, :think . But then again, I'd love to meet each and every one of ya. Oh yeah, Get rid of the candy girl! Talk about farts, well at least now since I had the surgery, I don't have to worry about wetting my panties, cause now I fart....WTF **yesterday it was cough and fart, cough and fart, which is pretty embarrassing, when your housekeeper is standing there talking to ya. It's hard to squeeze the cheeks when you're lying down AND coughing. Betty, what's up? Checked your mail lately? Cindy I posted those pictures in the NJ picture section. Mary, you've been very quiet lately too. Hope all is well. Rene, congrats on the weight loss, I hope you reach your mini goal really soon, that's such an accomplishment, you go girl! Anne, Sherry, Patty, where are you all? I guess no one ever got up with Dona? Now that is weird, just too darn weird. Later girlies,
  17. HarleyNana

    The Picture Thread

    This is the family room, it was all taped off with plastic, my plasma tv died an early death, only lasted another year after that was done. Then it was a $800.00 repair bill, plus it took a month to get it back. It's in my bedroom now :notagree .
  18. HarleyNana

    The Picture Thread

    This is my dining room, the workers turned the lights on with the plastic and I ended up with ruined bulbs and almost a burned house.
  19. HarleyNana

    The Picture Thread

    Woo hoo Sherry, great job, we need to go do the boob job together (wink). Cindy here are a few pictures of how I lived for a week, it was awful, but the smell was much worse than the inconvenience.
  20. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Good Morning Ladies! It's a new month and I'm going to be a better NJ friend, or at least try not to get behind again. It just gets overwhelming some times trying to touch on every one's comments, sorry. I do care about each and every one of you, AND your trials and tribulations, but once ya get a day behind, it's all over, LOL. Mandy, your daughter is adorable and growing alike a weed. Kat, how's the hubby? Betty, I see you sneaking around in here this AM, you off work today? I've got the snots, I rarely ever get sick, my head is so full of snot, my throat hurts and I've coughed so much I'm actually worried about my band. I find myself holding onto it when I'm coughing. Have you ever tried to stifle a cough, well, its very hard to do! As Eileenie would say....TGIF! Cindy, I'll post some pictures of what my house looked like when they had to come back and redo my floors AFTER we moved in, it was awful. I had to go in and out of my bedroom patio door, it was miserable. Patty, hope you got your bank account straightened out, if they don't get it back soon enough, demand to see a bank manager, you shouldn't have to wait weeks. Later gang!
  21. HarleyNana

    Unfill NOT working out this time

    Sorry you're having the hunger, my weakness is the cheese puffs, they go down so easily AND stay down. Take it a bit at a time. Hugs!
  22. HarleyNana

    Port Replacement Today!

    Sorry you had to go through it twice, hopefully this port will be kinder to you. Hugs!
  23. HarleyNana

    This sounds soooooo dumb....but.....

    Personally, if I go for a few days without a tight feeling, I begin to wonder if something has happened to my band. I think that's a normal feeling, although, I prefer not to pb. Generally, if I don't chew quite as well, my band will let me know really quick it's still here, LOL.
  24. My doctor said I could have anything that would fit through a straw, (but don't use a straw). Pureed sausage gravy, egg drop soup, just a few extras to think about.
  25. HarleyNana

    PRE-FILL Blues??

    I had a problem in the beginning of not losing, and I had gained muscle, so just because you're not losing, you MAY be gaining much needed muscle. Of course, now a year later...hmmmmmm.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
