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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy, Happy Birthday to a great gal! I hope your day is special.
  2. HarleyNana

    The Picture Thread

    Diane, your grandmother is beautiful. You're so blessed to still have her with you. Beanie, I loved the pictures, the lights, the setting looks so relaxing. Chrispy, thanks for sharing, you both are such sweeties.
  3. HarleyNana

    Update: Effexor

    My DH takes Effexor, he might go a week and not take it and can't tell any difference, AND he's never had a weight issue. Go figure, LOL.
  4. HarleyNana

    Colds suck.

    I'm just getting over a 3 weeker, still got that aggrivating tickle in the throat that makes ya clear your throat every 30 seconds. Hope you feel better soon.
  5. HarleyNana

    Ok Cloe Heres Some Pix!!!

    Yikes your first few weeks of scars were a mess, I didn't bruise or bleed like that, but you turned out really great, hardly a scar at all, WTG Looking Good
  6. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Kat such great advice. Cassie, Kat took the words right out of my mouth, it's such a rewarding feeling. Also, you're so fortunate to have this opportunity at such a young age. That's my only regret about the band is that it was not available to me when I was younger, so I could have enjoyed my life more as a thinner person. The picture is adorable too. Hugs
  7. HarleyNana

    I can zip up my boots!!!

    Congratulations on zipping it up! You've probably toned the legs and have more muscle there now. Keep up the good work!
  8. HarleyNana

    204 lbs off then 65lbs on! ARGH!

    Audrey, great news on the weight loss. Good luck with the new goals.
  9. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Beanie, I've got my fingers crossed for ya to meet "your" goal. Good Luck! Cass, I like the new avatar. Hang in there you'll be fine. Mary, not sure about all the de-icing, are you sure he wasn't referring to the black bra, ha! Cindy, I got a few coupons from Dell, really good deals, flat screen monitor and all. Still don't know what to do about the tree, they're offering me $100 off the 9.5 footer, my DNL said to tell them to ship it overnight for my inconvenience and having to spend more money. I think that's a good suggestion, plus I had to reschedule my tree putter upper. I got a guy coming today to get all the boxes out of the attic. I may just say the hell with it and put up my old tree. Betty, Eileenie, Sherry, Diane, ANNE, Pogo Darcy, and all of our other wonderful people, have a great day.
  10. HarleyNana

    Birthday Dinner

    Happy Birthday Kelley! Soup: wonton is good, egg drop, even chili, just ask for it to be soupy. I loved French Onion when I was on mushies and garlic mashed potatoes with gravy. Then after the first fill, no more taters for my band. You may be thinking what will you do with your time...well you'll be eating very slowly and chewing very well. Enjoy!
  11. HarleyNana

    Why not admit to surgery...

    Kat sounds like me, I'll discuss it with anyone who will listen. I understand Elizabeth's reason for chosing not to tell, but for me, I want everyone, especially those "in need", to know what's available to them.
  12. HarleyNana

    What Foods Cant You Eat?

    Potatoes of any kind, unless they're artificial mashed potatoes. My band will not allow potatoes to pass, which is not a bad thing unless it's in soup and oops there goes a potato. I don't eat bread so that may be an issue too. I tried cake and that doesn't go down, but the filling of a lemon meringue pie will cruise through.
  13. My state and city was one of the last to start doing the band. They did the gastro in lots of places, but I knew the band was for me. I was my surgeon's first lapband patient....talk about ready and anxious. That was almost two years ago.
  14. Maybe 2.2 in two years, a little in, a little out, a little more in, probably close to 2.2.
  15. HarleyNana

    What's for breakfast?

    :nervous , I'm embarrassed to say, I still don't do breakfast. I did try for a while, right after surgery, probably the first year to get Protein down, but it was too much work. I've never been a breakfast person, always seemed like a waste of good calories :kiss .
  16. I didn't have to do Opti, yikes, I probably wouldn't have made it. I only had to do liquids starting at noon the day prior to surgery.
  17. HarleyNana

    Nausea after a fill?

    Just the idea of the needle going in alone makes me nauseous, but I do liquids for the next 24 hours and haven't had any actual nausea problems.
  18. HarleyNana

    Anyone made turkey breast in a crockpot?

    Oh my goodness ladies, ya gotta go to Rachael Ray's site and check out her 60 minute Thanksgiving recipes. She's got a turkey breast recipe that is out of this world. That's a wonderful idea about the crock pot cooking, I think I'll check it out on the food network and see if it's safe. I'll be checking back, so let us know how it works out.
  19. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    OK, now I can't believe no one's been here since I was here last night. What on earth are you all doing that's so important ya can't drop a line, LOL.
  20. I just got over the flu and if my band didn't burst with all the coughing I did, it's gotta be a good one. I have to admit, I would kind of hold that area, with the fear it might. I guess I'll find out next month, when I go for my 2yr ck up.
  21. HarleyNana


    I use those chewy chocolate, mint, or strawberry flavored ones. I keep them in the candy bowl, for a sweet fix.
  22. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    Just my *)#)@)# luck, the guy called me today, while I was getting my hair colored, to tell me they were out of my **** Christmas tree...WTF! I remained calm, I told him it said only 3 left when I ordered, then he said it was an ERROR and three were sold yesterday, so I asked why it had to be me that had to do without. Then he offered me the 9 ft tree, which I'd prob take the 6.5, like I told him, I'm not getting any younger and that's a lot of tree to deal with, BUT then.... I stopped by the expensive garden shop near by, ya know the kind with all the unusual trees and ornaments, all the speciality stuff, and there it was, the 9' tree, the same make and brand..the Ashville Frasier. Of course, I hadn't seen it in person, I had to touch it and see if it was real. Two ladies were talking and said, omg, that is the most beautiful, life like tree I've ever seen...$999.00 for a freakn tree! So, now I'm thinking about telling the guy to send it and I'll just leave the middle out. I know that works, cause I did that one time with a new tree and had the tree up and ready to decorate before I realized the middle part of the tree was still in the box, DUHHH me. (oh, and Sherry, that's not a joke, I was really that dumb). Anyhoo, I guess I'll see tomorrow. Chit!
  23. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    I forgot to add....thinking about Cindy and Kat today.... After starting a new diet I altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery. I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and as I approached, there in the window were a host of goodies. I felt this was no accident, so I prayed ... "Lord, it's up to you, if you want me to have any of those delicious goodies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery." And sure enough, on the eighth time around the block, there it was! God is so Good
  24. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: WOOHOOO Cindy and Kat :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I want pictures, I want pictues, I want pictures, do ya hear me now?
  25. HarleyNana

    Let's talk about taxes

    I agree with Cindy, but I'd also like to see this country have health care for everyone. How can a country as rich as ours NOT make insurance available to everyone. The poor are taken care of, the rich can pay their own, but what about the hardworking middle class people who struggle to make ends meet in order to have insurance. You can't even deduct medical expenses unless you're in a lower tax bracket. Well, that was my dime's worth.

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