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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    What do you say when you get THAT question??

    If it's a close friend I will tell them about my band, but if it's just someone I've met here and there, I tell them I changed my eating habits and don't eat bread and potatoes anymore. It's the truth, LOL.
  2. We'd be worried about you if you weren't scared, ya wouldn't be normal. You'll be just fine.
  3. HarleyNana

    I got confused....

    It was for LapBand FRIENDS, that's shutting down. When I first read it fast I thought the same thing. LBF is a good site, with wonderful supportive people as well, they're shutting down Nov 30. I wish the owners and members the best. Hugs to you all!
  4. HarleyNana

    Liquids to mushies

    Just remember this is a healing time, which is the reason for liquids. It is good that your purreed the food, but I'd go back to liquids and follow your doctors instructions, you don't want to damage your band in the first two weeks. It seems like forever, but it will pass. Hugs!
  5. HarleyNana

    Looking For Answers

    PM Vinesqueen, she had problems and all kinds of test, hopefully, she can point you in the right direction.
  6. HarleyNana

    One Year!!!

    Congratulations, 83 lbs in a year, that's awesome!
  7. HarleyNana

    Lap vs Bypass

    Bypass was NEVER an option for me at my surgery weight. The thought of all the rearranging and no turning back scared me to death. Hopefully, I will keep my band for years to come.
  8. My mom was so excited for me, she had it done four months later and she was 73 at the time.
  9. Go for it! I've had mine for almost two years and I wish I it had been available for me years ago.
  10. I'm almost at my two year mark and I have 2.2 in a 4cc band.
  11. HarleyNana

    Popcorn--why stay away???

    I don't have a problem eating popcorn, but I just can't stand it getting in between my teeth, errrr.
  12. HarleyNana

    5 things that get you through a craving

    I only had craving before my fill and when I was on liquids. I used s/f hard candy, which gave me fantastic gas, but it did help the cravings for something to chew or crunch.
  13. HarleyNana

    Only a few more hours to go......

    I had creamer in my coffee, (the second day), and I certainly never heard of no milk.
  14. HarleyNana

    But I hate exercising!

    I have the beginning stages of Osteoporosis, and my doctor asked me the other day if I was exercising, and I said of course, he said, "I think you nose is starting to grow", snagged.
  15. HarleyNana

    Uncomfortable in back Need Input pls

    Well, if you're recently banded it could still be gas, I has shoulder gas for a long time, off and on for months. Now I get back pain, between the shoulder blades after I'm in bed for a while, I'm sure it's not gas, but related to the band for sure.
  16. HarleyNana

    Overnight Hospital Stay

    I had to stay overnight too, although, now my surgeon does the surgery as an out patient. Are you self pay? Maybe if you tell him it would help you recoop some of your expenses.
  17. HarleyNana

    I found a cure for Acid Reflux/heartburn

    I was in "The Vitamin Shoppe" one day and a sales rep for Natures Way products was telling another customer about it, so I stepped in and asked if he was kidding and he said no. He took me over to a bottle of the apple cidar vinegar and said here it is, trust me it works! I was telling him I use Tums and he said this was natural and that I shouldn't be taking the Tums that they're bad for the pancrease. Ok, I admit, I'm still taking the Tums, it's just so much easier in the middle of the night to grab the Tums.
  18. Congratulations, it sounds like you made a great choice after the loss of your band.
  19. HarleyNana

    I had to go to hospital-long

    Yikes, sounds like a horrible experience. Glad you're ok, thanks for sharing, that could happen to any of us.
  20. HarleyNana

    Happy Birthday Mousecrazy

    ~ Happy Birthday Cindy ~ :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: I hope you have a wonderful day..:happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2:
  21. Poor Baby! I hope you're all better soon. Sorry you had to go through the revision.
  22. HarleyNana

    Only a few more hours to go......

    Congratulations, by the time you read this, well, welcome to bandland.
  23. HarleyNana

    Thanksgiving Is Depressing For Me!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, you're so lucky ApinkSoporano, look at all the people here who care about you and know what you're going through. The day is almost over and you're gonna make it. Hugs and congratulations on your band. (Towards the end of my second week, don't tell anyone, but I use to stand over the sink and chew really soft foods, then spit it out..shhhhhh)
  24. HarleyNana

    How often do you PB?

    BandaCat, you may have to start paying closer attention to what you eating as well as chewing more. I've found numerous things my band will not tolerate, no matter how well it's chewed. If you continue to pb, you definitely need to get a slight unfill, I've had to return for unfills a couple of times. Once I hung in there for a month, thinking it would be better, only to still have a little taken out.
  25. HarleyNana

    November chat...again....

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Sorry, I've been missing, I have so much to catch up with again. I'm still fighting this "whatever" that I've had since Nov 1. I finally went to the doctor Monday, had a temp of 102.3 :omg: . I was so shocked, although I knew I was having chills so bad they made my undies stick out, and I knew I was feeling like chit. My temp is not usually normal. Well, by Tuesday, the fever broke Monday night, I was drenched so bad my lips were cracked I guess due to dehydration. Anyway, I thought I was all well, then Wed the sore throat kicked in, the cough returned, ya know the kind that makes you feel like your band is gonna pop, and today the cough is worse and my left eye felt like it was glued shut due to the drainage, so Eileen, I sure hope you don't have what I've got and had for over three weeks. So sorry to be so me, me, me, me this AM. Fortunately, Tuesday when I thought I was well, I went to BJ's and bought pies and dips and crackers to take to DNL's house, so I'll just sent it over by DH. I don't want to take a chance of making others sick. The weird thing is I don't really feel bad, not like I did when I had that fever. Sherry, I started Christmas shopping weeks ago, I actually had one of my girls from the office come to my house and start wrapping yesterday, she did an awesome job too. She'll be back on Monday, LOL. (I let her leave early she was going to Bristol, TN). The only problem with shopping earlier, is the sooner your start the more money you spend. Cindy, I'm so excited for you, after you retire and you get bored, maybe we can meet somewhere between here and there, along with anyone else who would like to join in. Up late playing Pogo huh, LMAO. What terrible challenges this week. So much for the bowling one for me. I'm a Paula fan too. Even though I don't cook, I enjoy the food channel since banding, more than ever, go figure. Darcy, the quilt is beautiful, you do such a professional job, you're very talented. (Not to mention you can quilt and play Pogo at the same time, LOL). You may have said, but is it for someone special or are you going to sell it? It's pretty enough to enter in a show. Cassie, I know about the liquids during the holidays, my band was a few weeks before Christmas. Try some egg drop Soup or frozen Protein shakes with bananas, yummm. I even ate some well blended sausage gravy. My doctor told me anything that would fit through a straw, but don't use a straw..too much gas. Patty, haven't you been sick too? Eileenie, thanks for the prayer and I hope you feel better too. Being sick just out and out sucks. I have to admit, it's been so very long since I've been sick I have often not shown much compassion for those who have been sick around me, kind of like...get over it, boy am I feeling guilt for those thoughts, seriously guilty :think . As for the *@#!* tree, still don't have it, called back and told them to ship the 9.5 footer, but for them to pay the additional shipping cost to get it here over night. Oh, it's coming out of Charlotte to VA, it's like being in the same neighborhood, you'll have it tomorrow...that was Tuesday. Diane, :clap2: , 4 more pounds, awesome girl! My band doctor wouldn't refer me, what's with that? Kat & Betty, I know you're not still cooking. Mary, Anne, (where are you), Chrispy, Mandy, and any others I've missed...big hugs! I want to take this time to tell all my NJLB friends you all, each and every one of you mean so much to me. I feel like each of you are the close friends I never had. Though I may not post ever day, I do come here to read every message, every day. I'm so blessed to have each of you in my life, because I care about you all and without the band I would not have met you. Hugs and kisses to you all, and thank you for being my caring friends. :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
