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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Trouble keeping fluids down

    When I was banded they didn't put any solution in the band, other than to check and make sure no leaks, but now I understand some surgeons leave a small amount in. Check with your doctor, sounds like he may have left too much in or you're terribly swollen, but you should be able to do liquids, otherwise how would you get your Protein. Don't assume it will pass, call your doctor. Try some strained egg drop Soup...warm.
  2. HarleyNana

    Nj March Chat

    The good thing is they're not lost, just temporarily out of place. I hate it when I can't put my hands on something, but worse, when I look and look and look again in the same drawers or spots, like somebody is gonna place the item there after I've looked 3 times. Ya finally just have to let it go to keep your sanity....so you can go look some place else.
  3. HarleyNana

    Nj March Chat

    Ok Sherry, gotta ask, where were they the last time you saw them, and where'd you lose them, LMAO. I love it when people ask me that after I can't find something, which is quite often, especially since I'm bumping the big 60.
  4. HarleyNana

    Bloosom Anniversary

    Thanks Greg for posting. The Rose of Sharon I planted is already starting to "Blossom". I hope Phillip's are blooming as well, (I sent him a couple to plant at the new home site, to let him know how much we all loved Blossom).
  5. HarleyNana

    Nj March Chat

    SURPRISE SUPRISE, LOOK WHO'S HERE!!! Hey NJ gal pals, what a great day to come back. Fresh start for a new year, Birthday year that is. Thanks for the Bday wish girls. Hope everyone is doing well, Patty, nice to see you're back as well. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things, maybe even lose a little weight too, LOL. Hugs to you all! ps Sherry besides being a microwave mama, I'm the queen of crockpot cooking.
  6. I had shoulder pain for months after surgery, off and on of course. I didn't have much tummy pain, but the shoulder was a reminder of surgery for sure. Massaging the area helped me.
  7. HarleyNana

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    Ok, maybe some of us are too observant, but did anyone notice how high up those boobs were? It's a wonder the girl didn't choke to death on her own breasts, before the lobster took hold.
  8. HarleyNana

    tommorrow is the day

    Congratulations to both of you, welcome to bandland!
  9. HarleyNana


    HelenC, I'm LMAO, not the Ducolax laxative, the softener is what I take a couple of. Pat
  10. HarleyNana


    Benefiber didn't do chit for me, hehe, excuse the pun, I use the Ducolax softeners, take them for a few days and they lighten my load.
  11. HarleyNana

    Just found out today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Woohoo, nothing like those gbabies!
  12. HarleyNana

    To be banded Tuesday 2/27/07

    Good Luck, I wish you a speedy recover!
  13. HarleyNana


    It's not a problem to my knowledge for bandsters, it's a term used for gastro bypass patients who eat the wrong foods and immediately have to go "dump".
  14. HarleyNana

    Help Please! Gaining Weight

    You summed it up yourself, you're healing, try to get in as much Protein as you can. You'll be fine, congratulations on your band.
  15. HarleyNana


    The sneezing doesn't bother me, it's all that tooting that happens when I least expect it, hehehe.
  16. HarleyNana

    Think I am leaving this board

    Dahlia, you've only been a member since Feb 15, 2007, there are many like myself who have been a member for more than 2 years. I'm not sure you really gave LBT a fair chance, but I never really understood people who announce they're leaving anyway, unless it's to be asked to stay. I've been out of the loop for a couple of months, but that was my choice, nothing to do with LBT. There are lots and lots of personalities here, I have gained many true friends here that I keep up with on a daily basis, then there are others who come and go, I figure it's their loss as will be yours. Take care.
  17. HarleyNana

    Bread/rice/pasta discussion

    Just the thought of eating bread makes me want to pb, although, I'd love a great big, juicy cheeseburger, bread and all, BUT, that would defeat my purpose of chosing the band. I can eat tiny bites of angel hair Pasta, but with great care and it takes so long time to eat it. For me, I'm so glad bread is not a food of choice, believe me, I make enough bad choices without the bread, LOL. (stay away from the cheese puffs)
  18. HarleyNana

    Now I Just Feel Like a Failure

    I've been banded for over two years and....I LOVE MY BAND! I shutter to think what my weight would be if I had not taken this path. I've only lost a little over 50 lbs, but what a difference 50 lbs made for me, because now I like me. Sure, it would probably be good to lose a few more pounds, but at my age, the loose skin becomes an issue, IMO, the only thing that looks worse than fat is hanging skin. Like others have said, the band is not for everyone, but if you take that giant step, at least give it a chance, (hopefully no one told you it would be easy, if so they lied to you), work with your band, remember it's a tool to help you make better choices in food and life.
  19. I gave up my Diet Coke, but here I sit with coffee in reach. Like Eileene said, all doctors orders are not the same. I had coffee on my way home from the hospital. No carbonation in my coffee, LOL.
  20. HarleyNana

    Port Discomfort

    I have always been able to feel my port. Some days it's tender, other days I don't really pay any attention. My port is right at my wait, so I figure what I'm wearing impacts the tender feeling.
  21. HarleyNana

    Can't eat bread!

    "I can't eat bread".....what's the problem? In my opinion, that's a good thing. You'll learn to adjust without it and that will be one less thing to avoid. Good Luck!
  22. HarleyNana

    Wish me luck...

    Hope all goes well for you.....I wish you luck.
  23. HarleyNana

    Another Erosion

    Sorry to report, but Ceira has had to have her band removed due to erosion, please see the following post from her taken from another thread: "Hi Everyone, I had the endoscopy on Friday and was rushed to emergency surgery. The band was visible from the inside of my stomach. The band had eroded through to my stomach and that was the pain I was having. So now, I'm bandless. I'm in a lot of pain and discomfort, but at least it's from the surgery and not the band cutting into my stomach. I wish this would have all worked out but since it didn't, I don't think I'll be doing this again. I will have to dig deep and find the discipline in myself to lose the weight. Nothing is worth the pain and discomfort that I had over the last 6 months to get banded again. I wish you all a ton of good luck and much success. Good luck to everyone"
  24. HarleyNana

    Parking a car

    Time for some New Years Fun Can you park this car in less than 60 seconds? http://www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
