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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    HELP!! I need helping picking a roller derby name!!

    "Sour Cherries" OH MY! You guys are great PR material.
  2. HarleyNana

    Son overdosed couple days ago! WARNING:

    Thanks for sharing, that reminded me my 3yr old gson is coming over for the night, I need to clear out the nightstand. He's so cute! Hope your daughter is not traumatized by this.
  3. HarleyNana

    Stool is Too Hard and Big - Help!

    I never knew that about pineapple, does the juice work too, or just eating the pineapple?
  4. HarleyNana

    How long does the average fill last?

    Having restriction means you are limited to how much you can eat and often what you eat. The length of time varies because there are different sizes of bands and people. The heavier I was, the faster I lost. Also, my band may not have restriction one day, but then the next day provide the restriction I need to prevent over eating. That's why so many refer to their "sweet spot", where they're comfortable eating, but not over eating. It's trial and error for most.
  5. HarleyNana

    well...I know whats up with my head now

    Denial is hard to deal with, but when you have people who you know love you and tell you there's a problem, you'd best listen. You're blessed to have people who care, rather than walk away. Mandy your post was so sweet. Good Luck.
  6. HarleyNana

    Soft boiled egg

    I'm over two years out and still don't eat soft or hard boiled eggs, I do well to get a few bites of scrambled down, even with chewing, chewing and small bites. My band is very particular about a few foods, which includes eggs.
  7. HarleyNana

    Breast lumps and ripples

    Get a mamogram immediately, don't put it off. Please keep us informed as to the results.
  8. Protein is started immediately and continues, the object is to have at least so many grams or protein a day, I just forgot how many. Help me out here folks. I like a protein smoothie for a quick pick me up, makes a nice substitute for the "fast food" places.
  9. HarleyNana

    Rubber Girdle

    Thank goodness I'm allergic to rubber, that sounds miserable.
  10. I don't have a tag, I guess my theory is if I ever needed a NG tube, I'd be in a life threatning situation and the band would be the least of my worries. Any input from our doctors on site?
  11. HarleyNana

    Nj March Chat

    Good Morning, Sherry, I have a lady that cleans every Friday, it's wonderful, only problem is, she's also a personal friend, so it's quite difficult to tell her she missed some light switches, or she's not getting the corners, or she missed wiping the door trim. We have bright, white trim in our house, so every fingerprint shows. I'm constantly walking around with my Mr. Clean scrubby thing. Who ever came up with that thing is debomb! I even used one on my stainless steel pan the other night, worked like a charm. She's not cheap either, I could get someone about $50.00 a week cheaper, but this is her living and I'd feel so guilty. I'd like to hire someone to do a "deep" cleaning and get all the missed corners. On the brighter side, she does do all the ironing and she changes my sheets every week..awwww, clean sheets. I think all you girls deserve a maid at least once a month, if not every week, especially with kids. When I had kids at home, I had a lady on Tuesday and Friday, talk about spoiled, hehehe. These freakin fonts are really upsetting me, this is way too small. Betty, you gotta slow down, you're pushing yourself too hard, ya gotta smell the roses, or in your case. the trumpets. Eileenie, sorry about your mom, what a shocker. Is she staying with you, OH MY! I was already to get a fill, then a couple days of high temp and the band tightened up like I'd had too tight of a fill. Crazy Band. Mandy, hope every day is a better day for DD and you....hugs! Diane, how're the..., well you know. Mary, my kids loved Instant Breakfast, being the microwave Mama that I am, I always felt better knowing right after they drank their glass, they'd just had two eggs, bacon and toast, all in a glass. Rene, four pounds in a month, chit I haven't lost four pounds in a year! Great Job. I made the best chicken salad last night, it was awesome AND so easy to make. Do we have any interior designers in the group here, I need help with window treatments. I've lived here almost 5 years and only have curtains three rooms. Have a great day.
  12. Poor baby, that looks like it hurts A LOT! Glad you're doing so well physically and emotionally, also, what a great support group you have.
  13. HarleyNana


    Welcome one and all. It's a great place for a wealth of information and good people.
  14. HarleyNana

    just home from surgery

    Congratulations, good luck on your band journey. Keep doing your breathing exercises, you're doing really well. I drink coffee everyday, gotta have my java.
  15. This poll didn't have an option for me, I don't eat junk food all day, but usually I have at least one thing a day that was not a great choice. Ok, maybe more than one thing.
  16. HarleyNana

    Nj March Chat

    Cindy, the sad thing is you'll go through all this Bull Chit, then the ins company will settle with her, because it's less expensive to settle. What is going on with the fonts on here? Yikes, I'm all for the reduction, but some of us old chicks need larger print, I like to have never found the NJ thread, LOL. I'm trying to get my frame of mind together, we're having all three grandsons over Saturday night for a sleepover, to watch Happy Feet. Hopefully the 1yr old will fall asleep early, so I can deal with the 3 year old, then the 13yr old can take care of himself, LOL. Have a great day!
  17. Two 100 calorie bags of cheese curls.
  18. HarleyNana

    High-protein juice replacement?

    I fogot to mention, in the summer, I add a splash of Vodka.
  19. HarleyNana

    High-protein juice replacement?

    I use a tad of orange juice, with pulp, a couple of frozen berries, a scoop of protein and half a banana, add ice and blend, what a smoothie.
  20. HarleyNana


    I had the worst pb of my band journey on a pretzel bite.
  21. HarleyNana

    Home From Surgery...

    Welcome to bandland. I wonder how often people come out of anesth swinging? Good luck.
  22. HarleyNana

    Nj March Chat

    Hey Cindy, I'm sorry you're having to go through such greedy chit. KJ was probably contacted by a police chasing attorney, one who has employees who do nothing, but track down accident reports. We have a well known one here who even monitors ambulance calls. You've done the right thing, turn it over to your insurance company, that's what you pay them the big bucks for, let them and make sure they do their job. I know it doesn't help to say don't worry, but I think you're more frustrated and angry at the moment. On a lighter note, congrats on all the weight loss! Everyone must have been really busy yesterday, except a few of us, hope all my gal pals are well.
  23. HarleyNana


    Oops, you missed donuts, nope can't and don't do those either. None of the above, and I can thank my band for that....as Martha would say, "that's a good thing".
  24. HarleyNana

    HelP!!! Bathroom problem

    Ewwww, what a visual.
  25. Sorry, but call me lazy for not reading all 4 pages, but did anyone mention the Exercise in a Bottle Pills? How many bought those pills. I claim the 5th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
