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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Tired....of EVERYTHING....

    I think many bandster have days they wonder if it's worth it, simply because we can't just eat anything we have a craving for, but for me, I love my band and I hope to be one of those people that can keep it for years to come. I'm truly sorry to hear you're that upset with you band and I wish I had some fantastic advice to give you, but with your state of mind, I think it would be pointless. Please keep us informed as to what you decide to do, I do wish you the best.
  2. Prebanding, I was one of those ppl that had refill after refill, now I get a glass of water with my meal and a to go cup with ice, so I can take it with me when I leave, much more enjoyable after you leave. Just remember if you drink with your meal, you're pushing your food through and encouraging that stuck feeling and you'll lose that full feeling a lot faster.
  3. HarleyNana

    Getting 1st fill...nervous

    Lisa congrats on the 20 lbs lost, the first fill is freaky, only because of the unknown, after that, it's routine, (except I hate needles), but I've made it through all of them, LOL.
  4. HarleyNana

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    When the announcement was made HRT did NOT prevent heart disease, I tossed my meds in the trash. My grandmother died at the age of 96, never took it, so I decided to follow her footsteps. I think it's a personal choice in most cases....JMO.
  5. HarleyNana

    Something bad's going on

    My mom who is also banded remained too tight for over a month, couldn't even keep water down. She finally relented to having some fill removed and not only is enjoying life more, she's even lost a little more weight. If you even think you're too tight, get a little taken out, it's an inconvenience and in many cases an added expense, but for the sake of your health and your band, consider having some fill removed.
  6. HarleyNana

    Gas... why doesn't it go away???

    LMAO, and since being banded, gas has no discretion about when and where it dispels itself.
  7. Stay away from salads, oh my! My band loves salads, I can eat salads easier than any other food, with the exception of soup. Plus, eating salad makes you eat slower and chew, chew, chew. Had asparagus last night with cheese slices, also a tomato and cucumber salad... yummmm. I'm sure there are things you can or will be able to tolerate that I wouldn't attempt. My mom who is banded can eat crackers and even toast, the thought of eating bread would freak me out. Same for french fries, or any type of potato, yet my mom eats potatoes either baked or mashed. I truly believe our bands have their own personality, LOL.
  8. HarleyNana

    I'm Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    What a victory, congratulations!
  9. HarleyNana

    Pro wrestler Chris Benoit, wife, son found dead

    Very, very sad! I agree with Betty, why take others with you, but then again, if he hadn't been "SICK", he wouldn't have killed himself either. It's hard to believe people can get that sad or mad to kill anyone, much less a child. Their poor family members must be going through hell.
  10. HarleyNana

    Any picky eaters that can help me?

    Congratulations on the team work Lanny, your hubby is lucky to have you involved in his new journey. Although my hubby is excited about my weight loss, he couldn't tell you where the band is or where the port is, only that he thinks I look good, LOL When I was first banded I refused to do Protein Shakes, because I hate milk, yuk! Then I started making my smoothies out of ice, light orange juice, a splash of apple juice (helps with the poop dept), frozen strawberries and oh yeah, 1/2 a banana, blend well. Sometimes when I'm bad, I add a little vodka, although, i'm not advocating wasted calories. Hugs to you both.
  11. I'm 57, and I'd do it again in a heart beat. No regrets here.
  12. HarleyNana

    One Year Today

    Congratulations on your one year and the great weight loss, that's a lot to be proud of. As for getting your head right, you must be happier now and you must like yourself now. I've noticed since I'm at a "happier" weight, I like me better, actually, I like me a lot. I've been banded for over 2.5 years, haven't lost any weight in a year, but I'm maintaining and I'm a healthier person, isn't that what's the most important. I'm 57, so I don't expect to be a size 8, whew, could you imagine the sagging skin, yikes, the only thing that looks worse than fat is that sagging skin. It sounds like you're taking the steps to getting back on track, you've taken a little break, so if you want to reach YOUR goal, you can do it! Congratulations again for a job well done.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
  13. HarleyNana

    Family Support Problems

    Invite your aunt to look at the before and after pics on this site. There are lots of very successful stories here, some not as much as others. Also, if you could push yourself away from the table, you wouldn't be getting the band. Go for it!
  14. HarleyNana

    Age when banded?

    Got ya all beat, I was 54, banded for 2.5 years, now 57, but my mother was banded at 74! She's doing great and she's off her diabetic meds.
  15. HarleyNana

    Band removed -- Back and feeling good

    Oh my, here I am, amongst many others..."checking in", only to discover you've had your band removed. :think I'm so sorry you've been through this and I hope a replacement is soon to come. It's amazing how we go about our "normal" life and forget we're carrying around a foreign object and our body is subject to reject it at any time. This certainly makes me think harder about food choices and eating habits, with so many band removals, it seems evident they're only ours for a short time...:cry. Does anyone have any idea who has had their band the longest on LBT? Any one know anyone with a band over 5 years old? Hugs lady!
  16. HarleyNana

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Hey Dr T patients, I was also banded by Dr. Terracina, almost 2.5 years ago, I was his first lapband patient. Glad to finally see other Peninsula and local area patients on LBT. He's a great doctor, as well as his staff, I just love Danni, his nurse.
  17. HarleyNana

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

    Good Morning Ladies! Congratulations Patty, hope you're feeling better day by day. As for creamy soups, my doctor told me I could have anything that would go through a straw, (but don't use a straw). My fav was blended sausage gravy from Hardees. All soups, especially that Campbells Hand soup, just chew up the food at the bottom and spit it out, LOL, but enjoy the broth. I didn't do protein shakes then, I thought they were all made with milk, YUK, but now I love protein shakes from Tropical Cafe. I used the advertised on TV, Magic Bullet Blender. You can make your own smoothie and add yogurt, and fruit. I had the shoulder/neck pain too, massaging it helped the most. Hope all my other galpals are doing great. WL for me now is none, I need a fill, but I've gotten very comfortable with what I can eat at this point, enjoyably so, which is not a good thing. I plan on a fill middle of June, like Eileenie said, time to get chit or get off the pot. Sherry, you must have been watching the same infomercial as me this am, LMAO, sure made it look easy and fun. Crazy new website, can't get use to the ads, but I figured it was coming. Hugs to you all!
  18. HarleyNana

    just banded and regretful

    I'm sorry to hear you're in THAT much pain. It Does get better. I'm more shocked that your doctor said the band was only good for 10 years. Has anyone else been told that? Hang in there, the What Have I Done, will pass, day three is when it hit me, but I love my band.
  19. HarleyNana

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    I had the nicest post, addressed every one in the April thread, then tried to attach a picture of my grandsons and it was too large, so I went to resize the pic, leaving the thread on the bottom and every damn bit of it was gone. I bet I'd typed for 15 minutes, with this little a$$ font too. Anyway, you can tell I'm pissed and I'm going to bed... Hugs
  20. HarleyNana

    Who Drinks soda?

    I get an urge for a Diet Coke once in a while, but I don't want to jeopardize my band for a few sips. Though it appears from others, some doctors don't have a problem with it, mine does, so I try to abide by his instructions.
  21. HarleyNana

    Alcohol consumption

    I enjoy a "screwdriver" now and then. I find it relaxing, no problem with the band, other than a few wasted calories. I find it even more gratifying in the summer, with ice and frozen fruit, makes a great smoothie.
  22. HarleyNana

    HELP! Anyone out there?

    Too normal, LOL. Liquids in....liquids out.
  23. I'm so glad your daughter is going to be ok. What a horrible thing for all of you to go through. I agree with Kat, she'll be healed before you know it, concentrate on your blessings, not the visual of the past. Hugs to you and your family.
  24. HarleyNana

    pain at port

    My band (and port) is over 2 years old and every now and then my port will be tender. I figure it's a sign I need to go potty. .
  25. HarleyNana

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    Not a tough one to figure, I ride own a Harley and I'm a Nana, plus I didn't start riding until I was a Nana.

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