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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Due this week to be banded

    Hey VC, it's a new day, hope you're feeling better :Banane35:
  2. HarleyNana

    Dr. Deol's Dear John Letter

    Wow what a mess you guys are going through. I have to admit, that's not an area I would have been concerned with prior to surgery, but now I can see where it should be on the list of things to be asked about, PRIOR to surgery. Good luck to you all.
  3. HarleyNana

    Anyone Else 5'1-5'2"??

    I was 5'2, now I'm pushing 5'1, started my band journey in a size 18-20 tops, 16-18 bottoms, now 12's and 14's, but still have to buy XL and 1X for the top. If I'd get up the nerve to do another breast reduction, I'd probably look 20 lbs lighter.
  4. HarleyNana

    Left shoulder pain 5 mos post op

    I had shoulder pain off and on for probably a year. Sorry to hear you're having problems. If it makes you feel better, it's all worth it :Banane35:.
  5. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    I had a hiatal hernia too, I agree with Kat, I think they're quite common. Fixed it during surgery, Dr said, nothing to it. Diane, glad your trip was better than the January trip, the weather was definitely in your favor this time. Kat, when my gson (s) are here, I don't even attempt to pickup anything until they're gone home. It sounds like you have lots of good, quality time with your granddaughter. We have a golf cart, so the grandkids love to ride. I think that was the 1yr old's first word.."ride, ride, ride". Never did pick the other one up yesterday, I'm a bad nana, I ended up meeting DH to look at a new boat. Just for kicks and giggles, we went on a couple of Yachts, I'm talking YACHT. I'd never been on one before, this one had 4 bedrooms, berths, what ever the term is, all with flat screen tvs, 6 pull out, drawer type refrigerators, granite bar and counter top, auto blinds, bath w/shower in two bedrooms, and a washer/dryer combo....only a mere 3.5 MILLION. What do ppl that have that kind of boat do for a living :Banane35:. OK, where are all the galpals hiding out? Have a great day!
  6. Kat, might that be why you're up at 1:10 in the morning, LOL.
  7. HarleyNana

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Gina, not much to have to "go figure", the reporter was at Dr. T's office while patient #2 was there, and asked her if she'd be interested in being in the article, she was also approached about a TV special that HAD been in the works. Also, when I completed my original paperwork, there was a question about being filmed during the operation, and I opted NOT to do that. Just the thought of a non medical person in the OR, with a camera, made me uncomfortable, not to mention the thought of typical hospital war stories....staff infections. Also, the medical editor of our local channel 13 wanted to do a story, not sure if that ever happened or not. So you see, not much to go figure, just a matter of choice...:Banane35:
  8. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    OK, what'a going on? It's been 12 hrs and 4 minutes since my last post....as Eleenie would say...WTF?
  9. HarleyNana

    Due this week to be banded

    It's OK Compton, everyone deals their own way. I had very little tummy pain, except for the few bumps on the way home. The Friday after my Monday surgery, I was out Christmas shopping, we all have different tolerance levels....
  10. HarleyNana

    Due this week to be banded

    Vicki, who did your surgery? Just curious. I was banded on a Monday, home on Tuesday, driving by Wed, so you should be much better today. Welcome to bandland :cool:
  11. HarleyNana

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Oh yeah Gina, it's about time for a fill, I had fried oysters at the Surf Rider in Hampton yesterday. OMG, they were so good, although, after I finished my salad, I only ate a few of them. Have you tried using the darker lettuce, when I go to a salad bar, I only use spinach. Iceburg is such a waste of chewing, no nutrition there. Take Care
  12. HarleyNana

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Heather, as you probably know, it's a buyers market right now. My place is in Kill Devil Hills, on the beach road, MP 6.5, which is pretty central. If I were going to live there year round, I'd probably look on the sound side, a little quieter and not quite as busy, although the sunsets are beautiful. I think a good realtor is key. There's a guy at Sun Realty, his name is Larry Newcomb. Give him a try if you're not with anyone yet. Tell him Pat sent you :cool:
  13. HarleyNana

    A Week From Banding In VA Beach

    LWB, I like the new avatar. Sounds like you and your band are doing well, congratulations on the weight loss.
  14. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Betty, I'm telling you those all nighters are not fun for us grannies :cool: I don't mind days, as a matter of fact, I'm planning on picking up the 3yr old to take to the park today or tomorrow. I'm sure your co workers don't consider your contributions pot luck, I'm sure they're looking forward to your treats. Everyone must have been quite busy this weekend. Hellewwwww girls, where are you?
  15. HarleyNana

    Due this week to be banded

    Tomorrow's you big day, a start to a new healthier, happier you! Best of luck to you.
  16. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Sherry, you silly girl, you can still go advanced, even after you start your post :Banane10: That is some cool stuff you're into! No joking, I think that is so interesting, just a lot to absorb, would love to have the nerve to do the accupuncture. Mandy, never thought about the pancake batter, but I suppose it would work. All this chat about food, I'm going to call my mom to go eat. Hey Diane, Betty, the rest of you ladies, where in the heck are you?
  17. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Mandy, forgot to ask, does that make a puffy batter, like on the poopoo trays? I like a puffy batter, but not too thick any ideas chickies? Sheesh, do I always spell this badly? Had to come back and do spell check on this one too....ok I did say spell, not smell!
  18. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Eileenie, I did NOT refer to you as an ape, you know I love you too much to do that, I can think of a few other names tho, like shugums, sweetsie, Mama of NJ thread, but thanks for bringing me back :Banane10: Cindy, glad you're having some down-Cindy time. Kat, it's so funny, I was in Sams the other day, and this 2yr old was screaming and throwing a fit, this man said, "boy, I don't miss those days" and I said to him, what you said, "that's why we have em young". I so love my gkids, but I do not like all nighters, I need all the beauty sleep I can get. Went to hear the Beach Boys Friday night, went to a fund raising gala, got to dress up, catch a limo, didn't get in til 3:30 in the AM. We had a great time, although the BB were awful. We were standing at the bottom of the stage, as a matter of fact, that's where we sat our drinks while we were jamming, lol. The two originals...talk about oldies, just mimed the songs, made little waves and motions with their hands, but that was it. Then I told the old guy playing the "mini" piano, that I wanted his hat, then he rubbed his fingers together, indicating it would cost me. So I held out a $50.00 bill, he laughed and said, "you're a thousand dollars short"....A$$ Mandy, the social committee sounds like lots of work and a lot of time, just warning ya. Sherry what kind of class is that, sound like something I need, energy and therapy :Banane10: Hugs girlies, gotta run get my badge...you Pogo(ers) know what I'm talking about :biggrin1: (just used the edit, what pain in the a$$, got so busy fixing all that chit that comes up, almost forgot to fix what i came back to fix)
  19. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Kat, today, I hope you're invinsible, big big big ((((((HUGS)))))))
  20. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Diane, glad to hear you're not driving, that would have been a heck of a drive over a couple of days, then again, I get bored with the almost 2 hr drive to the beach, LOL. Kat, I forgot to mention....you're a mess :eek: Where are the rest of my galpals tonight? Alrighty gotta get in bed before Damages comes on, would you believe I haven't found anyone who watches that, but me, can't believe my dedication is keeping that show on the air, LMAO!
  21. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Kat you're in great spirits with all you've been through today alone, not to mention the upcoming pokes, pricks, scans, jams...well you get the pic :eek:
  22. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Mandy, that's not fair, y'all sent an ape after me when I was missing, LOL.
  23. HarleyNana

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Donna, I have a Heritage Sofftail Springer, it's big and heavy. A Road King is a very nice bike. If I were to buy a new bike, I think I'd get a Fat Boy, but I'm not really into the Harley scene much now. We built a new home on the water a few years ago, so my interest have changed to jet skis (much softer landing I might add), and boating. The Harley never came natural to me, it was always a lot of work and lots of anxiety when making sharp turns, especially "U" ies. Janine, the last time I got a fill I was on 24 hour liquids, or at least the rest of the day. As for over eating, it certainly is not good for the band and it defeats the purpose, NOT to say we haven't all done it at some point, especially when we find something new that will go down too easily...(like those chips and salsa). I read a thread on here a few days ago that has really made me think twice about over eating, a bander that lost her band and she had been banded in 2003, so we're all susceptible to over eating and losing our band. Point being, I want to focus more on doing what I can to keep my band, recognizing I'm full, and not just eating because I can, old-bad habits are easy to return. By the way, a tablespoon and be full....hahaha, NOT for me. As long as I eat slow, I can eat a bowl full of soup or chili. Then again, the other day, I couldn't keep down refried beans from Taco Bell, my band is quite finicky. As for what I eat....I don't eat bread and only a few types of crackers, the ones for dipping Sorry, don't want to lose my post, gotta run, Sears Tech is here Hugs!
  24. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    :omg: Did I say that? OK, I went back an read my post, you gals get your mind out of the gutter right now! Although, he does like the way I coordinate my plastic wrap with my outfit....FYI, since I had a minor panic attack due to the needles during my first fill, he prescribed Lano something, a topical, that I put on b4 my fills. I have to cover it with plastic wrap to keep it from getting on my clothes Long story short, he gets a good laugh when I lift my shirt Welcome Diane, you're finally here :clap2: Supposed to be 91 here today, record breaker. Hugs all around.
  25. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    I was self-pay, but my doctor included one year of fills, but at that time he was doing without flouro. I'm sure his "free" feels have gone by the wayside now.

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