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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    lap band vs gastric

    Gastric was NEVER a consideration for me, maybe if I'd been heavier or desperate. I don't judge anyone who has taken that path, but I'm glad the band was an option. I did have to wait a long while for it to become available in my area, when it did, I was the first to have it done, with no regrets.
  2. HarleyNana

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    So where are all the Virginia girls? It's taken forever to get the Virginia thread going, please stay i touch
  3. HarleyNana

    Dr won't give fill for 3 months!

    That doesn't sound right, maybe he put a touch in at the time of placement. I'd be pissed if I had to wait that long. My first fill was 4 weeks after surgery.....it's been a long time, I think that's when it was, lol.
  4. HarleyNana

    more ?S sorry..

    Big time tummy sleeper here, almost 3 years out and every time I flip over, I do think about my tube and port , yeppers still think about it.
  5. HarleyNana


    I remember my first frozen yogurt too, it was from Costco, day 5, out Christmas shopping that day. awwwww.
  6. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Cindy, I'm so impressed you've never PB'd, I don't think Betty has either. Model bandsters the two of you are. I always referred to it as slime, but I have on a couple of times felt like it was coming from my toes, there is a difference, IMO. Mandy, he is HOT! You're looking pretty flat tummied yourself, WTG! Eileenie, if I'd whipped out a boob, he'd probably have tripped over it, now whose laughing, hahahaha! Busy day today girlies, going to a pig pickin, yummmm. Betty, Sherry, Patty, Darcy, Chrisy, Kat, Diane, Rene, Jess and Mary, I know I missed a few, where are your smiling faces? (I see a few of your lurking )
  7. HarleyNana

    Verizon Opt Out..

    Verizon will be giving out cell numbers....YOURS, if you don't opt out now. The number to call is 800-333-9956, stop them in their tracks, can you imagine all the aggravating sales calls, YIKES. It's not a joke, because I have a business plan, I had to call a different number and actually speak to a person, who was very nice and took the necessary action to stop all of my numbers from being passed out. __________________
  8. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Cindy, snow this year? In Texas? So sorry she missed her outing, I barely remember that far back, but field trips were always fun. Chrispy, can't believe it's been over a year, it seems like just a few months ago you were banded, yikes time flies. Chris maybe you'll bet lucky . Oh yeah Cindy, my two sons just had birthdays....drum roll, one turned 30 and the other 34, talk about OLD! Kat, any results yet? Sherry, just take a day, we won't tell :eyebrows:. Hey girlies, Eileenie gave me this # for opting out of Verizon's plan to give out cell numbers, ty ty ty Eileenie, just called and because I've got 11 phones on my plan, I had to call another number, but could you imagine if all my phones were getting slammed with advertising calls, :omg:. The number to call if you're a Verizon customer is 1-800-333-9956, stop them in their tracks :biggrin1:.
  9. HarleyNana

    Cancun Mexico Wedding

    NOT MINE, but a friend is getting married there next week and I wanted to purchase a gift locally or from the hotel. Any suggestions for a wonderful gift or more importantly, who to purchase the gift from? I've emailed the Cancun Palace Resort where they're staying, but haven't heard back yet. I'm a little leary, as I tried this for another friend who was married in Jamaica, and they never received their chocolate and wine gift basket, I was out of $100.00, and the hotel never responded to my disappointment. I was thinking maybe Breakfast in bed one morning. All ideas appreciated
  10. HarleyNana

    Cancun Mexico Wedding

    Thanks for the advice.
  11. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Jess, those happy faces are a pain in the a$$, can't imagine why they can't fix it, wasn't like that in the first years. MsMary, welcome, most of us here have our band, with the exception of a few, ie, signgirl, she's to be banded Oct 31. ILUVHarleys and myself are old timers :mad:..(ok well at least in my opinion) Good Luck!
  12. HarleyNana

    How often do you weigh?

    That weighing every day will pass, trust me . The last time I was weighed was at the doctors office, many months ago. If the clothes still fit that's all that matters to me!
  13. HarleyNana

    NJ October Thread

    Sherry, my tummy was all messed up Monday night, I thought it was because I ate some fried oysters and I don't usually do fried foods. I mean it was tore up, then I thought it might be from the one too many screwdrivers I was having at the Marina, LOL. Yesterday, I got my daily meds, 2B-12s, 1 baby aspirin, two codliver oil pills, and synthroid out of my little Tupperware container, (I dump them all in there, so I only have 1 thing to open), anyway, I had my glasses on, whereas, Monday AM I did NOT have them on, well I started looking at the "baby" aspirin, turns out it was a Dulcolax! (well, it was small like a baby aspirin). Don't know how that little sucker got into my med container, anyway got a good detox, LOL. Betty, hope you didn't have what I had, LOL. Hugs all.
  14. HarleyNana


    I love, love, some salads. When I go out to Ruby Tuesday's I prefer to make mine out of spinach and romaine. I don't care for the iceburg, not much there in the nutritional value. Just chew, chew, and chew some more.
  15. I was banded DEC 4, 2004, I was still on mushies when Christmas arrived, made it through just fine. You'll be much happier with yourself if you have the surgery as soon as possible, otherwise, during the holidays, when you're eating out of control, like you're on a mission to get it all in before the surgery, will just make you feel guilty....getter done!
  16. HarleyNana

    Anyone remember me??

    Welcome back.....(((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Take it a day at a time, try not to keep foods in your home or reach that are bad choices, we all have our comfort foods, not to say that's a good thing. You've done really well to maintain and ONLY gain that little bit back, congratulations for realizing there is a problem now and addressing it NOW.
  17. HarleyNana

    Bodybugg users report here!

    My doctor's office provided that service for me, the first two months I gained 17 lbs of muscle. Sounds like a cool gizmo tho.
  18. HarleyNana

    Drinking and the band

    Screwdriver here, with lite orange juice. Beware, although liquor goes down, keep in mind, the wasted calories.
  19. HarleyNana

    What I've learned since being banded

    To eat very slowly and chew, chew, chew.
  20. Yuk, just think where the soles of those shoes have been. Public restrooms, ewwwwwwwwww, then to track into my home. First thing off when I walk in the door are the shoes, then the bra, :Banane35:.
  21. HarleyNana

    Totally random question - pleaseeeeee

    Just dropped in to say..Kellie, you are looking HOT! Don't you have an anniversary soon? Hugs PS I've been wanting a juicy BLT on toast, with mayo just dripping.
  22. HarleyNana

    What would you change?

    I'd like to have a beautiful smile. I have small teeth, which never show when I talk or smile. I'd like to be more productive, I spend way too much time on the computer. My hubby, he's completely bald, which is fine with me, but I'm sure he would love to have a head full of hair. He's a wonderful father and grandfather, needs attention in being a better husband, (IMO), he tends to favor himself more than me. For instance, he gets to hold the remote at night and not only selects the channel, but the volume :omg:. Every time the phone rings, I tell him it's the ppl down the river, asking us to turn the TV down, they're trying to watch different channel. :biggrin1:.
  23. HarleyNana


    Well aren't you Ms Popularity. I don't know that many ppl, LOL. On another note, that's a lot of deleting :Banane35:
  24. HarleyNana


    Sending out the flying monkeys to find VQ ....:Banane35:
  25. HarleyNana

    Just getting started in Richmond

    Hey C, your time is getting very close. Didn't have a prediet, just nothing to eat after noon on the day before, that was tough enough, LOL. I'm sure your surgery will be a cinch. Good Luck! (So nice to finally see the Virginia thread active)

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