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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    Wendy's Chili Recipe

    Pat's recipe: 1-large crock pot 4-5 cans of Stagg steak and beef chili 2-packs of powdered chili mix 2-3 cans of chopped tomatoes sea salt to taste simmer for a few hours, ppl will think you cooked all day
  2. HarleyNana

    A word of encouragement!

    Hang in there gang, what you're experiencing is normal, remember, unless your doctor added a smidgen of fill during surgery, you're empty and for a reason, you're still healing! Now is the time to get your head where it needs to be, remember the band is your friend and a tool, it's up to you to make the right choices. I do not eat bread, rice, or potatoes of any kind, three years later and I don't even attempt the above. I try not to eat anything "white". I don't like yogurt or cottage cheese or milk, so it hasn't been a problem for me, LOL. Good luck to all of you!
  3. HarleyNana

    I'm in hell...band too tight

    Elizabeth, just be sure your aunt doesn't hit the tube, I'm sure she's experienced, but that's always a possibility. My first year of fills was without flouro, fortunately, I didn't have a lot the first year and have only had one under flouro, which is the only way to go for me. I remember after one fill, I couldn't keep Water down, and my doctor did a slight unfill before I left his office. He always had me wait a few minutes and sip some water before I left. So sorry you have so far to travel, yikes! Have you tried crushed ice?
  4. HarleyNana

    Off the wagon

    When I start to fall, I start to think of the stress and pressure I must be putting on my band and the last thing I want to do is lose my band! That's my personal way to get back on track. (Hey Jack, we've been around for a while, LOL)
  5. HarleyNana

    Bummed out by new development

    I didn't have a medical cancellation, so sorry you did, but my doctor had to reschedule, almost a month later, i was so disappointed. Hugs!
  6. HarleyNana

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Lets see, what did I have yesterday, remember I'm an old bandster, over three years... Two bowls of clam chowder at Red Lobster, less any potatoes, I always ask the server to make it as soupy as possible, regardless of where I'm ordering. Dinner, saucer size dish of salad and salad size plate of wheat spaghetti with a little ranch dressing mixed with the tomato sauce and a couple of screwdrivers :biggrin:)
  7. HarleyNana

    Loose skin and sores

    I would suggest Goldbond powder, I never had that issue, but my mom does. It's good stuff and they have the cream as well.
  8. HarleyNana

    First Stuck/Slime/PB Episode

    So sorry, not to laugh, but welcome to Bandland! The absolute worst spit back I ever had was from a pretzel, and it was one of those mini ones. I was on my way out the door, grabbed one, chewed, NOT well enough, swallowed!!! OMG, I spit for probably 1/2 hour. Chew, chew, chew...)
  9. HarleyNana

    Combining surgeries question.

    In my opinion, a body lift is an entire operation in itself. I had a counsult with one ps who wouldn't combine the TT and breast redu/lift, yet he would do the breast along with some eye work. Yet, the other three had no problems doing the TT/breast work together. I think it's so very important you have the support and help you need when you get home, but NOT to the point you don't get up and move around. I truly believe that is what helped me heal and do so well, was my hubby insisted I move around at least every hour, (when not sleeping), to avoid blood clots. If I kept my knees bent too much or sat on my feet, which I love to do, he'd remind me to straighten them out. I don't want to scare anyone, but almost a year ago to the date of my surgery, a friend of a friend died from a blood clot, because she refused to get out of bed, other than to go potty, and her family knowing she was in pain, got everything for her. Her family admitted they should have insisted she move around more, she was my inspiration to keep moving, may she rest in peace.
  10. HarleyNana

    Nina's Plastics journey

    I had visited four ps, the one I finally chose was actually in the same practice as the first one I talked to, but I felt most comfortable with him and he wasn't all about doing the implants. He felt I had enough to work with and advised to go without them for now and if not happy he would do the implants later, but didn't advise it. I even told him when before he started the surgery, that if he felt I needed them, I'd leave it to his discretion. He also had me hold the smallest he had to offer and they were heavy, which he reminded me was one of my reasons for wanting the reduction. I have to admit, if I were younger, I know I would have opted to do the implants, say if I was the age I was when I had it done the first time, but not now. I'm just glad it's done, that I went through with it and didn't chicken out and blessed that I bounced back so quickly.
  11. HarleyNana

    February/March 08 plastics

    Karey, I feel very close to 100%, although, I still hold the tummy if I sneeze or cough too hard. I still use the TT not to lift anything over 10 lbs, like the laundry basket, hehehe. I had muscle work done with the breast reduction/lift as well, so can't take any pressure there yet, although, he didn't remove my nipples, because they were already in place from B-reduction years ago, (I always say my doctor allowed for droopage, the nipples pointed to the ceiling), now they're right where they belong. When I'm not on my laptop, I'll attach a pic of me before LB and before the last reduction. I'm not a hero, by any means, and I'm a real wimp when it comes to "visuals" or even thinking about pulling out the tubes again, ugh! I've got a few stitches that failed to dissolve, had a friend try to pull them out and OUCH! I'm more anxious for the scars to dissipate, I'm using my Mederma every day and I bought tea tree oil to start using as well. Does anyone know if it's too late for me to start using the herb that starts with an "A", sold at GNC? Thanks for all the compliments...hugs and good luck to you all.
  12. HarleyNana

    February/March 08 plastics

    Oh, Nina, you're making me blush, I have to admit, (again), I do like my new BB (belly button) and TT.
  13. HarleyNana

    Ladies-Perfect Cup Size?

    Awww, thanks Destiny, but you didn't see the droopy skin on the inner thighs, which is kind of hard to hide with a bathing suit on , oh well, at almost 58, not bad I guess. DH keeps asking if the "girls" are ready to come out and play :biggrin:
  14. HarleyNana

    Ladies-Perfect Cup Size?

    Ty, didn't make it to Victoria's today, went to Macy's and didn't find what I wanted there :eek:. The girls are still pretty big, I so hope they go down some, the doctor said give it time .
  15. HarleyNana

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    Thank you Kat, but it was horrible to me, I just wish the TT had lifted my inner thighs just a tad, just enough to pull the skin a little tighter , So glad it's behind me and looking forward to getting out of these compression garments and to stop itching, LOL.
  16. HarleyNana

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    ok here is my front butt, thank goodness that thing is GONE!
  17. HarleyNana

    February/March 08 plastics

    This is just another shot of the after
  18. HarleyNana

    February/March 08 plastics

    This is a few days after they came out
  19. HarleyNana

    February/March 08 plastics

    This is a before the drains came out.
  20. HarleyNana

    February/March 08 plastics

    Hey girls, so sorry about all the issues at hand , I missed a few days and a lot of info. Hugs all around. Thought I'd drop a couple of pics to view for a few days, then I'll be deleting them. This is obv a b4 with the dog ears.
  21. HarleyNana

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    this was after tubes were taken out
  22. HarleyNana

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    about 10 days later, still bruised
  23. HarleyNana

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    One more after
  24. HarleyNana

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    and another...
  25. HarleyNana

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    Ok this one is a about a week later.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
