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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyNana

  1. HarleyNana

    My one year bandiversary

    Ok Teresa, that does it, you need a new avatar, you are soooo much younger and prettier than that avatar makes you look, it's definately time for a change. You've lost almost 100 lbs, show it off girl. You're looking great, we're all so proud of you, now about that avatar.
  2. HarleyNana

    Weightloss Challenge

    I'm so excited, I just reached my second goal, the loss of 40 lbs, 40.5 to be exact. Woooohoooo! It's amazing what an unfill can do. Please fellow bandsters, don't try to be a hero and stick it out if you're filled too tight, it just slows your weight loss down.
  3. HarleyNana

    Unfilled and now can eat....

    Corgi, I can soooo relate. I had a fill on April 6, last week after pbing everyday for a month and being totally miserable, I went for an unfill. OMG, I can not tell you how happy I am with my unfill, I'm thrilled. I have a 4cc band and according to my doctor, that size is very fickle. I can attest to that! Not only am I feeling great, I've reached my second goal, 40 lbs, I'm on cloud nine. It's so true, you have to eat to lose weight. Not being able to keep anything down, I wasted a month and lost very little weight, since my unfill I've lost 5 lbs, tooting my own horn here! Good luck!
  4. HarleyNana

    Pouch question??

    I never know I'm full until I start to pb, then pretty much everything comes back or at least it seems like it. I'm still working on the smaller bites and more chewing, you'd think after 5 months it would be the natural way to eat instead of still eating too fast or not chewing enough.
  5. HarleyNana

    Newbie says hello

    Actually, it's surely small amounts, but it's also healthier food choices too. The band is a great tool and it helps to stay on track and focus on eating healthier. I choose Protein and fruits now where as before it was bread and potatoes. Not washing and flushing your food down with liquid during a meal is probably one of the toughest changes, although, after 5 months, it's not that hard any more, cause if I do, then it's coming back.
  6. HarleyNana

    Newbie says hello

    I'm sure you'll do fine, your life will change, but it's for the better. I love my band.
  7. HarleyNana


    Oh my, so soon, I was five months out on the 6th, I told my DH, only one more month to go, LMAO. Just kidding folks.
  8. HarleyNana

    only 2 more sleeps

    I'm excited for you. I remember my days just before. My only regret is that I didn't eat that hamburger, LOL. Good luck!
  9. HarleyNana

    Band Attachment Technique

    That's the way mine was "installed". I was under the impression it's pretty much the way it's done these days. Also, on the larger bands, a little fluid is put in during surgery, whereas before, the bands were left completely empty. I always surprise my doctor when he gets ready to tell me a new development with the band, because I've usually already heard about it here. I have the smaller band, which was still stitched into place.
  10. HarleyNana

    Motorcycle fun

    How many bikes to you own collectively? 6. What kind of bikes, and how big? All Harleys- A 1966-3 wheeler w/ side shifter and reverse, 81 wide glide, 84 FLH, 94 Heritage, 99 Heritage and mine, a 97 Heritage softtail springer with all the bells and whistles, it's a hoss, LOL Do you always wear protecive gear? if not, why not? I always wear a helmet and gloves and long pants and boots, (so I can reach the ground). Have you ever taken a safety class? Absolutely, I'd never ridden a bike before my safety class. Have you every had an serious accident? No, I did drop it once, I'd made my turn and was starting to ride down a hill and the guy beside me, his bike cut off. Well, I learned really quick you don't stop and hold up a 800 lb bike once it's in a turn. Fortunately I only hurt my turn signal and scared the crap out of me. I also was behind my DH in my car with my son, and watched in horror as his bike locked up and he went about 500' down the road on his back and side, still holding on for dear life until he finally let go and rolled into a ditch. They picked gravel out for about 2 hours, and he was on a highway, thank God for helmets. Oh yes, I'm a fair weather rider, I don't ride when it's too cold and I don't ride when it's hot, I save those hot days for the Jetski. __________________
  11. HarleyNana

    I'm discouraged!!!!

    Sure it's normal, you don't have a fill yet AND you're still healing. What really helps is to make good choices. If you're hungry it's ok to eat, but eat something with lots of Protein, not only does it keep you full longer, it's healthier and helps build muscle. When's your first fill? DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! YOU'RE DOING GREAT!
  12. HarleyNana

    Emrg - For Those Completely Unfilled

    Sorry the unfill didn't take away the pain, keep us informed.
  13. HarleyNana

    Scales not moving

    I got into that slump too, #1 I wasn't eating enough, your body really does hold onto your food, be it good or bad calories, also I had gained 12 lbs of muscle. Stay off the scales, they can be your worst enemy. Do like Katie did on the Today show, take a hammer to it and get you the ones that measure muscle. Good luck!
  14. HarleyNana

    Today is My One Year Bandiversary

    Nice pictures, congratulations on hanging in there Harley girl.
  15. Most of us would be happy to be at a goal of 163. I'm 5'1 and when I get to 160 that may very well be goal for me, then again, I'm 55, so I don't ever expect to be 125 again, (like I was for a week in 1982, LOL). The band is definately a tool, it's not a cure all, we still have to make good choices every day, the band does not do all the work for us, but by golly it does help.
  16. HarleyNana

    Finally a picture of me!

    You look wonderful. Heck you don't have but one chin, what's up with that if you're suppose to be 40?
  17. HarleyNana

    home from the hosiptal

    Congratulations to all of our new bandsters. Good luck on your journey.
  18. HarleyNana

    Were Moving!

    Actually Paula, you'll be more stressed than the kids. Once they meet new playmates and friends, they'll be good to go. Now you and DH on the other hand, OMG, all that packing and unpacking and sorting and giving away and lifting and lifting and lifting, are you tired yet? I'm tired just thinking about it. When we moved 3 years ago we'd been in the same house 22 years, talk about some packing. I had two major stacks of boxes, keepers and garage sale, over half of my new garage was filled with garage sale boxes, I made a bundle. What inlaws, no mortgage, just don't forget to put that money you would have been spending on mortgage in a really good investment, perhaps rental property. I'm not a realtor, but I am an investor in real estate and that's where you money will be the safest. If you sell your home, you could probably buy several. Above all means....do not spend the money, invest it! Sorry didn't mean to lecture.
  19. HarleyNana

    Last Meal

    Oh, please have a great big juicy hamburger for me.
  20. HarleyNana

    Post Op Pain

    I tried Betty's favorite, Apple Juice, OMG, it worked, so, now it's a small bottle of apple juice every day, sure keeps things moving, if you get my drift. Just toot away Trish, that gas will be gone in no time, hehehe
  21. HarleyNana

    Newbie - Banded 4th April

    Welcome, soon you'll be changing that name to Little Belly Kellie! My mom was banded on the 7th of April. She's gets her fill some time in May.
  22. HarleyNana

    Feel So Much Better...

    I'm proud of you for knowing your body and realizing an unfill is what you needed. Take care of yourself.
  23. HarleyNana

    Sweet spot, fact or fiction????

    Karen, I'm happy you have found your sweet spot, I'm still struggling with this tight fill. As little as I've eaten, I feel like I should have lost 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks, LOL.
  24. HarleyNana

    Urine issue

    I'm not sure where I fit in, Veteran, nah, not at 5 months, newbie, probably not, but I hate when someone tells someone to do a search. There's new stuff every day, what may have or may not have worked in the search might work for a newbie. If it's old shoe to you, then just pass and go on to something else, but if you have something to add, what's the problem. Not all news is old news.
  25. HarleyNana

    Urine issue

    I ate a lot of crushed ice too when I couldn't get enough water down. I luv ice, especially with oj, a sliced of banana, and a little vodka, hehehe. Oh, that's not the right liquids, oops.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
