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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MintyFresh

  1. Well, it looks like I'm not going to be a June bander after all. After a long talk with my extremely supportive husband, I'm going to hold off until the beginning of September. There are a lot of things coming up in the next two months between his work (June is his busiest month of the year and he needs to get his numbers up by the 31st even though he is willing to take two days off and possibly not make his numbers) and our two upcoming family vacations to visit each of our folks. If I didn't do it this week, there would be no more than a 3-week break in between each of our vacations.

    I'm feeling very confident though. I'm losing well on this pre-op diet, and I'm surprisingly not finding it as difficult as I thought. I still plan to do a variation of this diet (I'm not on all liquids like some) and then go for my band in September when the kids start school again and things quiet down (unless for some reason I actually have the staying power and lose another 25 pounds by the end of summer).

    I hope you guys don't mind me following along on how you are all doing though!

  2. So, I'm a bit nervous --

    It turns out my husband has to work the Saturday after my banding on Thursday (2 days later). I've got two kids, 3 and 6, who are extremely hyperactive at times. What happens if I am not "recovered" enough to take care of them that day (feed them, stop them from wrecking the house, etc).

    How did everyone else fair 2 days after postop? (Unfortunately, there is no one here to take the kids for the day).

  3. My romantic love turned into my best friend. A decade or so later, we may not be as "romantic" (kids, stress, fat, etc) as we were when we first got together, but our "friendship" more than makes up for it for us. Unconditional love, support, laughter, and excitement to see each other is what keeps us going all this time later!

  4. You know what really bothers me. "Society" is supposed to have a BMI of 15 to 25 right? Well, my absolute lowest goal that I feel would be good for me would put me at a BMI of 24 -- the high end! What is up with that? If I ended up with a BMI of 15, I'd look like a skeleton!

  5. Add me to the other parents who are having "slight" second thoughts because of their kids here! I have two young ones, ages 3 and 6. But I have to keep reminding myself of the rewards -- I will be able to go out and be active with them, I will be able to be the cool mom and run around the park with them and go bike riding and swimming, I will be able to take them for a hike and play basketball with them. I want to be that mom. So that is why I have to do this for me.

  6. Kim, I'm very interested in finding out the answer you get.

    Though I do think a call to your Dr.'s office would be a good idea and perhaps talk to the nurse there just for your piece of mind. At least if it isn't the "norm", they can tell you whether you need to worry or not or give you suggestions as to what to do to relieve it better.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  7. First off, this forum is absolutely awesome. I am so glad that I found it!

    I would love to make a suggestion to have instead of one long ongoing monthly thread that we can have monthly subforums instead. It is so hard to keep up and support the other members in my monthly group because we are so active (50 posts plus a day in one thread with many different discussions). This way we can all support each other more because we will be able to read everyones concerns and comments.

    Thank you for the consideration! ;)

  8. I gotta share this.....I'm so bummed out tonight. I really want to be in the mid 250's when I go for surgery. I thought I would be by now. My weight is not budging one bit since Monday. I've been on antibiotics this week....definitely not constipated. I'm so worried that even with the band I won't lose weight. I am starving on 700 calories and not losing weight? WUWT?

    Maybe your body thinks you are starving yourself because you aren't taking in enough calories right now so it is really slowing your metabolism down. Why don't you try maybe 1000 non-fat calories for a few days and see how it goes?

  9. we also had to increase our mortgage by $15k which is a little scary but a great motivator!!

    I can totally relate. We did the same thing. Actually, it was my husband's idea to do it. He says he'd rather be in a little debt than have me miserable for another day.

  10. What about having a "prime" area where there are forums that you can only access if you are a subscriber. This happens on another board I go to. We pay $25 a year for access to a number of other forums (where all the good stuff is).

    I'd love to see a real forum for my June 2007 banders instead of just having one thread. Also, perhaps some more non-banding forums if you are a paid subscriber so we can talk about other stuff?

  11. Rita, I am so sorry! I am relieved though that you are getting "fixed up" so that you will be really healthy when it comes time to being banded.

    As for me - I start my official 2-week pre-op diet tomorrow morning! Yikes!!! Did anyone else feel a bit of anxiety before starting the pre-op diet knowing that this is really getting closer to really happening??

  12. Morning everyone!

    Good luck to our banders this week! I'm very excited for you!

    I have to share something though... I did really well this past week eating-wise. Just eating really healthy, trying to modify my portions, etc. Dropped almost 3 pounds. I went through a period for about an hour when I thought that "you know, I think I could do this on my own and not spend this XXX amount of money which could go towards bills." My husband was trying to be supportive, but I could tell he didn't think it was a good idea.

    Sure enough, later that evening we went out to dinner to Mexican (since he is starting his diet tomorrow - Atkins), and I ended up eating a huge portion of my fajitas.

    I realize I really need this surgery. I really need this tool to help me curb my portions.

  13. Huntersmom, that is really scary!!! I'm glad you are "back with it."

    As for me, I'm still a week away from my pre-surgery diet, but I have been working really hard this week eating better (not great admittedly) and starting to exercise. And I lost 3 pounds!! I basically took out all fried foods and high-sugary foods out this past week. Since I don't drink soda, I don't really have to worry about that. I exercised 3 times this week (boy, am I out of shape). But still - 3 pounds!! Whoo hoo!

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