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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jdhj861

  1. Thank you for reading my post, I have been banded for over a year and a half, I love my lap band, there is a lot of work required, you still have to eat right and exercise. I am having a lot of swelling on my knee, I know I will need arthroscopic surgery one day to fix the cartlige tear, had mri in 1991, just never had insurance. I have always been able to ice it and the swelling would go away, I know I can't take the nsaids, and tylenol liquid does not seem to help. I have been playing full court basketball and doing the preqor machine at least 3-5 time a week. I'm 35 now and even with the band my metabolism is still at a snails pace. Since I had my band I have maintained a 75lbs loss which puts me at 250lbs, i can still lose another 30-50lbs, but I am very comfortable at my weight, I have been taken off my blood pressure meds, so I am very happy. I was hoping if anybody has some suggestions on what I can take for the swelling that will bhe safe with my band- Thankyou and GO GATORS 2008 National Champs!!
  2. I was banded July 9th, 2007 by Dr. Zapata in Monterrey Mexico, I have nothing but the utmost respect for him and his staff. I weighed in at a whopping 325, down to 243 as of today. I love my Lapband. I live in Gainesville Florida, for my fills I use fill centers USA- Kathy Gonzales in Milinneum Medical in Pineles Park, they are awsome. Enough about me, I never expierenced heartburn before, not until recently, took some Malox seemed to clear it up, I just got filled last tuesday, I'm incredibly tight- lost 9lbs in one week, which is nice, the following year I lost about six lbs a month and was very satisfied, 20 more lbs and I'll be in onederland and that is a great weight for me. Now about the problem, when I lay down at night I seem to fall asleep, like usual, about 2 hours later I wake up gagging and coughing uncontrollable, it almost feels like my salivia or mucos is running down the wrong pipe, it is not acid and it does not hurt. After I cough and finally go back to sleep , an hour later the same thing, I finally have to fall asleep sitting up, that is a pain in the but. I tried eating mushies for the last two days and eating before 6pm, no luck. Please if anyone has any info, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Danny
  3. I really appreciate the advice. Danny

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